Sphinx of Foresight

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sphinx of Foresight

Creature — Sphinx

You may reveal this card from your opening hand. If you do, scry 3 at the beginning of your first upkeep.


At the beginning of your upkeep, scry 1.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

8 months ago

Minor Rev

  • Replace Conspiracy Unraveler with Sphinx of Foresight. Conspiracy Unraveler doesn't work the way I thought it did. I replaced it with a cheap sphinx because that's what I need in this slot. Hopefully the scry 3 can help some of my early game hands.

Wbg1415 on Another infect question.

4 years ago

Opponent swings with Hand of the Praetors and I block with Sphinx of Foresight but also cast Blossoming Defense on Sphinx. After combate would Sphinx power and toughness be at 3 or 1 after turn?

PyroSwardsman on Yuriko Test

4 years ago

The deck is looking pretty good. I like the creature base you have chosen, there are a couple questionable creatures though. Cloudreader Sphinx seems kind of bad in this deck. If you just want a flying scryer, perhaps Sphinx of Foresight, Prognostic Sphinx, Stormwing Entity, or Siani, Eye of the Storm.

Passwall Adept is just not good enough. its too much of a resource drain. Opt is not helpful in this deck since you immediately draw the card after scrying. Cunning Evasion wont do much good I am thinking since most of your creatures wont be blocked anyway.

In my opinion, you need a few less low CMC cards and a few more high CMC that you can use to get Yuriko damage in. For cuts, I would start by looking at any creatures that cost CMC 2/3 that dont provide value other than being unblockable (Invisible Stalker, Vault Skirge (love that card btw). I would then look at replacing sorceries with instants where possible. Darksteel Pendant and Crystal Ball are not good enough in my opinion and are too much of a resource investment unless there is some sort of artifact strategy I am missing. Dimir Keyrune provides interesting utility but is inefficient. Consider Arcane Signet instead or perhaps even Dark Ritual. Thran Dynamo is fairly efficient for cost to mana provided but it seems most of your mana needs are for color. Key to the City is for yuriko after she is out I assume.. I would probably run Aqueous Form instead because it has a scry effect on attack which is pretty desirable.

Here are some cards to consider in not much particular order:

Zhalfirin Void

Moonring Island

Chromatic Orrery (high cmc and provides a lot of mana)

Mission Briefing (can add card to graveyard for delve and recast Brainstorm which is arguably one of the best cards in the deck)


Chain of Vapor (way to return a card to hand as well as an opponents card or cards)

Archaeomancer (can get brainstorm back and can be returned to hand with ninjitsu potentially)

Harsh Scrutiny

Shrieking Drake

Archetype of Imagination

Flood of Tears (this is a pet card of mine. You can return a bunch of cheap creatures and then put out something big like a Chromatic Orrery)

Lim-Dul's Vault

Scroll Rack (spendy but so good)


Spire Owl

Diabolic Vision


Spy Network

Trickery Charm (does multiple things you want)

Beseech the Queen

The Magic Mirror

The Cauldron of Eternity

Deep-Sea Kraken

Avatar of Woe

Void Beckoner

Dead Drop


Curse of the Cabal

Connive / Concoct

Grozoth (requires you to build around it to be worthwhile but can be good)

Scion of Darkness

Treasure Cruise

Baral's Expertise

RhythmBeast on Siani & Eligeth

4 years ago

I just built these two together the other night, and I love seeing how other people get on similar ideas and brew like this. I ended up taking apart a sub-par Baral deck to build this, so there are a few differences and possible card ideas I thought you might consider. Isochron Scepter and Dramatic Reversal are always good for mono-blue decks that need to bring a lot of mana and have enough supporting artifacts. Thassa, God of the Sea has a passive scry ability and can give unblockability when needed. Talrand, Sky Summoner, Murmuring Mystic, and Docent of Perfection  Flip are great ways to build a flyer army from playing instants and sorceries. Eyes Everywhere, Sphinx of Foresight, and Retreat to Coralhelm have great passive scry abilities. I like the idea of tossing Psychic Impetus on an opponents creature for free draws on other turns, or just throw it on one of your own creatures. Finally, I think the only other cards I had that are notable are Spark Double and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. I cut a lot of my more costly (mana-wise) one-time scry cards, and a few of my lower cost scry spells that don't do much on their own or arent gonna get great value sans the commanders.

multimedia on Yennett, Tribal Sovereign

5 years ago

Hey, Liliana Vess is odd CMC and her -2 is amazing with Yennett. Can be a repeatable tutor that puts the card you tutor for on top of your library. Aminatou can blink Liliana to reset her loyalty back to 5. If you're looking for a card that can repeatable tutor to replace Planar Portal, try Liliana.

I did suggest Omen of the Sea, but now that you have added Ancestral Knowledge you could cut Omen as Knowledge is just a better card with Yennett and Aminatou. Soul Manipulation only has one mode that works when you cheat it with Yennett, it could be cut. I know you're playing Sphinx, but Sphinx of Foresight is pretty lackluster compared to the other Sphinx.

River's Rebuke is even CMC which makes it less appealing as well as only targeting one player can be subpar in multiplayer Commander. I did suggest Rush of Knowledge and it seems good, but if you're looking for a card to cut, it could be it. Liliana is also 5 CMC and it's much better than Rush. Odd CMC tutors can replace draw spells since they function better than draw, getting the card you want at that moment.

Khunzo on How to break standard --- 3 easy steps!!!

5 years ago

I played this version (well, my very slightly different build) twice last.

I absolutely walloped a Jund Midrange deck - Game 1 I ended with like 8 Pegasi in play and Game 2 the other guy just up and left after I Shattered the Sky.

But I lost pretty decisively to Jeskai Fires - Game 1 I didn't have an answer to Fires of Invention and got overrun by a Sphinx of Foresight, a Bonecrusher Giant, and a Cavalier of Flame before I could get my shit together. Game 2, I sideboarded out -4 Alseids and -1 Birth of Meletis for +2 Aether Gust, +2 Dovin's Veto, and +1 Heliod's Intervention. I won Game 2 with a stream of removal/denial and 4 rounds of Trawler attacks. Game 3, my opponent drew 3 Fires of Invention! I cancelled the first two, but had nothing for the third. With 6 untapped lands, my opponent dropped Kenrith, the Returned King and a Cavalier of Flame, juiced and hasted them both, and gave me a 17 point hit to the face. No coming back from that.

I'm not really sure what I could have done better to face that deck. But I definitely felt a bit outclassed.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Mono Blue Kraken + Flyers

5 years ago

Nice decklist, not sure if there's enough here to deal with mono-red though. Have you considered Leyline of Anticipation to help keep your mana open during your turn (adding two to the devotion count doesn't hurt either =)). Sphinx of Foresight might be a nice fit as it'll help smooth out draws and has flying to boot. Stern Dismissal can also help out in a pinch. Hope this helps.

Sephyrias on Yanling's Flyers

5 years ago

What about Brazen Borrower?

Faerie Miscreant can be useful. Maybe Hypnotic Sprite, but it's a pretty weak card.

I'd definitely remove the Air Elementals. If you want a big beater, rather play Cavalier of Gales or Sphinx of Foresight. Heck, even Faerie Formation is stronger.

Cerulean Drake is a must-have for the sideboard in a deck like this.

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