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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Demon


Delve (You may exile cards from your graveyard as you cast this spell. Each card you exile while casting this spell pays for .)

Icbrgr on MBC: Classic 8-Rack

1 year ago

Awesome suggestion! I think The Mycosynth Gardens could probably take the place of Ghost Quarter in the main and move ghost to the side; but there is ALWAYS a Titan/Hammertime player at my LGS I just didn't see them last night. But thank you I'm gonna get me some of them!

I was honestly on the verge of cutting Smallpox but the effect although horrible for everyone makes Tombstalker or any delve creature Tasigur, the Golden Fang/Gurmag Angler really easy to reliably cast; and the 5 toughness was what allowed me to win against Rhinos.

I have done zero playtesting against any decks running The One Ring... I think my main goal is to just not let them cast it at all via discard because I'm pretty sure I just lose if it resolves when they have 4+ life and/or have 1+ card in hand... Shrieking Affliction can still hurt them; but if they draw all the cards that's not gonna get it done...and I'm just not sure what I would do with a copy of the ring... dig for Pithing Needle/other sideboard cards?... Idk I'll playtest it and get a better understanding of it (I have a full playset of Phyrexian Metamorph just collecting dust so why not?)

capwner on MBC: Classic 8-Rack

1 year ago

Yeah the Ghost Quarter thing makes sense, this deck cares a lot about black pips. Hmm other ideas maybe 1 of Tasigur, the Golden Fang as a cheaper delver option/to diversify, probably wouldn't do this unless you are finding yourself frequently unable to cast the Tombstalkers...

Also what about Phyrexian Metamorph to clone racks or your opponent's Ring? As a sideboard card maybe? Seems like it would also be good cloning your stalkers. The Mycosynth Gardens to clone racks too and still can make black!

Xargus on You've got Pox

1 year ago

I think Nether Spirit and Tombstalker are problematic together as they anti-synergize. You may use delve to remove additional Nether Spirit from graveyard but I found this combo to be risky when you end up with both in the graveyard. I'd say you either you go creatures in general or you stick to 1-3 Nether Spirit and use artifact creatures from lands like Mishra's Factory or Chimeric Idol.

wallisface on Control monoblack in need for …

2 years ago

RockIV yeah strict control decks will often only be running 8-or-less creatures. The important thing there is to make sure you can stall the game out long enough with your disruption spells, and then make sure the few creatures you do run can finish the game.

In that regard something like Bloodghast is more useful to a black control deck than Tombstalker, because Bloodghast is a LOT harder to permanently deal with, and so resembles an inevitable win so long as you can maintain control of the game. Tombstalker just dies to the first killspell your opponent draws.

RockIV on Control monoblack in need for …

2 years ago

Tombstalker seems great , it will be very easy to play it for two mana only. Maybe having like 10 or 11 creatures will be a better way to go, than having more 3 and 4 mana creatures and less removal/discard

Dead_Blue_ on Control monoblack in need for …

2 years ago

Mono Black creatures do usually suck but stuff like Tombstalker could work well

zapyourtumor on Gatekeepers (Burn)

3 years ago

Personally I think Goblin Guide shouldn't have too much of a downside.

Necropolis Fiend is like a terrible version of Tombstalker with a very mana intensive ability you probably won't be using, so I recommend cutting all 4.

Instead I'd suggest 4x Dragon's Rage Channeler + Mishra's Bauble and replacing Festival Crasher with Guides or maybe Soul-Scar Mage to get extra damage from Bauble.

I'd probably cut the two walkers they aren't doing enough.

Eidolon of the Great Revel is another option which is an absolute beating with Scourge (theres a reason why almost every burn list runs 4 of it even though it seems like suicide).

Claim / Fame could be good here although maybe a little slow, but it lets you get back any creature that was removed (besides Fiend which is bad) and you can cast the other half mid game to get those final few points of damage in (Fame is also brutal with giving Scourge haste).

And for the manabase I suggest cutting Blackcleave Cliffs and Urborg for more fetches, so you can aggressively lower your life total better for Scourge. Arid Mesa is the cheapest Rx fetch (and red is more important than black) so I recommend running that one.

amicdeep on

3 years ago

Yeah I think rotting regi needs a mb slot that discard is something that's currently in short supply and it's got a huge body and is a solid unearth target as is. Jace, Vryn's Prodigy may be a solid pic in a non budget list.

The other auto include I think is Persist in most cases this is unearth copys 4-8

If you do run persist having a couple hail Mary's plays in Tombstalker (solid reanimation target and can be played for 2-3 and can use none creature cards from your gy that get milled incidentally.

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