Skirge Familiar

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Skirge Familiar

Creature — Imp


Discard a card: Gain .

Zigen on EDH NecroPotentence

1 week ago

OH dont I know it :-D
I do have a few in the deck for countering the life lost, mainly Drain Life and a few functional reprints as well as Exsanguinate for a table effect mixed with Feast of Sanity. so it would play like this.

~~If the Commander is out on the field~~ I make sure that there is a bunch of cards in exile (say half the deck) ie. I would have till the end of my turn to gain life.

I would discard enough cards to feed Skirge Familiar then cast Exsanguinate each opponent would lose 40 life, and I would gain 40x amount of players (Friday it was 3) and since Feast of Sanity is a triggered effect I would be able to distribute 1 point of damage per card discarded to any target giving myself 40 additional life.

~~if the Commander were to be in the graveyard~~ Necrotic Ooze would be in play as well as Skirge Familiar (in or out of the graveyard) I would do the same thing however since the commander is in the graveyard the binding contract is not effected I would draw the cards with out the penalty of losing life from Asmodeus the Archfiends second ability. (correct me if I am wrong on this).. then I would cast Exsanguinate or Drain Life or a functional.

one fall back would be to add in Crypt Rats or Pestilence and have out Darksteel Myr and have Magebane Armor on the Necrotic Ooze for a repeatable effect... this plan would be a last ditch effort.

you know I like playing glass cannons :-D

Barjack521 on Cheap deck always wins.

1 month ago

I realize I'm something like 10 years late to the party but have you considered adding Slaughter Pact? it could be useful for dealing with things that shut down commanders like Drannith Magistrate and since it's technically zero CMC it won't matter for the Ad Nauseam life loss. Plus spot removal can come in handy lots of ways if someone is playing creature stax pieces or something less subtle like a Platinum Angel. The other suggestions I had were Rain of Filth and/or Bubbling Muck which can each be used to go off earlier. I copied this deck and added a Skirge Familiar and an Exsanguinate and a Torment of Hailfire rather than use the zombie swarm cards as my alternate win con. If they stop the sickening dreams / dark sphere I can use the familiar to discard the rest of my hand to drain them out.

Doombeard1984 on The Bog of Eternal Stench

4 months ago

Hi there,

I too have a Dredge deck and thought I would offer my 2 pence worth (for what its worth lol).

So there is a couple dredge cards you may be missing, or may have considered and not put in.

  1. Life from the Loam
  2. Golgari Thug
  3. Stinkweed Imp
  4. Golgari Grave-Troll

Especially think Life from the Loam would be a really good include as you are wanting their to be lands in your graveyard, but you may need them out.

May as well also go for the whole group of Cycling lands (like Tranquil Thicket) as you will be able to trigger draws, which then let you dredge more.

The card I use as a commander could work in your 99 - The Mycotyrant. Gives you tokens for putting permanents in your graveyard. (Here is my deck if you fancy a little look Fungus, Among'us - Mycotyrant Dredge/Descend.

With Dakmor Salvage, if you have The Gitrog Monster and Skirge Familiar you can essentially have infinite mana, as you discard the Salvage - in place of draw effect from Gitrog, Dredge Dakmor back to your hand netting 1 further card in your graveyard, and then can repeat as much as you wish.

Hope thats useful at least - And of course a thumbs up for 1. Being Golgari, and 2. Being Dredge

Bazzul on Belzenlok, Godo's Ugly Cousin

1 year ago

I’m back after a long break. I guess I’ll answer months after the questions I did not reply to… Sorry to everyone.

igorforkst I am not a fan of Null Brooch the 2-mana price tag is not really viable as we rarely have 2 extra mana to spare when Belzenlok is cast. After Belzenlok ETBs, counterspells are not that much of an issue. We have hand disruption through Grief to remove them and if one goes through, we can still threaten a win next turn.

Nempek I added your suggestions. Specially Grief is the single best card that has been printed in the recent years for this deck. Hand disruption during the turn we combo off is huge. It also has a very effective interaction with Sibsig Muckdraggers giving us and additional cheap discard effect. Regarding your second question, I am almost certain that the deck list you linked has a typo. I believe the player used Dread instead of Dread Presence.

xenca Awesome line, honestly, I like the fact that it uses more efficient combo pieces (artifacts that tap for mana). If you don’t have artifact hate in your meta I would 100% try running this line instead of the regular ooze. Despite the more efficient components of this robot ooze, I still believe Necrotic Ooze should be used by default to avoid being shut down by Stony Silence and Null Rod. The other issue I have with it is that it doesn’t gain Skirge Familiar’s activated ability, thus if an opponent attempts to remove Trazyn the Infinite when Argivian Avenger’s haste ability is on the stack with say Path to Exile and you are out of mana you can’t add by discarding and redo the loop.

GeminiSpartanX on Volrath, Voltron Reanimator

1 year ago

Profet93- Thanks for the suggestions! I think I will absolutely swap out Grimoire of the Dead for Skirge Familiar. Grimoire realistically costs 5 mana anyway since you need to activate its ability, and I have both Greed and a Sheoldred, the Apocalypse to add some combo elements to the deck.

I do have a Blightsteel Colossus, but it's not as useful for anti-milling since it only shuffles itself back into my deck rather than my whole graveyard. Against an infinite mill combo, it means I would be left with 1 card in my library, so I'd better win the next turn or die via decking. It IS a great creature, although it's tough to reanimate. For that reason I'll likely leave Strands of Night in the deck, as it's one of the 4 cards that can reanimate at instant speed. I might swap Victimize in for Exhume, but I'm always worried I won't have a creature out that I want to sac. I'll need to test out that theory more though.

The Broodlord is by far the easiest cut to make from the Beef section, and I agree that Torgaar isn't that great either. I do worry about having enough lifegain in the deck, so I'm planning to replace those with a Scion of Draco to give my black creatures lifelink while still having a high-cost pitchable creature, and adding the Sheoldred would also help on that front.

Archon does so much for me in drawing cards, killing creatures/PWs, and gaining life that I find it hard to cut. If I do cut it, I'd also probably cut Unmarked Grave since they go somewhat hand-in-hand, but I'm hesitant to do so.

Dauthi Voidwalker is un-cuttable imo, just as a way to make my Living Death or Exhumes better if nothing else. If I add my Bringer of the Last Gift, then even moreso I need that sort of effect. As far as cutting something that doesn't fit the deck's strategy, Opposition Agent is in the discussion since it's just a generally good card, but it might be too good to cut. Thoughts?

Profet93 on Volrath, Voltron Reanimator

1 year ago

Skirge Familiar > Grimore of the dead - Skirge is a combo enabler and while it does cost one more mana, is tutorable and more importantly, more easily recurrable. Not to mention it adds mana. While grimore does have a big payoff, it is widely telegraphed and doesn't give you any upfront investment.

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse + VILIS, BROKER OF BLOOD + Skirge Familiar = Infinite draw triggers. Near-infinite black mana, lifegain, lifegain triggers, card draw, looting and self-discard triggers. Sheoldred is good against blue decks that like to draw a lot as well with a deathtouch bonus

SHEOLDRED, THE APOCALYPSE + Greed + SKIRGE FAMILIAR = Infinite looting, draw triggers, self-discard triggers and Near-infinite lifegain triggers

Asmodeus the Archfiend + Necrotic Ooze + SKIRGE FAMILIAR = Infinite card draw, draw triggers, looting, self-discard and Near-infinite black mana.

SKIRGE FAMILIAR + Peer into the Abyss + Exsanguinate/Torment of Hailfire = GG. Peer is great on it's own. Given you are mono black, you should emphasize a bit more on the big black mana as a fallback incase (or rather, when) your reanimation strategy doesn't pan out given to all the grave hate in EDH (further exacerbated by all your black decks in the meta).

On the note of big black mana, Deserted Temple - Untap coffers + political tool. Thespian's Stage is a potential consideration as well. I know it seemed slow in the previous iteration but some big ramp pieces should be considered as well.

Victimize - Swap from maybeboard to main. It's 3 mana, sac a creature and get 2 back. It's a lot of value for such a cheap cost

Blightsteel Colossus > Kozilek - It serves the anti-mill purpose with high mana and potential alt wincon. Is it not included due to price? He would be much better than the cut suggestions below.

While cutting too many expensive cmc cards goes against the plans, these are just my thoughts of your weakest high cmc cards to consider removing....

Archon of Cruelty - Costs too much for such little impact. 8 mana should be game winning. While I know you're not paying retail, it's the fat of the deck that's ripe for cutting. Even if it said each opponent it's still not worth it.

Archpriest of Shadows - Reminds me of ashling the extinguisher. Not impactful enough, cool ability though. If you do want another 5cmc card to take it's spot, Junji, the Midnight Sky has a nice death trigger that's flexible and helpful.

Dauthi Voidwalker - I'm torn, I do like him a lot. Especially since you said there is mill in the meta. The weakest option for cuts for sure. Just 2 mana that doesn't impact your strategy doesn't seem worth it IMO. If you ran Leyline of the void + helm combo and used this as redundancy that would be one thing.

Hoarding Broodlord - A weird runescarred dragon. 8 mana wins games, not tutoring.

Pathrazer of Ulamog - I get the high cmc is great, but he isn't impactful enough.

Torgaar, Famine Incarnate - Make someone's life 20, nothing crazy.

Strands of Night - Black has better recursion. Losing a land is a harsh penalty.

king-saproling on

1 year ago

You might like these: Oloro, Ageless Ascetic, Marauding Blight-Priest, Cliffhaven Vampire, Epicure of Blood, Wound Reflection, Bolas's Citadel, Pull from Tomorrow, Skirge Familiar, Jace's Archivist, Dream Salvage

Also just a heads up that Necropotence doesn't draw you cards, it exiles them then puts them into your hand from exile.

pyyraus on Magar of the Magic String Cheese

1 year ago


-More mana ramp

-For an instant/sorcery deck, there are too many cards that synergize with creatures

-Getting this deck to a really good point is going to take a lot of testing and thinking to figure out the balance of several details; off the top of my head, effects that make your tokens attack better (deal damage, stay alive, gain double strike, etc.), effects that put such cards into your graveyard, mana ramp to activate Magar's ability consistently, protection for Magar, and actual 'payoff' cards

Cards I would immediately drop:

-Professor Onyx- has decent synergy with her static ability and +1 but apart from that doesn't do much; it's also 6 mana in a list that already needs a lower curve

-Waste Not: an awesome card in general but you play almost no effects that make your opponents discard cards

-Footfall Crater: synergies pretty much only with Anje Falkenrath and just has very bad rates

-Lightning Bolt: iconic Magic card but I am on the side that believes it is straight up not good in Commander

-Temple of the False God: I don't play this card anymore; it's a dead draw until usually turn five or six and at that point, it does so little especially in a deck like this where you don't desperately need a mana source producing two colorless

-Ignite the Future: a decent card in a deck where you cast it from the graveyard but you will rarely do that here; Magar's ability does not make you cast it from your yard and it just does not have a good rate

-Bone Shards: I see why you're playing it here (its extra cost can easily be paid with a face-down instant/sorcery you're done with) but in this deck you do NOT want your face-down instants/sorceries dying because you can repeatedly cast them when they deal damage; there are so many better removal spells in red and black that do not require such an akward cost

Cards that Can be Replaced with Better Ones:

-Chainer, Nightmare Adept: the free, instant-speed discard ability is amazing, don't get me wrong, but the ability its activating does almost nothing for your deck; there are better (sometimes cheaper) free, instant-spped discard abilities like Zombie Infestation or Skirge Familiar

-Dark Ritual: I personally don't like Dark Ritual except in mono-black decks that really need it and here; it's an amazing card turns one through maybe four but after that, it is probably going to be a dead draw; a mana rock would be much better in its place

-Seething Song: same argument as Dark Ritual but this spell is best on a different range of turns

-Blood Money: this is a pretty cool card to get for free from Magar but I am not too sure how much benefit the tapped treasure give you; I am mainly saying this because I would run Blasphemous Act first but this is all pretty subjective

-Tuktuk Rubblefort/Fervor: these are two of your current three cards that give all your creatures haste; I think three may be a bit much and Urabrask the Hidden is definitely the best of them

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