Sigil of the Empty Throne

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sigil of the Empty Throne


Whenever you cast an enchantment spell, create a 4/4 white Angel creature token with flying.

Necramus on Enchantress Lockdown

8 months ago

Mirri's Guile - great card selection at the cheap rate we want to keep churning through the deck with the engine in the CZ.

Swift Reconfiguration - instant speed enchantment removal that also removes from combat.

All That Glitters - wins games.

Blind Obedience - plays to the game plan and offers an alternate win condition.

Kenrith's Transformation - Similar to making it a bug, we can turn our friends' commanders into something useless, and it gets us an extra draw.

Hallowed Haunting - a better win condition than Approach of the Second Sun for an enchantress deck, imo.

Privileged Position - pair with Greater Auramancy for some fun.

Sigil of the Empty Throne - also a better win con than Approach, imo.

Sythis was the very first deck I ever built in Selesnya and I absolutely love her! She's one of my favorite decks. Feel free to check mine out, if you'd like- Hand of Sythis

Necramus on Faerie Enchanting (Alela)

9 months ago

Goldberserkerdragon Came back to let you know how the first evening of playing went. Played 3 games and won the last 2. The first game I made a grievous error, or I'd have won it, as well. I let the R/G Omnath stay on the field as someone boardwiped his 30 elementals while I had a Generous Gift in hand. LOL. After the stupidity left my body, this deck went crazy. At one point I had Anointed Procession, Mondrak, Glory Dominus, and Sigil of the Empty Throne all out. Making 4 Faeries and Angels off a single enchantment cast is nutso!

Very happy with the deck. Now I'm over here side eyeing the Eldrazi Faeries that are coming in MH3. LOL

Gidgetimer on Pattern Recognition #296 - Enchanté

1 year ago

I feel like you skipped over a whole slew of the development of Enchantress as an archetype and therefore presented it as being a deck in search of a win con before Theros. It has always been tier 2 jank in legacy, but it was powerful enough to take occasional large tournament wins.

You mentioned Urza's block and mention the two cards with "Enchantress" in their name but not Serra's Sanctum or Replenish. The latter two actually make it into competitive eternal decks and Yavimaya Enchantress does not.

The Sanctum in particular is extremely important to the way the deck developed. The plan in many eternal enchantress decks is legitimately to hardcast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. This still takes until turn 5 or 6 and is durdly as hell for the format, but all that mana from the Sanctum makes it a legitimate plan. Alternatively the win condition in many others is to plop down a Sigil of the Empty Throne and go wide with 4/4 angels. I even have a friend who ran Words of War as a wincon, again greatly aided by the Sanctum.

The "dig to the combo" you mention that is actually played is Helm/RIP and is the third commonly played wincon. And I'm not sure I agree with the assessment that it defies expectations, or should be abandoned in favor of playing blue. At its heart Enchantress as an archetype is GWx control and the wincon can be almost anything.

Wincons from Theros were never even added to eternal Enchantress, they kept the old wincons and added at most a few Eidolon of Blossoms and a few Doomwake Giant. The return to Theros did give us Destiny Spinner who is a wincon that is run. MH2 also had a large impact on eternal Enchantress by adding Sythis, Harvest's Hand and Sanctum Weaver.

This isn't to say that there haven't been strong enchantments coming out recently. Or that it isn't nice that they are supporting the archetype to an extent that a standard deck can be made out of it. It is just that if one wants to talk about the evolution of the archetype it should be done primarily in the context of competitive eternal formats where it will remain unchanged until a card changes the archetype. With mentions of rotating and casual formats to show the archetype across the whole of Magic.

fluffyeel on Leeching Cotton: Oloro's Couch

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

Necrosis24 on Mono White WIn Combos

1 year ago

Assuming this is commander Starfield of Nyx is a possibility assuming you aren't running mostly auras. You could pair this with Heliod, Sun-Crowned or Nykthos Paragon as they both have the enchantment type as opposed to Archangel of Thune.

There is Approach of the Second Sun or Felidar Sovereign if you are okay with such cards.

Faith Healer + Aetherflux Reservoir which works as you are gaining life anyways.

Ajani's Chosen, Archon of Sun's Grace, and Sigil of the Empty Throne are pretty straight forward amass a board and swing.

wallisface on Sigil of the Enchantments

2 years ago

Looks a lot stronger - some thoughts though:

  • I'm personally not a huge fan of Dance of the Manse or Setessan Champion. Dance feels like it just needs a lot of mana to still only have a "meh" effect. Champion has an alright card-drawing effect, but the +1/+1 stuff is often pointless, and the fact he's not an enchantment himself causes big tempo issues. Sythis, Harvest's Hand and Enchantress's Presence are just soo much better.

  • I'd opt for Sigil of the Empty Throne over Starfield of Nyx. Starfield is just inviting your opponent into playing their board-wipe. Sigil is a much safer way to win the game from the safety of the pillow-fort.

  • Your mana curve is low enough that you can play this with much less lands than you are currently. I think you can pretty safely go down to 21-22 lands.

  • You need some form of protection while you're pumping out enchants - at the moment your early-game is still at risk of being destroyed by a fast-attack. Enchantress decks typically run Solitary Confinement to keep themselves safe, though if you're not a fan of that card, Ghostly Prison could work nicely also.

Gidgetimer on What is the "best" way …

2 years ago

I don't know how the new list looks, but I had fun running Destiny Spinner and Sigil of the Empty Throne as win cons in enchantress. All non-land cards were enchantments, so it made Solitary Confinement easy to upkeep.

Petamine666 on Lovely

2 years ago

Okay dann hier erstmal alle Karten die ich gefunden habe, die was sein könnten:

Jukai Naturalist ist geil, wenn möglichst alle Entchantsments mindestens 1 farbloses kosten. Turn 1 könnte man dann theorethisch noch für taplands nutzen.

Kami of Transience wird genau wie Jukai Visionary und Generous Visitor momentan im Standard in Runes gespielt. wächst schnell und ist super nervig, weil er immer wieder aus dem Graveyard zurück kommt. Allerdings wären mit Ihm, Generous Visitor und Archin of Sun's Grace schon 12 Karten drin, die selber keine Entchantments sind, aber nur durch Entchantments triggern, das würde das Deck deutlich unkonsistenter machen..

God-Favored General zwar selber auch kein Entchantment, aber produziert immerhin welche und könnte so im lategame weiter trigger auslösen. Allerdings musst du ihn erstmal getappt bekommen und mit 1/1 ist er ziemlich mickrig und stirbt quasi an allem, also vermutlich eher Nichts :/

Setessan Champion Der ist dafür Bombe! Gibt es auch auf Arena, soweit ich weiß. Gleichzeitig Drawengine und wachsende Kreatur in einem. Leider leider selber kein Entchantment.

Season of Growth wäre nett, wenn du mehr Auren spielen würdest, aber ich glaube in die Richtung soll das Deck nicht gehen, oder? Falls doch ist Sentinel's Eyes ne Aura, die du wieder verwerten kannst. Manakosten beißen sich aber mit Jukai Naturalist.

Was auch noch sehr viel versprechend aussieht, ist Kruphix's Insight. Mit genug Entchantments einfach ein 3-Mana Draw three. Aber natürlich auch ab und zu weniger, vorallem wenn du viele Archons, Visitors, Kamis und Champions spielst.

Wie wäre es mit Sigil of the Empty Throne? Ist nur 1 Mana teurer als der Archon, schwerer zu removen, macht dickere Tokens und ist selbst ein Entchantment. Gibt es übrigens auch auf Arena.

Mana Bloom sieht auch interessant aus. Du brauchst den Ramp zwar nicht, aber du könntest es theorethisch jeden Turn auf 0 spielen, einfach nur um jeden Turn nen Entchantment zu casten. Allerdings wären 2 auf der Starthand tendenziell schon game over, also am besten nur 1 mal rein, wenn überhaupt.

Dann noch banishing light tauschen gegen Touch the Spirit Realm macht das gleiche, für das gleiche Mana, hat aber noch ne andere Option, mit der du deine eigene Kreatur beschützen oder nen Token günstiger killen kannst.

Cuts: Shapers Santuary ab ins Sideboard, ist zu oft ne tote Karte. Destiny Spinner auch ins Sideboard, der Effekt ist auch zu selten gut fürs Maindeck.

First Iroan Games auch raus, viel zu langsam für dein Deck, das kann deutlich explosiver sein.

All that Glitters würde ich tatsächlich auch cutten. Es kann zwar ne sehr gefährliche Karte sein, aber wie fast alle Auren hat die Karte das Problem, dass wenn dein Gegner in Reaktion darauf nen Removal für die entsprechende Kreatur hat, du einfach 2v1 getauscht hast, ohne dass die Karte was getan hat. Außerdem bietet dir Michikos Reign of Truth den gleichen Effekt (wenn auch nur 2 Turns) ohne die gleichen Risiken zu haben und macht sogar am Ende noch ne Kreatur.

Länder: Könntest Scattered Groves als tapland spielen, das kannst du im Lategame immerhin noch cyclen, wenn du keine Länder mehr brauchst. Wenn dir das die 1,50 wert ist, dann go. Fortified Village kommt potenziell untapped, vorallem mit scattered groves als anderes dualland, da es auch die subtypes hat, und kostet quasi nichts, also aufjedenfall mit bestellen.

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