Oros, the Avenger
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Oros, the Avenger

Legendary Creature — Dragon


Whenever Oros, the Avenger deals combat damage to a player, you may pay . If you do, Oros deals 3 damage to each nonwhite creature.

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Teroh's Vanguard
Mystic Visionary
Mystic Zealot
Serpent Warrior
Just Fate

StopShot on Two rules change suggestions to …

2 months ago

[My EDH Background]

I used to be an avid EDH player until my old playgroup dissolved. It was only until recently that I built an EDH deck after more than half a decade and felt lost after two recent commander nights. I had dropped off after Hour of Devestation only to find the present-day meta feels like a completely different format than the one I had enjoyed. Seeing the prEDH format caught my attention but given I had gotten into EDH around Fate Reforged, the prEDH card restrictions seemed to dial things too far back for me, and I feel like a lot of players who got into EDH around the same time period as myself might feel the same way. As such, this format may feel just as alien to a good portion of left out players today, but I'd like to discuss if maybe that aspect could be improved upon.

[The New Phyrexia cut-off should not be extended]

I'd like to make two suggestions to adjust the scope of this format. One suggestion I will not ask though, is that the set cutoff point be extended past New Phyrexia. I agree with the rationale for excluding all of MTG that took place during and after the first commander preconstructed products were released. This is in place to make the format 100% organic and extending the cut-off to any other set would be highly arbitrary and subject to much disagreement.

[Issue #1 - OG Duals and Patchy Manabases]

But there are some issues that should be addressed and remedied regarding this format. One being at the time of New Phyrexia's release the monetary cost of OG dual lands were significantly cheaper then than as they are now. Given the best manabases for prEDH would use OG Duals, Fetchlands, and Shocklands, not having easy access to one (or more) of them puts non-legacy players in the rough spot of relying on prEDH's limited and patchy color-fixing options which can leave new decks performing at a more clunky pace than they otherwise would be if built back in New Phyrexia. Now I'm not against players using proxies but I think a format does a lot better at attracting a wider audience if they're not inclined to feel like they have to proxy reserve list cards to fully enjoy the format as intended.

[Rules Change Suggestion to Address Issue #1]

I believe that if there is a land or mana-rock cycle that started before New Phyrexia, but was completed sometime after New Phyrexia, then all cards of that cycle should be made legal in prEDH just so that all color identities have equal access to their colors, because prEDH has a surprising number of incomplete mana cycles. This change would make the following cards and their colorshifted counterparts legal in prEDH despite being printed after New Phyrexia: (Clifftop Retreat), (Inspiring Vantage), (Needle Spires), (Nomad Outpost), (Snow-Covered Wastes), (Stone Quarry), (Sunbaked Canyon), (Sunscorched Divide), (Talisman of Conviction), (Wastes), and (Wind-Scarred Crag). This rule would also still apply to any new cards that would complete any of the cycles that have yet to be completed as well such as if Wizards were to ever complete the cycles for (Crosis's Catacombs), (Grove of the Burnwillows), (Nimbus Maze), (Wildfield Borderpost), etc.

[Issue #2 - Lack of Color Identity Options]

One aspect that made EDH novel is its color restriction on deck-building. From its inception, you would pick any of 5 Elder Dragons to be your Highlander and you would be barred from utilizing whatever 2 colors were not part of that dragon's identity. As the game grew into commander you could pick any legendary creature to be your commander instead and the color restriction carried over to your commander's color identity. The issue is prEDH's list of legal commanders provides a very limited line-up of commanders for any multicolored identity. Some color identities only have 1 commander legal for that color identity, and a vast majority of legal commanders are mono-colored which imposes a much heavier restriction than EDH had first set out to be with its 3-color dragons. This can lead to an over-saturation of players picking the same commander from the limited multicolor roster and more players picking up 5-color commanders, because their favorite color combination is restricted to just Numot, the Devastator, or Oros, the Avenger, or Vorosh, the Hunter. This isn't to say there won't be players playing mono-colored or everyone will be playing Reaper King because their favorite color-combination is underrepresented, but that prEDH restricts cards not just by set, but also much more heavily with color as well which can result in a poorer deck diversity than modern day EDH; (an issue that was not present when Commander was a much smaller and niche format). It's to this end I feel color restrictions could be opened up a bit to counteract the set restriction as a trade-off and that by doing so with the EDH philosophy in mind won't warp or distort the power level or vibe of prEDH.

[Rules Change Suggestion to Address Issue #2]

In order to open up the commander color restriction, prEDH decks would have a land in the command zone in addition to the commander with this land serving as the "Commander's Domain." The color identity or basic land type of the Commander's Domain would set the color restriction on what cards can be included in the deck including the commander instead of it being the commander's color identity that restricts card inclusion. The lands that can be chosen to be your Commander's Domain consist only of: any of the 10 trilands such as Seaside Citadel, any of the 10 match-lands such as Glacial Fortress, or any basic land such as Plains or Wastes. The Commander's Domain would not be subject to the command tax and can be played as your land for turn by either exiling a basic land card from your hand or by exiling a basic land you own on the battlefield. One exception to this rule will be made for all 5-color legendary commanders. 5-color legendary creatures may be used as your commander regardless of your Commander's Domain and if your commander is 5-color you may run any basic land in your deck regardless of your Commander's Domain. Your Commander's Domain will still restrict what spells and non-basic lands you can include in your deck, however. This proposal seeks to expand deck diversity and creativity while still abiding to the original EDH tenant of limiting what colors may be included in your deck as well as provide an additional means of color fixing due to the greater lack of lands that are both decent and affordable in this format.

[Concluding Thoughts - The goal is not to make prEDH more like modern EDH]

The sake of these proposals isn't to make something new and flashy for the sake of making something new and flashy, but to make prEDH feel more like everyone's first EDH experience including for those who got into the format well after New Phyrexia but well before the current meta. That is not to say "make prEDH more like EDH" as that is the furthest thing from this thread's intention. This is more of a belief that a lot more can be gained while sacrificing very little and that much could benefit current prEDH players who would like to see more people play their format. It's possible my proposals may have missed this mark, but I would like to start a discussion on whether there are current shortcomings in this format and if it would be worth it to make changes to mitigate them or not to better the health and/or standing of this format.

awesomedude20 on Dihada's Harem of Heroic Hooligans

1 year ago

Mattio38 Hey, thanks for stopping by yourself haha!

I've played this a handful of times with my group, and it's always at LEAST been a major threat, with her ability to toss out huge threats at a moment's notice. Magda is genuinely an all-star lol, the ability to fetch Avacyn's Memorial out of the deck is insane. Especially considering you can swing Magda safely, since the fetched Memorial will make her indestructible lol. Allowing you to continue fetching big nasties (Bladewing, Deathless Tyrant, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames, Oros, the Avenger, and Piru, the Volatile are all excellent targets, with Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge as prooobably your last choice) turn after turn. Luxior, Giada's Gift is another great choice.

But honestly? I usually hate infinite combos, so I usually try to avoid tossing those in as wincons, so this deck usually just wins by beating face better than anyone else. There's a good amount of fliers too, which are both great at protecting Dihada, as well as getting in to damage people, and any winning boards just... facilitate keeping your board around to continue doing that haha. The boardwipe creatures are especially good at keeping everyone else's board in check, since all of them deal with most go-wide strategies pretty immediately, as well as smaller utility creatures and whatnot, paired with lifelink to boot, it gets kinda funny.

A combo I do quite like is Dihada + Myrel, Shield of Argive + Agrus Kos, Eternal Soldier.

Lets you target Agrus with Dihada's +2, then you pay the , which copies her +2 for every one of your legendary creatures, and with Myrel out, your opponents don't have too many common options to deal with your board since USUALLY your board is quite vulnerable from your upkeep to your main phase 1. But Myrel stops people from doing anything during that point, so you can basically keep your Dihada +2 going safely for your entire creaturebase, letting you swing relentlessly and gain a ton of life, all while keeping Dihada safe behind the fliers and big bodies etc. etc.

Also Primevals' Glorious Rebirth won me a game hilariously hard once. A Lazav player milled like 3/4s of my library. Got to my turn. Topdecked Primeval. Put basically every legendary card in my deck straight onto the field, lands included. Generally speaking, I prefer to let all 4 cards go to the grave with Dihada's -3, since the 4 treasures is REALLY strong, but if I ever mill Primeval, you bet I'm grabbing that lol.

As for your recommendations, yeah Blasphemous Act is kinda just never a bad idea lol. I might toss it in, but I find I've been able to get by using Piru, Oros, or Ashling in a similar way. The deck makes enough mana to make it functional haha, plus it leans more into the legendary tribal aspect, which I enjoy. Sheoldred is definitely a great include, I'm not really sure why I didn't include her other than maaaaybe being a massive hate magnet. I would argue that Rodolf is even better in the deck with a little extra legwork involved, but Rodolf, for some strange reason, doesn't attract as many bad intentions haha

Definitely not a bad idea though, fits into my theme of "keep my things on the board", if I ever find a card underperforming I might just swap it out for her.

awesomedude20 on Dihada, Binder of Wills

1 year ago

Hey! Just swinging by because I'm a fan of Dihada, I'll drop my deck for you to check out, see if you can pull any ideas out of it. The description kinda goes into details about all of the major legendaries I've included, so maybe you'll find something you'd like in there.

The Deck

Anyways, as for some opinions on your deck as is, I'm just going to assume there's no real budget limitation here since it's already sitting pretty high up there.

I would included a LOT more legendary lands, just, generically. It's incredibly helpful to have Dihada's -3 ability consistently fetch lands if you need them. Honestly just grab as many as you can that aren't like... actively bad for the deck.

I also don't know how particularly worth it the Eldrazi titans are. Like, sure, they're always not BAD, but if you're looking for big splashy creatures, while keeping your CMC relatively low, I feel like there are better options. There's also a distinct lack of fliers, which any planeswalker-commander deck kinda caves to for obvious reasons.

You got Gisela, who CMC aside thanks to the -3, is pretty great, but may also be an absolutely enormous hate magnet from everyone at the table immediately. Skithiryx is solid thanks to his self haste-enabling and regeneration if need be. Drana seems... kiiinda low impact in my opinion? It's easy to connect with someone since she flies, but unless you have a big board set up, she doesn't really do much for you. Breena is a great include for card draw, she can get big, or buff something else, and helps the rest of the table enough to incentivize people to NOT blow her up. And lastly, Rodolf is actually pretty cool, and is probably worth keeping around for sure, his recursion is really nice and synergizes well with Dihada's lifelink shenanigans. Important to note however that lifelink will not give him indestructible when he, or anything else punches stuff, at least, not until AFTER the combat damage and everything has been dealt, in case that matters.

A couple of immediate recommendations, including stuff from your maybeboard, at your discretion then:

Zeriam, Golden Wind - Is a respectably cheap dude, is a flier to protect Dihada, makes even MORE fliers to protect Dihada, and then THOSE fliers can produce even more fliers, it's great.

Agrus Kos, Eternal Soldier - Using Dihada's +2, with an additional , means you can apply her +2 to every legendary creature you control every turn. Which is really, really, really strong lol.

Luxior, Giada's Gift - Let Dihada throw hands herself. Equip this to her, and use her +2 on herself now that she's a creature. Now you have a commander with vigilance, lifelink, and indestructible, that's slowly getting bigger and bigger, and there's very little your opponents can do to shut it down conveniently. Plus, Luxior is legendary, and can be fetched in any number of ways, including her -3.

Magda, Brazen Outlaw - This lady is NUTS. Hear me out. You have her out, and she's able to attack. Use Dihada's -3, putting all 4 treasures onto the field. Then you attack with Magda, creating a 5th treasure. Then, before damage is even dealt, you use Magda's last ability to sacrifice all 5 treasures you just made, to fetch something like Avacyn's Memorial straight out of your deck and onto the field. Yeah she's pretty good lol.

Oros, the Avenger - Flier that shooouldn't hurt your own field too much, but is extremely good at wiping out everyone else's small things, for a small cost. If you give it lifelink, you're golden lol. Is also a target for Magda, if you include her.

Drakuseth, Maw of Flames - This dude with lifelink is wonderful. You get 10 damage to throw around just for attacking, serves as decent removal, and itself hits for 7. Is also a flier, and can be fetched by Magda.

But yeah, I could probably say some more stuff but I'll leave you with this for now, is a super fun deck, I hope you get it to a place where you're happy with it!

TypicalTimmy on What makes a deck-worthy commander?

2 years ago

I tend to look for a Commander who does one thing extremely well that I can build off of. While multi-faceted Commanders such as Kenrith, the Returned King are really nice in their flexibility, for me personally, I struggle to draw their potential in. Some of the Commanders I have built in the past are:

  • Karametra, God of Harvests as an ETB Matters theme. Because she brings out lands, Landfall was a strong subtheme of the deck, since Landfall itself is limited. And yes this includes cards with "Landfall" not under such a name, such as Tireless Tracker and Zendikar's Roil. However, because I am also casting creatures, creature ETB is important, too. So Hornet Queen and Soul Sisters had their stay. Some cards, such as Avenger of Zendikar really exploded as they drew these two elements together. Lastly, because I wanted continuous use of my ETB effects, return-to-hand was also important. So Jeskai Barricade and similar effects were in play. What resulted was a, slow, well-oiled machine that could cast multiple ETB creatures per turn and explode a boardstate from nothing.

  • Oros, the Avenger was built as a Wrath's Matters build. This is because if you put deathtouch on Oros, his activation wrath's the board of all non-white creatures. To protect myself, every single creature in my deck had to have , in part or in whole. Then, the deck used every single card available in the game to permanently give Oros his deathtouch. In this way, I never had to hold back because I didn't have an instant or sorcery to cast. Or perhaps I did, but not enough mana to cast it and activate Oros in the same turn. So auras, equipment and permanent effects such as Deadly Wanderings. While cards such as Maze Abomination might sound good, being non-white meant it died the moment Oros resolved. So it becomes a one-time deal. Now, because of the sheer volume of mana required, the deck ran an absolute absurd amount of mana sources. I think I had like 17 mana rocks alone. For filler cards, any other wrath was used. This way, against decks, I could still hit the board hard.

Sidenote: If there are 7 creatures on the battlefield that Oros can hit, and he has lifelink, you just gained 3(7), or 21, life. That's how the deck stayed ahead. After I gained +200 life and nobody has any creatures left, I essentially could not be stopped.

  • Radha, Heart of Keld was a Voltron-esque build who focused on as many land tutors as I could possibly get out, focusing on all basic lands so nothing ETB tapped. She was given ample protection. And then I topped it off with giant doublers, such as Xenagos, God of Revels and Unleash Fury. What resulted from here was a deck whose goal was to TKO any opponent in a single shot. Yes, infect was used as well. The deck name was Thick Thighs Save Lives. Lol.

So, as you can see, what I look for is a Commander who focuses on ONE mechanic or ability, and I tie in two or three supporting elements to ensure it runs smoothly. By implementing the deck construction in this way, I absolutely ensure I never draw into duds. It's either a useful land, ramp, or synergy support. No card every becomes wasted in my hand.


griffstick on Saskia, The Unyielding Legend Tribal HELP WELCOME

3 years ago

This needs lots of help. I'm gonna try my best to help.

I'll start with the easy cuts.

Cards that think are good here.

TypicalTimmy on Deck Ideas for Multi-Player format

3 years ago

Oros, the Avenger Wraths Matter.

It's a deck I had on here a while ago. You put deathtouch on him and he wipes the board. Add in actual Wraths for backups

Piru, the Volatile is a fun add. When she lands, don't pay her upkeep cost. When she dies, her Lifelink will grab you tons of life.

DemonDragonJ on Fires of Purgatory

3 years ago

I have also replaced Oros, the Avenger with Mathas, Fiend Seeker , which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck even further from 4.16 to 4.11, because, as much as I wish to have all ten primordial dragons in my EDH decks, Oros simply does not work with the strategy of this deck, but Mathas very much does, so he is a welcome addition to this deck.

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