Krenko's Command

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Krenko's Command


Create two 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.

nuperokaso on Boros Impact

3 weeks ago

DreadKhan on Goblin Deck Wins

11 months ago

You See a Pair of Goblins, and/or Krenko's Command/Dragon Fodder could do some work in here, giving your creatures +2 power is pretty big if you've got a wide board, and making more than 1 creature from 1 card is really helpful in Goblins, especially since a lot of your cards actively care about the number of goblins you have and don't care how big they are.

I know he's not cheap, but I feel like if you want a big 4 or 5 mana goblin in here Krenko, Mob Boss would fit like a glove. There is also Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, he's only 3 mana and is relatively cheap, I think he'd make a very good x1.

DraconicDestruction on Kick Start My Heart | Winota, Joiner of Forces EDH

1 year ago

instead of something like Krenko's Command, you could run Skrelv's Hive because it constantly creates non-humans and is the same mana cost as krenko's command

LeonSpires on

2 years ago

@ GrimlockVIII thank you for the Upvote and suggestions for my deck!

The deck tries to make a win attempt around turns 5 to 7 and Avenger of Zendikar is a bit slow for that without dedicated landfall. Don't get me wrong I like Avenger of Zendikar and it is an all star in my Kruphix Lands Matter *Primer* list.

Further more Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts is the easiest way this deck has to win. Gruul is good at tutoring for creatures but not instants and sorceries. The other combo lines rely on using at least one instant or sorcery and thus must be found using card draw. Consequently I have found it is almost always wrong to cast Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or Zealous Conscripts for value. If one of them is in hand the goal is card draw to find a tutor to fetch the other.

Curious Herd looks like it would be a lot of fun in a more chill wort list. My strategy during the early game is ramp and token creation (to use to conspire spells latter). Once I cast Wort the strategy becomes card draw by conspiring draw spells. This means I try and keep most of the token creation at 2 CMC. The exceptions are of course:

Hordeling Outburst (3 CMC) It creates red tokens. This can matter as most of the ritual effects and card draw are red and need red creatures to conspire. If we get another Dragon Fodder / Krenko's Command functional reprint Hordeling Outburst will be replaced.

Goblin War Party (4 CMC) It also creates red tokens and can be used as a haste enabler for the Reiterate infinite combo.

exodus7 on They're Ugly and They're Proud

3 years ago

Hello friend, great deck. Is there any particular reason you dont have Goblin Instigator ? Since you have Dragon Fodder and Krenko's Command I figured that would be included as it has more synergy with Muxus, Goblin Grandee and other goblin tutors.

Goblin_Guide on Aggressive Monarchy

3 years ago

Sooo what do you want for this deck? Do you need token producers? If that is the route you want to go down, there are some other cards you should look at:

Sacrifice outlets. I see you already have Viscera Seer, that's a really good one, but you might also consider Goblin Bombardment, Ashnod's Altar, and maybe Spawning Pit. Also Vampiric Rites.

More aristocrats. You are in the right colors for these, so this shouldn't be hard to fill out. Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, Falkenrath Noble; I think there might be some red ones that make the creature itself deal damage to any target? If so, those should be an auto include what with the assassins having deathtouch.

As far as actual tokens go, it seems you mostly have one-off effects; if you want more of these, you should look for cards that get you tokens with a high amount of efficiency. If you had enough mana rocks and stuff like that I would suggest Kuldotha Rebirth, but for now I don't think that is going to do it as often as you want. Probably you want stuff like Krenko's Command, Dragon Fodder, Hordeling Outburst, etc. for this category.

In terms of token producing that recursively gives you value, I would suggest Assemble the Legion for sure; also, maybe Ophiomancer (expensive but very good with a sacrifice outlet) and any of the Goonies would be good, though technically they aren't tokens, they just come back a lot (Reassembling Skeleton, Nether Traitor, Bloodsoaked Champion, Bloodghast, Tenacious Dead, either Squee would work). If you really do want tokens to come out and be there at the same time and start to build up a board state with them, you should probably use ... well, I dunno, you're in white. Figure it out.

Also, one last thing: Cathars' Crusade.

In terms of what to cut, I would look reaaally hard at the top of your curve. I would probably drop Gravewaker at least. I think Necrotic Hex is probably good in your deck, because you have so many creatures, but just in general I think it's better in a deck that actually cares about either the word "sacrifice" or the zombies for being zombies rather than the zombies being bodies. Lena seems bad here, I don't know how many nontoken creatures you'll have. I think Crush Contraband could get cut for more efficient removal, maybe Anguished Unmaking or Utter End if you want a budget version. Moan of the Unhallowed is ... straight up bad I think.

Let me know if these were helpful or if you need more cuts.

ellie-is on Ellie's Saprolings

3 years ago

HalbrechtHalbrecht: Thank you for the very detailed comment!!

Sprout is just sadly not good enough! I used to run it back when I also ran Parallel Lives and I think that's the only case where it's worth it - one mana for two creatures (making it slightly better than Tukatongue Thallid, which's that but over multiple turns). Otherwise, it's a 1/1 with flash and nothing else, which... Well, for comparison lets look at Spectral Sailor. It's blue, arguably the worst type for competitively costed creatures, and not only it has flash, but it also has flying, card draw, and two types with a lot of tribal support. And yet it's still a super cheap common that doesn't see play. So getting a card that does one third of that, in a green deck, not that great. If I'm making Saprolings I want to make more than one per card, so while Sprout is a nice card, it doesn't make the cut. (that said, I kinda wanna build a casual spirit deck with a playset of spectral sailor now)

You're right about Tukatongue Thallid's primary purpose, but it ended up not being relevant often enough to the point where I actually haven't missed it at all since I removed it! Which's why it's important that its replacement needed to be clearly doing more than it was.

I like Fists of Ironwood a lot, it's of course worse than Saproling Migration or even Krenko's Command, but it's what we have when we can get to make 2 Saprolings for 2 mana and have four migrations already, haha. Getting 2-for-1'd is definitely a risk, but I think it's worth it despite that, especially if I stick to my rule of never enchanting my own creature if I can help it. That said, as soon as they release something that can fulfill its purpose of getting as many Saprolings as possible out of a single card for a reasonable mana cost, I'll be sure to replace it.

I used to have Druid's Deliverance on the sideboard (and even the mainboard way back in the day), but it was just so rare for it to be giving me a significant enough advantage compared to other cards I could have. People tend to agree that Fogs aren't a good idea outside of casual environments and I have a hard time arguing with them (though I do love seeing a well played Fog in a kitchen table, lol). Populate is nice, but it ends up being a small bonus in a Saproling deck. You get a lot more out of it when you're doubling Rhinos or Wurms. (I do love that new art, though!)

Flash Foliage is a mix of Sprout and Druid's deliverance - but it's a weaker fog effect, and the saproling is almost always going to die. Drawing a card is nice, but the whole thing is a little too situational for me. Cards that require opponents to do a specific thing are a gamble, and they need a really good payoff to be worth it. And even if this let me make that Saproling and draw a card outside of combat, I'd probably not be sure about whether or not to run it, and that helps me realize that since it's worse than the hypothetical version I still might not run, I probably don't want to run it as it actually is.

Pallid Mycoderm is an interesting one! It's been so long since I gave spore counter fungus any consideration, that I hadn't thought about this particular card since before the deck was even white, haha. I'm going to do some serious thinking about it! I'm always wary of sacrificing tokens but it might be worth it.

Thanks again for everything! I'm always happy when people pay attention to my decks and look at them closely. And the world of Magic needs more unique builds, heh. Nothing wrong with wanting to win tournaments and play top tier decks, but... well, unique decks are a lot more fun!

abby315 on Illuna, Wishlist

3 years ago

I don't think you have nearly enough token targets for all of your Polymorph spells. It's a bit hard to count but I think you have about 9, and most of those are lands (which you might need)?

There's a lot of efficient token generation effects in your colors:
Dragon Fodder / Krenko's Command
Saproling Migration
Lazotep Plating is also a fantastic card that happens to create a token.

Sandwurm Convergence is a great enchantment hit that would also allow you to keep the Polymorph train running.

I don't think you have nearly enough cycling to take advantage of Unpredictable Cyclone or Hollow One (which is also a sad hit off of Polymorph) so I would cut them.

Also, Polymorphing into a cascade creature does not get you the cascade trigger. I know they might be in there as pseudo-Polymorph effects, but there are so many legit Polymorph effects that I don't think the ones you have are worth it. Maelstrom Wanderer is a possible exception because it has a decent ability if you hit it with Polymorph.

Titanoth Rex and Yidaro, Wandering Monster are super underwhelming.

Here are some other creatures to consider that are better Polymorph hits, because they have ETB effects:
Apex Altisaur
Nezahal, Primal Tide

Transmogrify is a polymorph spell you've missed, and it also works as a pseudo-removal spell. Reality Scramble is great, too, because you can polymorph any permanent.

Finally, you might want a few other Mutate creatures because they can retrigger Illuna. I'd only consider big creatures that you don't mind hitting on Polymorph, so:
Sawtusk Demolisher
Auspicious Starrix

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