Dragon Blood

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dragon Blood


, : Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.

Swebb87 on Evoke grief & marchesa the …

2 years ago

Hi, so I have Marchesa, the Black Rose in play and a Dragon Blood. I cast Grief for the evoke cost, can I pay 3 mana and use the dragon blood to give Grief a +1/+1 counter meaning when he gets sacrificed to the evoke ability he will come back on the battlefield, from Marchesa's ability? Or is there no point in time by which I can add the counter?

Ragamander on

5 years ago

Did you consider Metallic Mimic so that your dragons have counters you can proliferate with Volt Charge? Curse of Stalked Prey is also a relatively efficient way to get counters on your creatures. Ring of Valkas also has some additional utility. Of course, it's Dragon Blood that is the flavor victory.

No Sarkhan the Masterless to dissuade attacks? Slumbering Dragon seems like it would be a fun inclusion, too. Skarrgan Hellkite and Scourge of the Throne are two other rare +1/+1 counter dragons. (There are four more I remember, but they're not as useful here, IIRC. Finally, Door of Destinies works well with tribal themes AND proliferate.

jasonkrivera on Card creation challenge

6 years ago

Angel Blood


, : You gain 5 life.

Collecting Dragon Blood typically costs a scar. Collecting Angel Blood typically costs a soul.

Throwback/creatureshift to another Urza's block card + cite the card in mind in flavor text as done here. (Dragon Blood was originally an Urza's Saga card.)

PopeAwesome on Possessed Roses in Full Bloom

6 years ago

Looking good so far I'll just add a few notes if thats ok. Probably replace one of those Acquire with Bribery. Coalition Relic is strictly better than Obelisk of Grixis. While Dragon Blood isn't the worst I think Unspeakable Symbol is most likely better (6 mana for the first +1 counter is rough) especially since you need kinda low life to trigger dethrone. Feast on the Fallen is a card that seems good but that I don't super like since to get max value out of it relies on your opponents attacking each other instead of you. Finally Fork or Twincast are always better than Doublecast.

I did not know this until today, not only does Marchesa's ability effect herself but it still triggers if she herself isn't on the battlefield so wrath effects like Damnation,Toxic Deluge and Blasphemous Act will basically only effect your opponents.

Soul Channeling is some sweet old school tech but I'd rather get haste so you can get those counters on asap since once they're on your team is safe, Fervor and Lightning Greaves are classics, Bloodsworn Steward, Urabrask the Hidden, and Dragonlord Kolaghan are also fair options.

Control Magic is a powerful effect but if you're only gonna include 1 it might as well be either Treachery or Corrupted Conscience.

On the creature front I won't say too much more other than maybe cosider a few cards that just get +1/+1 counters in other ways like Scourge of the Throne, Markov Blademaster, and Taurean Mauler. Although none of those are compulsory inclusions by any means.

ps. you might like Wild Ricochet

alextom1988 on

7 years ago

Marchesa's 2nd ability also applies to her, so if she keeps dying make sure she has a +1/+1 counter on her and she will just bounce back! I use Armory of Iroas, Dragon Blood & Fabrication Module to consistently put at least 1 on her. Press into Service & Unity of Purpose work in a pinch and were the only (correct) coloured spells I could find. Diabolic Tutor is still cheap due to reprint and will allow you to search for whichever method takes your fancy. Drana, Liberator of Malakir also negates the need to attack the player with the highest life total in order to gain counters (as long as she can slip past, which she normally does). Hope this helps, feel free to take a look at my Marchesa deck (Marchesa's Treason) and critique it.

Snowjiggles on RUG Super-Friends Multi-Turn

8 years ago

Since you're running Temur colors and Doubling Season, you could also run Sage of Hours with Forced Adaptation/Dragon Blood and take a few consecutive turns.

Personally, I'd try a Sultai version of this and use Corpsejack Menace along with Doubling Season, increasing the chances of getting a counter multiplier.

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