Bearer of Silence

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bearer of Silence

Creature — Eldrazi

Devoid (This card has no colour.)

When you cast Bearer of Silence, you may pay . If you do, target opponent sacrifices a creature. ( represents colourless mana.)*


Bearer of Silence can't block.

legendofa on World Devastation

4 years ago

First thought is that you want to assemble the Urza lands quickly. Cards like Expedition Map or Ancient Stirrings will help with that.

Building off of Ancient Stirrings, do you want this deck to remain completely colorless? Adding some color will help you drop the average mana cost. and have the most options for low-cost Eldrazi like Bearer of Silence or Prophet of Distortion, but and have good stuff, too.

Eldrazi Tron is the most competitive Eldrazi-based deck, and this is in the same line as those tournament decks. (Eldrazi and Taxes is also up there, but that deck doesn't really focus on the tribal side.) Check some of those out for inspiration.

Hope this helps!

_Delta_ on Your Signature Spellbook

5 years ago

8 cards? Well My choices are as follows, it's certainly a hard choice to narrow all of my favorites down. I have been playing since Journey into Nyx.

Prophet of Kruphix - Was one of the leading cards in my first ever Magic deck that I built to play casually and for a time I played it in my first commander deck led by Vorel of the Hull Clade until it's later banning.

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - One of my favorite planeswalker cards of all time that I play both in my modern tron deck as well as Atraxa, Praetors' Voice commander deck. Can turn a game around so easily, his power cannot be denied.

Omniscience - One of the reason I always liked this card was simply for it's art, and I enjoy doing splashy, big plays in commander especially in decks like my Kruphix, God of Horizons .

Westvale Abbey  Flip - Was a card that I built an earlier casual standard deck around involving Blisterpod , Cryptolith Rite , and other eldrazi scion generators to flip this card into Ormendahl, Profane Prince . If that wasn't possible, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger was another card that you could ramp into from tapping and then sacrificing the scions.

Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger - I had one of these first in my above mentioned casual deck that was mostly simic goodstuff, and even after that I made a place for it in a Vorel of the Hull Clade , Atraxa, Praetors' Voice deck alongside the other praetors for flavour and now he resides in my Kruphix, God of Horizons deck where one of my favorite things to do with him is cheat him into play with Natural Order to make tons of mana for cost cards or Helix Pinnacle .

Winding Constrictor - Led a former standard deck of mine between Aether Revolt up until the later rotation all around +1/+1 counters. decks were all that I played in standard between Kaladesh to Guilds of Ravnica, only now with Ravnica Allegiance have I finally played a deck in different colours. I still have one in my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice deck for now until I convert it to superfriends fully with War of the Spark.

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet - I played this card a ton when it was in standard and I have held onto my two copies of the card which see a bit of commander play in my Edgar Markov and Oloro, Ageless Ascetic decks. Definitely one of my favorite black mythics of all time. I might in the future consider using them in a modern deck mainboard / sideboard if I ever build some deck in modern.

Cabal Coffers - There were so many cards besides this one I could still pick but this one really appeals to me as it embodies the power and greed that is black. Alongside Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth this is such good value, and I now use the card in two commander decks, Lord Windgrace and Gonti, Lord of Luxury .

Honourable Mentions of mine,

Dragonlord Ojutai , Hydra Broodmaster , Horizon Chimera , Bearer of Silence , Roil Elemental , Managorger Hydra , and Slivers!

Sizorninja77 on

6 years ago

Conspiracy and Xenograft do the same thing as Arcane Adaptation. A few of your creatures I don't feel are necessary such as Artificer's Assistant, Bearer of Silence and Entomber Exarch. I would even take out Hex Parasite and replace all these with small evasive creatures. Thalakos Seer and Nether Traitor and a couple of my favorites. I would also add more library manipulation so you have predictable flips when ninjas deal combat damage. Lastly I would add more expensive spells so that your opponents get hit hard when your ninjas deal damage. My version of Yuriko definitely isn't perfect, but you can check it out for more ideas if you want.

kamelyan on Greek Mythology

6 years ago

Given Scylla's appearance, I think the closest in Magic would be an Eldrazi. Oblivion Sower, Void Winnower, Drowner of Hope, Benthic Infiltrator, or Bearer of Silence would probably be the best of choices.

_Delta_ on Your favorite Expansion MTG

6 years ago

I only started back with Journey into Nyx, and so I would happen to say Oath, of the gatewatch and Eldritch Moon were my favorite sets.

Getting to play with cards like Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, Reality Smasher, Thought-Knot Seer, Bearer of Silence, Grasp of Darkness, Shrine of the Forsaken Gods and Oblivion Sower (bfz) and others were a lot of fun in this midrange mono black eldrazi deck I use to play for standard.

Eldritch Moon I got to build my most competitive (and expensive) to date standard deck around Delirium, featuring my foil Emrakul, the Promised End I had from a prelease kit, Traverse the Ulvenwald to search up things like Ishkanah, Grafwidow, Noxious Gearhulk, and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet usually if not Emrakul. It was my first time playing a graveyard centric deck, with a lot of synergy, and overall it was the most fun I had with a standard deck since I started standard close to the end of Khans block being about to rotate. Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet I would say is one of my favorite mythics of all time, I played the card from shortly after the time it was printed to the very day it rotated.

JuQ on Eldrazi Ninja Scroll

7 years ago

Hey! I like the idea of the deck and your introduction.

If the point of the deck is making colorless creatures unblockable (except by artifact creatures) to enable ninjustsu, wouldn't you need some cheap eldrazis or artifact creatures to spend as little mana as possible each time and start producing value earlier? Maybe with some kind of evasion of their own just in case.
These creatures could do the job: Eldrazi Skyspawner, Bearer of Silence, Dimensional Infiltrator, Fathom Feeder, Hovermyr, Gust-Skimmer, Mist Intruder, Slaughter Drone, Ferropede, Mindmelter, Pilgrim's Eye.

What's the plan to make the ninjas unblockables the turns after they ninjaed onto the battlefield? Other than Deepfathom Skulker there is nothing else to help them. Key to the City, Whispersilk Cloak or Thassa, God of the Sea are good options for that task.

The costs of the deck are quite high, I'd advise more mana rocks/dorks that add two or more mana to help you reach those costs Worn Powerstone, Palladium Myr, Hedron Archive, Gilded Lotus or Pyramid of the Pantheon and the Temple of the False God.

SirSh4ggy on

7 years ago

Does the extra mana from Blight Herder play a crucial role? I was thinking, you might go more aggro by changing it out for Reality Smasher, or instead you could use Mindmelter as a late-game card advantage. If you don't need more hand manipulation, you could introduce Bearer of Silence for removal or a body. Do you get Elder Deep-Fiend on the field often? That card is beast

frogkill45 on eldrazi black&blue something (help)

7 years ago

Made a list for you of things is would try. I have played both Tron and Bant versions of Eldrazzi. if you want to be competitive in modern you need efficiency in the spells you cast, Eldrazzi tron decks can play Thought-Knot Seer on turn 2 and smasher on 3. Plus many other decks in modern spit out Gurmag Angler or Tasigur, the Golden Fang on turn 2. You need cheap removal. Vapor Snag is great vs gurmag/tasigur, Fatal Push is great vs many other decks, but bad vs eldrazi or any creatureless combo deck like storm or ad nauseum. Fathom Feeder is a great card too as suggested above. Elder Deep-Fiend is also a very good card.

example list of what i would run. just tagged things you dont have in the above list


4x Eldrazi Temple

4x Polluted Delta

1x Wastes

2x Island

2x Swamp

2x Ghost Quarter

3x Underground River

1x Sea Gate Wreckage

1x Sanctum of Ugin

2x Watery Grave


4x Eldrazi Skyspawner

4x Fathom Feeder

4x Bearer of Silence / Wasteland Strangler

2x Mist Intruder

4x Thought-Knot Seer

2x Reality Smasher

2x Blight Herder or more Smashers

3x Oblivion Sower

1x Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger

Other Spell:

4x Relic of Progenitus / Tormod's Crypt

4x Fatal Push / Go for the Throat

4x Vapor Snag

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