
Sliver Deck focused on Cascade using Road / Ruin, Spring / Mind, Magma Opus, Creative Outburst, Elemental Masterpiece, Beanstalk Giant, Shefet Monitor and Greater Tanuki as ramp that can be dodged by cascade so it won't get interrupted.

Also using Maelstrom Nexus, Sunbird's Invocation, Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty, Reflections of Littjara, Mythos of Illuna, Spitting Image, Throes of Chaos along with The First Sliver Commander to generate more cascade instances, duplicates or similar effects to cast more slivers creating falls of cascades triggers each iteration.

the cards have been selected to increase the amount of cascading or similar effects and make the cascading more incessant by using higher cost cards for spells that would interrupt the cascading and staggered sliver cost which also helps to increase the chance of having a higher streak simultaneous cascades without losing consistency;

This deck has a preference for higher cost slivers compared to other sliver commanders for the cascade to be more likely to catch multiple slivers in each cascade generating new cascades.

Cards like Creative Outburst, Elemental Masterpiece, Magma Opus, Beanstalk Giant, Spring / Mind, Road / Ruin, Shefet Monitor and Greater Tanuki were selected in place of Sol Ring and other standard spells as they are needed to generate colored mana at the beginning of the game to cast The First Sliver without interrupting the cascade later if it is exiled by the cascade;

Darksteel Ingot was kept for Harmonic Sliver to have an indestructible target avoiding having to stop the cascade for not wanting to bring down Harmonic for the chance it would start destroying your enchantments;

Bushwhack was kept as it is useful both for fetching the missing color before casting The First Sliver and as a pseudo removal during the cascade;

Sliver Gravemother allows Spitting Image and Reflections of Littjara to make copies of The First Sliver to increase the number of cascades per Sliver cast;

Sunbird's Invocation generates an effect very close to cascade, and also casts the card triggering cascade;

Maelstrom Nexus and Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty to increase the number of cascades;

Hibernating Sliver lets you return a Sliver to your hand to cast again and generate new cascades;

Brainstorm and Swords to Plowshares are ideally the "endpoints" of the first cascades to organize the top of the deck for the next cascade and remove any problematic creatures respectively;

Throes of Chaos and Hollowhead Sliver serve to get more cards to cascade even when you have lands in your hand;

Copies spawned by Reflections of Littjara do not cascade, but Gemhide Sliver or Manaweft Sliver and Haste help to continue the cascade;

Mythos of Illuna is an idea for copying useful permanents like Reflections of Littjara, Sunbird's Invocation, Maelstrom Nexus, or The First Sliver if you have the Sliver Gravemother;

* The deck uses cascade to find the slivers and not searches like Homing Sliver, tutors or Sliver Overlord to keep the game more random and fun. If your meta is highly competitive, place tutors (and change the mana base to something more competitive with less taplands);

* The "maybe board" have cards I'm considering or don't own yet

*Inspired by The First Sliver Evolution list and primer.


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91% Casual


Date added 8 months
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 0 Rares

39 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.38
Tokens Copy Clone, Elemental 4/4 UR, Sliver 1/1 C, Treasure
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