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They call him ... speedy Daggy [budget version]

Commander / EDH* Budget Counterspell Infinite Combo Mono-Blue Myr Tap/Untap



Why Arcum Dagsson?

The cards are currently cheap, so the conditions are optimal building this deck right now. The most important cards were recently reprinted. So it will probably only be budget for a certain time.

- The win con

The goal of this deck is to generate infinite mana, cheat each useful artifact from your library into play to pump all this mana into something to mill each opponent. Actually there is no specific win condition :D

- costs

Total costs around ~ 80$ in the US and ~ 55€ in the EU.

  • how to pilot

What you want in this is deck is infinite mana through Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith. Alternatively you can use Palladium Myr + Myr Galvanizer. To achieve this you need to play like this:

A good hand for a solid start contains about 2 - 3 lands and a 2 cmc mana rock.

  1. Turn: land for turn and maybe a one drop
  2. Turn: land and a 2 cmc mana rock
  3. Turn: land and get Arcum Dagsson out
  4. Turn: land drop another artifact + If you have a counterspell in your hand, be sure you have some untapped lands left to interact to any kind of threat. This threat could be an Aven Mindcensor-effect or Sorcerous Spyglass-effect - something that prevents you to use Dagsson's ability. Then (and that is important) activate Dagsson's ability in the opponent's end-step right before your turn. Dont be afraid to sacrifice one of your 2 cmc mana rocks if necessary. This decks runs plenty of them. What you looking for is Rings of Brighthearth. Than pass priority and if there are no further responses go into your upkeep.
  5. Turn: This step could be a bit tricky if you using this for the first time. Activate Daggson, in response pay to copy the ability with Rings of Brighthearth. Now you need to sacrifice two artifacts but search for two. Those will be Basalt Monolith and Staff of Domination. If you are familiar with this, you know that you can now generete infinite generic mana with addiotinal copying basalt monolith's untap ability. Now you're able to to untap Staff of Domination and Dagsson. In order to win you need some more pieces:

  6. finfish it

check out the other versions of this deck:

Super Budget Version



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95% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

17 - 0 Rares

31 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.56
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Myr 1/1 C
Folders Arcum
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