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Surrak Dragonhuggables

Commander / EDH Group Hug


Surrak needed a home and I wanted a bear hug deck. It just so happens these are my prefered colors for a bear hug deck. This is far from being a competitive deck, but hopefully definitely put grins on peoples faces and possibly some laughs. So here's is my breakdown of cards:


Reins of Power: At instant-speed a combo breaker. If someone massed tokens, then punish them.

Squallmonger: More suicide than a win-condition.

Multani - Everyone's got cards? Good.

DRAW CARDS: Psychic Possession: A must! Your opponents will be drawing a lot of cards, you want to be drawing twice as much.

Temple Bell, Howling Mines, Dakra Mystic: Yep draw

Windfall: Need more pylons

MANA RAMP: Treasonous Ogre: EDH has plenty of life, so he's excellent support.

Dictate of Karametra: I need it for make people draw MOAR cards. Really.

Zhur-Taa Ancient: He's not as good as dictate, but he's a good size body.

Mana Cache: Everyone needs mana...it's like drug addiction.

TUTOR: Noble Benefactor: Everyone needs their engine cards.

SURVIVAL: Horizon Chimera: Life gain via card draw.

Essence Warden: Life gain via creatures.

Soldevi Sentry: Block and regen, help a buddy.

POLITICS: Akroan Horse: It's an interesting poltical game once everyone else starts getting tokens. This encourages a boardwipe, thus forcing those board wipes early.

Plea for Power: A stample to find out who your friends are, screw the rest.

Goblin Welder: Another combo breaker, or form of disruption.

Thrummingbird: Give ALL planeswalkers more counters, and ALL creatrues more counters,

Pyxis of Pandemonium: Possibly a source for a lot of disruption

(maybe) Split Decision:


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.35
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Soldier 1/1 W, Wurm 6/6 G
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