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Scion of the Ur-Dragon

Commander / EDH


Deck Description

This is a dragon themed utility deck focused on mass graveyard recursion. This is not intended for cEDH, and the kill potential has been throttled to create a deck that can wipe out three opponents in a single turn as early as turn five and no later than turn seven if uninterrupted. This deck works best in traditional four player games in a casual setting.

The main goal of the deck is to use Scion of the Ur-Dragon to put specific dragons into your graveyard so you can put them onto the battlefield with mass graveyard recursion spells.

The main combo will give your dragons haste, provide an extra combat step, and create dragon tokens that will be able to swing during your extra combat, all while preventing your opponents from casting spells that could stop you from winning.

There are multiple back-up options for one turn commander damage if you feel a specific opponent needs to be dealt with early, as well as two alternate win conditions that will either deal direct damage or life loss to all opponents.

The deck uses mana ramp and extra/double mana effects to get ahead as well as color fix, and your commander can even tutor up a dragon specifically to untap all of your lands, giving you the burst of mana required to setup your board.

There is some built in commander protection in the form of hexproof, spell redirection, regeneration, and the ability to phase out, all of which can be tutored up with Scion of the Ur-Dragon's ability.

The final piece of utility within the deck comes in the form of wheel effects. You will have the ability to dump your current hand into your graveyard and draw seven new cards, to ensure you have the right combination of spells to close out the game. As with everything else, your commanders ability can be used to do this at will, so you will never be stuck with a dead hand.

Strengths and weaknesses of the deck?

The deck is quick, reliable, and can deal a massive amount of damage with little mana investment, which leads to explosive turns that take out multiple opponents, even if they are at full life. You can protect your game-winning turn, and disrupt your opponents hands with surprise wheel effects. You have reliable commander damage / infect options if you are up against a fast or threatening opponent, and because your commander is a tutor, it is rare that you have a dead game.

The biggest weaknesses of the deck is the reliance on early green mana to ensure your mana base functions, and the glass cannon approach to the build. There is no removal or interaction outside of some tricks to protect your commander. The deck assumes that you will be able to reliably play Scion of the Ur-Dragon, and if you are not able to, the deck will function more slowly and leave you vulnerable.

How can you make the deck better?

Change the mana base and move away from basic lands so you don't rely on ramp and mana rocks to color fix. Reduce the amount of ramp, and remove the extra/double mana effects from your deck.

Replace these cards with more defensive cards that can interact with your opponents, and play a slower game. Change most of the wheel effects for reliable card draw. Switch the alternative win conditions with a more traditional game winning or infinite combo.


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98% Casual


Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 0 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.31
Tokens Copy Clone, Dragon 6/6 R, Morph 2/2 C, Pest 1/1 BG, Treasure
Folders Commander Decks, Ideas, Dragon Commander, EDH, Bonito deck, possible commander decks that i might buy, Commander Ideas, Deck Guides, edh, Commander
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