Eye of Doom

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Eye of Doom


When Eye of Doom enters the battlefield, each player chooses a nonland permanent and puts a doom counter on it.

, , Sacrifice Eye of Doom: Destroy each permanent with a doom counter in it.

MilkmanMatty on Mono-Black Vampire Aggro

4 years ago

Not that I think it'll come up, but be careful when running Bad Moon because if someone drops a Darkest Hour it can really turn bad lol.

The more I look into it, Green and White have a lot of enchantment hate cards for mono-black:

Luckily I don't think anyone has any of these so they won't be a problem for a while. I also just realised that mono-black has no enchant removal at all, I think the best bet would be Eye of Doom and just hope that you and the teammate pick better permanents than your opponents. There is also Scour from Existence but you're probably wanting the game to be over by the time you have 7 mana.

ClockworkSwordfish on Looking for cards to fit …

5 years ago

Red is the best for forcing decisions. You've got Whims of the Fates , Stronghold Gambit , Breaking Point , Browbeat , Flaming Gambit , Vexing Devil and Blazing Salvo , among others. But black isn't so bad itself, including Dash Hopes , Lethal Vapors , Temporal Extortion , Volrath's Dungeon and the aptly-named Choice of Damnations . Eye of Doom might also be an option for forcing people to choose which permanent to put on the chopping block.

Cadois on Yes, This Deck is For Real

6 years ago

@Snickles@EDH_only Thanks for the sugestion, I thought about Serrated Biskelion and Eye of Doom when started this deck, but they got cut out to fit another stuff. To be honest the only reason I use Silver Myr instead of Coalition Relic is because I like the art. (and I need the Relic in my Bruna EDH)

@Thunderide Please check the FAQ.

@Alkadron Thank you sir, I gave my best at making this deck as unnecessarily complicated and suboptimal as possible.

Snickles@EDH_only on Yes, This Deck is For Real

6 years ago

I love Arbiter of the Ideal - I didn't catch that it was a token effect, even if it has no other purpose. very nice call!

Serrated Biskelion might be worth running - shrinks creatures, would kill itself but with your commander... It's a nice alternitive to Serrated Arrows, the staple for prolifferate decks for re-appliably -1/-1 counters

perhaps Coalition Relic over myr? less fragile, plus can generate a charge counter, interact with other charge artifact stuff.

Eye of Doom? it fits the rediculous theme you have, and prevents opponents from realisitcally destroying your stuff in multiplayer.

love the concept! I like goofball decks alot more than infinite compeditive combo jank (see Squee: All the hats or Tom Cruise Crazy for what I mean). Very nice work!

t3hdarkness on My Xantcha-nizzle Dizzle Rakdos Izzle

6 years ago

Politics on Rakdos is usually more about threatening with The Sword than offering The Olive Branch.

There's Oath of Ghouls although you'll have very little control of it. You could also try Assault Suit, Brawl, Eye of Doom, Humble Defector, Jinxed Choker, and Stuffy Doll.

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