Chronic Flooding

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chronic Flooding

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant land Whenever enchanted land becomes tapped, its controller puts the top three cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard.

NallexJr on Blue/Black Budget Mill

11 months ago

Balaam__ I appreciate your help with the formatting! It looks and works a bunch better now that those links are hoverable. I've been looking at sideboard options, and ways to make the deck flow a little better. Especially surrounding Chronic Flooding and Drowned Secrets, as they don't seem to flow as well as I'd like them to after doing a ton of playtesting. Any ideas are more than welcome!

Winceless on The Great Flood

1 year ago

Hi Balaam__, thanks for the feedback! The main reason I'm using Moment's Peace is because my combo involves binning a bunch of my own cards with Hedron Crab and Chronic Flooding. I want the fog effect to still be accessible even if those cards get turned over into my graveyard.

wallisface on

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Mill decks don’t really want to be playing any creatures at all, except for Ruin Crab and Hedron Crab. The reason for this is that there is no point in attacking your opponents life total - it just means you’re doing 2 things at once badly, and will fail to accomplish either. Focus on milling and ditch all those non-crab creatures.

  • Shared Trauma feels really bad because for 3 mana you’re only milling 2 cards. This is possibly the weakest mill card there is.

  • I’d suggest ditching all of your enchants. Chronic Flooding is slow and too easy to play-around. Curse of the Bloody Tome is super slow. Fraying Sanity sounds good in-text, but in practice is almost always not worth it.

  • Archive Trap is great and you should prolly be running the playset - but you should get Field of Ruin to play alongside it to force the search (as well as help the crabs).

  • You currently have no interaction, which is a really bad place to be as Mill can’t reliably race faster decks. I’d suggest finding room for Fatal Push, Drown in the Loch, Surgical Extraction.

To help with your brewing, an example of my competitive mill deck is here

Teeyou12 on muldrotha new

3 years ago

Cut the basic lands. Add pretty much any non basic in their place. This will let you mill your entire library with Hermit Druid. If you have Muldrotha out you then cast Thassa's Oracle from your yard to win the game. Or, with 3 creatures on board, you can flash back Dread Return.

A copy of Phyrexian Delver will let you form a back up hulk pile around the Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Walking Ballista combo by using Protean Hulk to find Delver and Viscera Seer, using the delver to bring back Hulk, sacking hulk to seer, and finding Mikaeus and ballista.

As for non combo related additions, Nihil Spellbomb is pretty much a strictly better version of Soul-Guide Lantern in this deck where you can recur them. Your only playing 9 peices of ramp in the deck with a 6 mana commander that seems to be your main value engine. I would recommend adding more with cards like Millikin and Deranged Assistant.Also run Simic Signet and the talismans in your colors like Talisman of Curiosity. ETB effects like Wood Elves and Elvish Rejuvenator may also be good. Your in green so mana dorks are very good. Elves of Deep Shadow and Arbor Elf in particular. Expedition Map may be worth playing due to your ability to recur it and find any land you want to your hand.

At 6 mana you also have to be able to protect your commander once she hits the board to keep from getting blown out. You have a few cards that do this already but Voidmage Prodigy is a very versatile card that can sacrifice itself and be recurred. Swiftfoot Boots is also a good effect for this.

As for general cuts, Avenger of Zendikar, Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, Tombstone Stairwell don't help you get to your combos faster, don't slow down your opponenets, and arent involved in any combos I can see myself. While Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat can be used as replacements for Disciple of the Vault in your persit combo, they can't be included in the hulk pile and don't contribute to any of your other combos.

I don't think you need 3 edict creatures in the deck so maybe cut Merciless Executioner. If you find you need that density than keep it but its going to kind of be a dead card if you can cast one of the others from your graveyard already.

Chronic Flooding is a bit to slow IMO. I recommend Undercity Informer as both a sac outlet and a mill card, and/or Stitcher's Supplier.

I generally want my removal to actually get rid of the thing in EDH though it is worth noting you can use these effects to bounce your own commander to save it if need be. Aether Spellbomb and Seal of Removal are possible cuts but not neccessarilly. Recommend something like Shriekmaw or Executioner's Capsule if you do feel like removing it. Beast Within is also a good card, even if it doesn't synergize extremely well with your commander.

Fjallen on Emry // Mono-Blue Artifact Combos [cEDH]

4 years ago

smittydux Thanks for the suggestions. I'll definitely look into including Retract. It looks like it has a lot of storm potential with Brain Freeze and card draw effects like Vedalken Archmage. Temporal Fissure looks like a neat card, but doesn't seem to actually finish the game; just cause an extreme annoyance and drag the game out. Chronic Flooding looks really cool. I'll definitely have to consider it as another tool for digging deeper in the deck. The thing with Sea Gate Restoration  Flip is that, worst case, it's a land. Best case is it becomes a draw 2-7 in the mid-game when you have no other plays to forward your board state. I don't see much downside to the card, that's why I include it in the list.

Daedalus19876 on Araumi's Army of Shadows

4 years ago

Lazotep Plating is a COOL idea, I might have to try that! I also keep intending to find a spot for Dreamscape Artist...

I cut Dire Fleet Ravager just because I wasn't certain if I could push through enough life loss in that single turn to not die on the backswing, but I might have to try him again. How have you found it?

I didn't run Obsessive Stitcher because it conflict with my commander's cost, and I found Tideforce Elemental to be a problem because it required the additional blue for the untap.

I'm running Floating-Dream Zubera and Ashen-Skin Zubera over Yarok's Fenlurker because they give me a stronger ability to combine them. It's pretty easy to do both at the same time! Chronic Flooding is interesting.

Overall, this seems like a great list, I can't wait to see where it goes... :D

ilovemydoghisnameistuna on Twiddle Your Thumbs

4 years ago

I'm trying to make the deck slightly more mill-by-tapping based, but I know that depending on Chronic Flooding is not going to go well. The things I have come up with so far for expanding on this category is Jace's Phantasm and Tome Scour; ideally I can make the mill go fast enough that I can reliably cast Visions of Beyond in it's Ancestral Recall mode. I want to get Sanity Grinding to work but I'm worried that the number of I will hit will be too small: The only way I would run it is if it is better than mill seven (i.e., better than Mind Sculpt).

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