Ashenmoor Liege

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ashenmoor Liege

Creature — Elemental Knight

Other black creatures you control get +1/+1.

Other red creatures you control get +1/+1.

Whenever Ashenmoor Liege becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, that player loses 4 life.

OHCyanide on Its 2013 in 2022 V1.4 (Prossh EDH)

2 years ago

V1.1 - Cannibalizing other decks to flesh mine out


Ashenmoor Liege, Shattergang Brothers, Fell Shepherd, Walker of the Grove, Plague Boiler, Jar of Eyeballs, Vile Requiem, Empty the Pits, Rough / Tumble


Karametra's Acolyte - Green devotion mana dork. Xenagos, God of Revels - Generally great, explosive charges Balefire Dragon - Psuedo-board clear, can pump with Xenagos, God of Revels. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger - Psuedo-rap, board control Bow of Nylea - Attacking death touch tokens are way more threatening, can't chunk block them. Devotion to green. Cultivate - Ramp is good. Ranger's Path - Ramp is still good. Into the Wilds - Semi draw, semi ramp, top of library manipulation. Xenagos, the Reveler - Ramp, tokens, whats not to like? Death's Presence - A bit win more, but re-using the stats from stacked tokens can be great.

Metroid_Hybrid on Need help rebuilding an old …

2 years ago

Several years ago I put together a strictly Rakdos-themed Aggro deck built around Fists of the Demigod, Psychotic Fury, Ashenmoor Liege, and having a "transformative" sideboard. Many users on T/O at the time seemed to like it as much as I did. But unfortunately, one day I accidentally left it at an LGS shortly before it permanently closed, and was never able to get it back...

Now half a decade later, I'm looking to rebuild. However, over the past 5 years many new creatures have been printed that have rendered my old list, quite frankly, obsolete..

I'm probably going to keep all of the non-creature spells (except maybe Madcap Skills), but I'm likely to replace all of the creatures except the playsets of Rakdos Cackler & Spike Jester, and the singles of Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch and (of course) Ashenmoor Liege.

With so many new options, compounded by the fact that I haven't played any Modern in years, I find it difficult to settle on a particular direction...

Please advise...

Rakdos Sligh Beats - RakdosDeckWins..

Modern Metroid_Hybrid


(As far as the sideboard is concerned, I'm probably going to replace Blightning with Sovereign's Bite)

MaximumEdgeLord on Cult of the Forgotten Gods

2 years ago

It looks like this deck could use Thunderkin Awakener to reanimate Lightning Skelemental and Ashenmoor Liege. Also in modern Claim the Firstborn is heads and shoulders better than Act of Treason, so you should play 4. Actually Kari Zev's Expertise should replace Act of Treason entirely. Really cool deck!

zapyourtumor on Ball Lightning Never Dies

3 years ago

Also some other cool creatures you could consider adding are Ashenmoor Liege , Scampering Scorcher , and Spitebellows . It's unfortunate that they can't be unearthed though but I feel like adding one of those could be funny.

TheVectornaut on red and black

3 years ago

I second the idea of cutting down to just 60 cards in 2 colors. Then, I'd try to identify the main gameplan you like to follow when playing the deck. That will inform any cuts, additions, and other revisions you make down the line.

The first archetype that jumps out at me is definitely knights. They are often Mardu () these days, but just Rakdos () should work just fine for casual play. You already have Belle of the Brawl , Barrow Witches , Charity Extractor , Embereth Paladin . Locthwain Paladin , Garna, the Bloodflame , Ogre Errant , Raging Redcap , and Tentative Connection which can definitely fit such a style. Most of the lower cost creatures and spells wouldn't be that bad either. I'll list some cards from the modern card pool under $5 that I think could be strong additions to such a deck.
Ashenmoor Liege , Bloodcrazed Paladin , Cavalier of Flame , Cavalier of Night , Champion of Dusk , Elite Headhunter , Embereth Shieldbreaker , Foulmire Knight , Hanweir Lancer , Hero of Oxid Ridge , Knight of the Ebon Legion , Kulrath Knight , Midnight Reaper , Murderous Rider , Olivia, Mobilized for War , Stormfist Crusader , and Weaselback Redcap are all knight creatures with various effects, costs, and price points that I see as playable. For more general knight synergy, Blacklance Paragon , Fervent Champion , Joust , Sigiled Sword of Valeron , Tournament Grounds , and my favorite, Smitten Swordmaster are options too. Toss in some solid removal like Lightning Bolt , Terminate , or Bedevil and you have the recipe for a strong tribal aggro deck.

The other major archetype I see being possible here is some sort of angel/dragon/demon big stuff deck. The problem is that such a deck is likely to be much slower, making it tougher to keep up in 1v1 games. Plus, a lot of those cards are legendary, so they tend to come with a hefty real-world price tag. Still, I've seen Kaalia of the Vast do some very scary stuff in casual. Such a deck would support your larger creatures as well as spells like Cauldron Dance and Victimize .

kellpiece on Mono-Black Devotion

3 years ago

love the idea and got a lot of great cards you should consider: Erebos, God of the Dead i might run 3 of these boys. obv choice with black devotion.

Crypt Ghast is gonna pop off in this deck, no doubt. Royal Assassin as well. I'd ditch the Nightveil Specter since they could easily be replaced with Vampire Nighthawk for way more value. also consider Bloodsoaked Champion

Liliana of the Dark Realms is a bit pricey but god damn if she isnt UNREAL with black devo decks. also maybe crank it to 4 Phyrexian Obliterator and 4 Gray Merchant of Asphodel

mono black has a lot of strong control, as well. Inquisition of Kozilek , Hero's Downfall , Fatal Push are all cheap and CRAZY effective.

As far as sweet hybrid cards go, I'd consider Fiend Artisan and Ashenmoor Liege , otherwise not too many other cool ones come to mind but hopefully this advice helps!

Schlaglas on Thunderbois

3 years ago

Ashenmoor Liege would work, but i dont think it would be very effective, as i rarely have more than one creature on the battlefield (mostly Incandescent Soulstoke , Thunderkin Awakener very rarely survives more than one or two turns). All other creatures basically die at the end of the turn i play them in, and the game almost never reaches the point where i could play more than one creature per turn that could benefit from the liege, because this deck either oneshots the opponent in a few turns with a Nova Chaser / Temur Battle Rage combo or something similar to that, or i get completely destroyed. There is no in between with this deck. I very much could see Ashenmoor Liege as a sideboard card, though, for decks that constantly wanna destroy my creatures, but i honestly didnt really think about the sideboard yet. Thanks for your suggestions though, i will keep them in mind!

xignited on Thunderbois

3 years ago

Makes sense. In that case how about Ashenmoor Liege ? you can sneak it in to lord your team and it still does 4 damage if they try to interact with it.

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