Tiny leaders variant of my regular edh deck:09-12-14-abzan-combo
Anafenza, the Foremost has the color identity I associate the most with, along with being a credible threat on the field and a static ability that messes with a lot of opponents. A particular example is Alesha, Who Smiles at Death who has trouble bringing back creatures when there aren't any in the graveyard. Anafenza also has a high P/T to survive a lot of burn and my own Drown in Sorrow.
I trimmed the removal package and the mana base down to what I think (well ok, hope) is the best that I have.
The creatures were a much harder decision. The format still feels so new and there's still a lot of potential to discover. Here's a breakdown of what's included and why (not just because it's what I own).
Birds of Paradise and Sylvan Caryatid don't need much of an introduction as they help me mana fix in a three color deck with such a low card limit.
Courser of Kruphix is here for all the reasons that it is in standard right now. It's cheap, has a high toughness, helps me thin my lands and provides lifegain while dealing decent damage.
Dauntless Escort is a 3/3 for 3 which is great anyways, but the added bonus of the sac effect when I have Pernicious Deed on the field keeps my creatures alive or when other wraths like Martial Coup are played against me.
Eternal Witness is just great. It's my Regrowth on a stick.
Fleecemane Lion is a valuable 2 drop as a 3/3 and great for later in the game as a mana sink into a creature that becomes even more difficult to deal with.
Grand Abolisher because I hate blue.
Loxodon Smiter is a big dude in the format and hand destruction is a frequent thing in my meta.
Predator Ooze surprises a lot of people. I use it as bait for their path or swords in order to keep my other creatures protected. However, if they already have used those, or don't run those colors, then the ooze quickly gets out of hand and dominates the board.
Scavenging Ooze fills in for anafenza when she's stuck in the command zone. The scooze also helps to gain life and grow to an ever bigger threat.
Transcendant-master is the big swinger in the late game. This creature is the mana dump after the opponent has no removal left and I need to have a bigger creature than the goyf.
Vampire Nighthawk is just, wow. I new he was good but, wow. A flyer where I have none, a deathtoucher for great blocking, and I do love me some lifegain.
Almost all of these creatures survive wipes like Drown in Sorrow and can go toe-to-toe with many other creatures I find a lot in my meta.
A couple of cards standout in my sideboard too.
Glaring Spotlight has shut down multiple Geist of Saint Traft decks.
Stony Silence has repeatedly shut down Kemba and a couple of voltron decks.