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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy target artifact.

Stardragon on Got a bone to pick?

2 years ago


Ok let's unpack your thoughts

Glad you like the less rare equipments. As for whip there is no real reason for it to have flash it could be cut. As for hammer yes it itself has regenerate in case someone tries to Shatter it, and it make opponents discard 2 cards.

As for bone plate it was meant to be skeleton equipment will fix that, and yeah it does do a lot but I wanted to a great almost finisher equipment to justify its mythic rare status.

As for your comment on have an Undying army if you have all of them on the field that's the point but the only way your going to be able do that is to run a 5 color deck

For Smoldering bone the pay 3 life is intended as part of the regenerate cost

For Calc yeah crop the pic will find another. His stats can change to make him more balance will probably go for a 2/3

For Lord I can change the hybrid mana to white mana and switch his P/T around but also his second effect doesn't hit him only other skeletons will make it non-token. The reason his regen cost is higher to balance him as he is a almost a combination of Atheros and Smothering Tithe

For Agamemnon thxs for noticing the zombie problem will fix that. For the spirits I'll make them a 1/1 for and keep the discard effect and lose the pay 1. As for giving creatures Undying, I wanted to have Unearth, Undying and Persist have more cards so this way skeletons have all the reanimated abilities without actually using reanimate cards

The whole Undying and Persist syergy was on purpose. And the whole keeping the counters was ripped whole from SkullBriar which existed before alchemy was even a thought.

As for his last effect hmm as it stands now with no tinkering Blood for Bones would trigger twice as would as would Zombify, and yes I fully expected it Flicker a bunch if the brewer so chooses.

As for his mana cost I could make higher or different will think on that

As for live test not at the moment need to balance them before it happens and you pointed out many things for me to fix so I'm glad I didn't print them yet

TheHamster on

2 years ago

Last (probably) big update till new commander comes out. Swapped out Kodama's Reach for a Selesnya Signet I have a lower concentration of basics and an extra rock just seemed good. also swapped Mosswort Bridge for Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip getting a random free elephant most of the time isn't as worth of a land that can sometimes be recursion, Karn's Bastion was cut for another forest, after playing it a few games, tapping to proliferate just never felt worth the cost and I'd rather just have another colored source in my lands. Fortified Village was cut for Ondu Skyruins  Flip as being the worst dual land, deemed having an emergency wrath is just more necessary. Return of the Wildspeaker swapped in for Shamanic Revelation on average I end up with 1 or 2 bigger creatures vs the 6 or 7 creatures I'd need for revelation to draw the same rate + the instant speed over sorcery is nice and random overrun is eh but cool to have if ever needed. Akroma's Will was put in place of Akroma's Memorial having basically the same effects at instant speed (+ a 7th instant speed mass protection) is basically the same as a clunky artifact as when you cast it you're usually swinging for lethal that turn anyways instead of risking a potential blowout if they have a Shatter effect. and lastly Call of the Herd came out (i know sad, but found the elephant token spells just aren't worth it as they've slowly been cut out over time) for Harsh Mercy a Janky on flavor board wipe that leaves my board in tact.

also slowly been foiling out all the cards in the deck that CAN be foiled cause shiny thing invoke terror ~

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Angrath on New Capenna

2 years ago

This is a great design from start to finish. MV6 walkers need to do work to be good, and this one sure does!

For 6 mana, he enters, kills a threat and usually Shatters something else while still ramping you. That's instantly affecting the board, indeed.

The -4 is basically a free Clash of Titans (which does cost 5 mana for a reason).

The ultimate is a beefed up Insurrection. That's insane, and definitely worth 8 loyalty.

Great design!

legendofa on Will WotC Use Phyrexian Mana …

3 years ago

I'm surprised artifact lands got printed, and I'm waiting for the MH2 lands to break, even with entering tapped.

Dredge is only a significant problem with a bug number; Shenanigans is basically a repeatable Shatter , since Dredge 1 isn't that threatening. The most used Dredge cards are Golgari Thug and Stinkweed Imp , which dredge 4 and 5, and Golgari Grave-Troll is banned in Modern. So this is a case of overbalancing.

There's a similar story with Storm: it's only a problem if it represents a win condition, like Brain Freeze , Tendrils of Agony , Grapeshot , or Empty the Warrens . I don't think too many games have been won or lost on Astral Steel or Reaping the Graves . It depends on the effect it goes with.

Neotrup on Do abilities on cards activate …

3 years ago

In sergiodelrio's example, you'll use "last known information" to determine what Aether Vial looked like when it was destroyed. Since Aether Vial is no longer on the battlefield, it doesn't have 2 counters anymore, but you look to when it last existed on the battlefield to determine how many counters it had at that point. This could be useful if your opponent casts Steady Progress in response to your activation, you could Shatter your own Aether Vial in response so that the game remembers it having 2 counters instead of 3.

In answer to your follow up question, yes, both the creature and the target of Argentum Armor will be destroyed. The targeted permanent is also still destroyed if the Shatter the Argentum Armor .

sergiodelrio on Do abilities on cards activate …

3 years ago

Let's say you have an Aether Vial with 2 counters and you put its activated ability on the stack. Ok, now that you put that on the stack, your opponent gets to respond and they choose to cast Shatter , so it goes on the stack above your ability and would resolve first if nothing else happens. Now we resolve Shatter and destroy the Aether Vial - it's gone. HOWEVER, the ability is still on the stack and gets to resolve now, so you can put an appropriate creature on the battlefield as the ability instructs.

Phyrexian11 on God of Thunder and Love

4 years ago

I'm not sure of previous versions of this deck, but I have some cards I think you should add, plus some cards I think you should either just consider replacing or simply just take out. We'll start with the ADD list.


  • Earthquake and/or Rolling Earthquake (You already have an effect like this in Subterranean Tremors , but this also hits players, so you'll deal EXTRA damage on top of the extra damage from the commander.)

  • Arcane Signet (You have Fire Diamond , but not Arcane Signet?)

  • Starstorm (An effect like many others, but this one has cycling.)

  • Fire Servant (It's not the cheapest creature, but it has an ability that you might want more of. You can always use more damage doubling.)

  • Mana Geyser (Look, it's just a good card to get a lot of mana quickly. Not super necessary, but it's fast mana in R)

  • Heartless Hidetsugu (I'm just suggesting this one because cutting your opponents down to 20 is great and makes killing them easier.)

  • Seething Song (Fast Mana good.)

  • Seize the Spoils (I noticed a lack of card draw, and this is a pretty neat mono-red card draw spell.)

  • Endless Atlas (Again, card draw, and it's cheap and consistent.)

  • Genesis Chamber (Yeah, it requires your opponents to be playing creatures a bit, but it makes it just that much easier to kill them. Plus the Myr generated are all 1/1s, so they will easily let excess damage through from the rest of the deck.)

  • Sanctuary Blade (A little expensive on the equip side, but this is another consitent way to give your commander pro-red.)

  • Sword of Sinew and Steel / Sword of War and Peace (You have Sword of Fire and Ice , so why not have more of the red ones?)

  • Chandra, Awakened Inferno (Her + kills your opponents faster, her - does what you commander wants, her -X is neat. I think she's all around a great inclusion.)

  • Chandra, Torch of Defiance (Okay, so now is where I admit that you only had 1 planeswalker and I talk about how much I like Planeswalker cards. I think they're cool and fun. This specific one is great beacause she either gives you mana or draws you a card, essentially. Her two differ +1's are really the only reason, but her ult is something your opponents wont want to have go off, either.)

  • Caged Sun (More Mana in mono-red.)


  • Ignite the Future (It's too expensive for what it does. You can better spend the mana on a Chandra, Torch of Defiance or something. Yeah, it's kind of card draw, but you can do better.)

  • Pyroblast (Unless this is for a VERY SPECIFIC meta where you are going against mean U decks, this will be more frustrating in hand than useful, I think. Plus, color-specific hate like this just feels out of place in this format, unless, of course, your meta is particularly skewed a certain way.)

  • Red Elemental Blast (See Above.)

  • Tibalt's Trickery (Yeah, cool counterspell, but I think the deck should focus more on itself, personally.)

  • Wheel of Fate (There are better, and faster, ways to draw cards. I like the idea of this card, but in having played it over and over again, either it never actually resolves -like the game ends- or it just feels like a relative waste because people can see it coming and plan ahead.)

  • Fire Diamond (Replace this with Arcane Signet . It's just better.)

  • Lavabrink Floodgates (To be fair, I've never played with this card, but OH BOY does it seem bad. If you're not proliferating the counters, then this will NEVER go off if your opponents don't want it to, and they would never want it to with this deck, unless a board-wipe JUST happened and there are not creatures. So then it's just a 4-drop mana rock producing 2, and you can just replace it with something better like Caged Sun that will help you Earthquake for a win faster.

  • Arch of Orazca (I noticed in your mana base that you have 13 lands that tap for colorless. That seems like too many for me - it's almost the same number of Snow-Covered Mountain s you have. So I am recommending removing some. I get why this one is here, for the card draw, but this is SO EXPENSIVE. I don't even run it in my colorless Emrakul deck.)

  • Great Furnace (I like this card, I really do. I LOVE artifacts. But without any artifact synergies, this is more likely do get Shatter ed or Vandalblast ed than actually help you, and that'll feel bad. Just replace it with a Snow-Covered Mountain .)

  • Hanweir Battlements  Flip (Same reason for the colorless mana, and I don't really see many reasons other than, maybe 2 creatures for the need for haste, but it's not a necessity to be removed.)

  • Leyline of Punishment (I get that this is here to make it harder for your opponents to survive or heal up, but honestly, just play Heartless Hidetsugu or something else to keep life totals low. This one is often going to feel more like a do-nothing enchantment unless your meta is HEAVY life-gain.)

  • Treasonous Ogre (Fast mana, sure, but it seemed overall pretty meh to me in this deck. It's better at killing you than it is at providing mana in this specific deck, I think.)

  • Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor (The effect is important for making sure you opponents have creatures, but getting her to hit you opponents before they have blockers is going to be a challenge, and if you draw her late-game, then she's just a 3/3 blocker.)

  • Bonfire of the Damned (The miracle cost is cool, but most of the time I think you'd rather something like Earthquake that will most likely hit almost all of their creatures AND more than 1 opponent/opponent's board. Plus, if this isn't Miracle'd, then this is pretty trash in your hand.)

I'm sure I said add more cards than take out, and I know I said take out a couple lands, but not really add any, but I hope this is helpful.

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