Mirrodin Besieged

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mirrodin Besieged


As Mirrodin Besieged enters the battlefield, choose Mirran or Phyrexian.

  • Mirran — Whenever you cast an artifact spell, create a 1/1 colourless Myr artifact creature token.
  • Phyrexian — At the beginning of your end step, draw a card, then discard a card. Then if there are fifteen or more artifact cards in your graveyard, target opponent loses the game.

Last_Laugh on Artifact creature token generator in …

1 year ago

Mirrodin Besieged, Thopter Spy Network, and Sharding Sphinx are all good options depending on what direction you take the deck.

dramaege on Saheeli's 3D printer side hustle [Primer]

2 years ago

As a side note I've been playing with a couple of variations on this deck exploring different wincons and fun things you can do. Right now I'm looking into seeing if I can flip it totally and replace the clones with token generators such as Mirrodin Besieged then pumping huge X spells such as Crackle with Power.

X spells get a lot stronger when you don't have a lot of blue players in your playgroup. So it just depends

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on A fistful of Myr [Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch]

2 years ago

Back again with some more thoughts. These are cards that I am considering in my brew which I think could be good here are:

Vanquisher's Banner and Kindred Discovery for card draw and a little bit of pump

Sun Titan and Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle are really strong reanimator effects since most Myr are 3 cmc or less (including Urtet).

Trading Post is great with a lot of little artifact creatures.

Mirror Entity is a myr and wincon all in one package

Mirrodin Besieged and Reflections of Littjara for more myr

TheoryCrafter on What Shall Happen to the …

2 years ago

TypicalTimmy, it's from the Mirrodin Besieged block. Melira, Sylvok Outcast has the ability to remove Glistening Oil from the infected. As you said, if it fully corrupts the heart its incurable. Venser, the Sojourner was suffering from Phthisis(powerstone radiation poisoning) and knew he didn't have much longer to live. So he gave his spark to Karn and the spark flushed the oil from his body. That's how Karn Liberated was cured.

As for Nicol Bolas, his memory isn't erased. Jace Beleren created an illusion where he showed Nicol exploding and then Ugin, the Spirit Dragon just took his name in such a way he cannot be summoned. Thus, his home is now a Prison Realm.

TheoryCrafter on Brother's War Spoilers

2 years ago

My thoughts on the Brothers' War:

One of the things going into this set I was concerned about was how they were going to take Pre and Post Mending Power levels into account without making it overpowered compared to the more recent sets. From what I've seen they seem to have done an alright Job. Urza, Planeswalker  Meld  Meld is overpowered, but the Meld requirement makes enough sense of both design and flavor.

Cards like Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim, The Temporal Anchor, and Saheeli, Filigree Master are set in the present so the post Mending Power levels apply. I think the newest Teferi is a bit underrated. If you're looking to make him look formidable, Teferi's Ageless Insight in non-standard formats is your best bet. Combine this with Jace's Archivist or another draw engine and let the shenanigans begin.

The whole flavor seems to imply that yes, All these cards are powerful, but the power level displays raw power over refined skill. The best example is One with the Multiverse. While it is cheaper than Omniscience, manawise, and let's you cast from your library, the limit is one card per turn. Since the lore states the development of the academic study of Magic didn't happen until after the war, it helps explains this.

However, despite it making sense design wise, I'm a bit at a loss on how powerstones entering the battlefield tapped works from a flavor point point of view.

Once people realize how good Calamity's Wake can be against control, flashback and stax for mono-white decks the price will go further up.

If you run Urza, Powerstone Prodigy and don't have Mirrodin Besieged in your Commander deck or Terisian Mindbreaker in your Standard deck, you may be building them wrong.

It just occurred to me as I write this that they could have done a whole 10 card cycle of Surveil land cards like the "Temple of..." Scryland cards that originated in the Theros block.

Oh, Awaken the Woods, if you only weren't hovering around $16.

The Locust God Just got some extra card draw in Symmetry Matrix.

The Stasis Coffin, Goblin Firebomb, why do all the really cool colorless control cards have to be so expensive, manawise?

Audacity should make a decent early to mid-game companion to Ram Through in Pioneer.

Alloy Animist would make more sense if the artifact became an Elemental in addition to its other types.

Goblin Arsonist and Festering Goblin, I'd like to introduce you to Goblin Blast-Runner.

Some people seemed surprised about Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor making Surveil available in Bant, but it makes sense considering Surveil can be an oppressive ability. If I were going to create a GWUB aligned faction for a set. Surveil would be my mechanic and not just my keyword.

Fortified Beachhead reminds me of the faction land cards like Murmuring Bosk from the Lorwyn/Shadowmoor block. I wonder what they're planning here.

That's pretty much it with this set. Thank you for reading me out. May you draw well.

ultimentra on Urza Deck- Looking for feedback

2 years ago

Hello, I'm putting together my Urza, Chief Artificer deck and I am concerned that I may not have enough colored mana sources, lands, and instants. My win conditions focus on Blightsteel Colossus, Mirrodin Besieged, and Mechanized Production. Some combos are built in with Sidri to give me unlimited colored or colorless mana. Am I spreading myself too thin, not including some really important cards, etc? Thank you!

Urza Mechanicus Deck

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