This deck was originally inspired from when I ran Mogis and I saw mana burn I was like hell yeah!!! Radkos colors with a splash of green this is gonna be fun. This deck portrays itself as "group hug" only due to it looks like its helping you out extra draw, extra mana, extra land drop, just extra everything. Till it gives you to much extra, mana burn was such a lost mechanic in the game that when I seen that it was on a creature I just had to build it.

This build does have some infinites in it but all around it's a fun deck to play it wins every once in a while I'm sure I'll update it as time goes on.

Infinite-Win Con-(Yurlok Scorch Thrash)+(Umbral Mantle)+(Leyline of Abundance) You have Yurlok and Leyline on the field attach the mantle to Yurlok. With Leyline on the field he now taps for 4 and gives everyone 3 mana, use 3 of that mana to untap him with the mantle use the remaining 1 mana to tap Yurlok again and keep repeating this process and go to pass turn you win everyone else burns to death

Infinite-Win Con #2-(Yurlok Scorch Thrash)+(Sword of the Paruns)+(Leyline of Abundance) Same concept as the one above, Yurlok + Leyline= 4 mana use the Sword to untap Yurlok and the remaining 1 mana to tap him again an repeat the process an pass turn to watch everyone burn.

If you don't like doing the infinites then you can always use the ridiculous amount of mana an burn everyone through your X-Spells.

Also this deck makes you pay for every move your opponents make and yourself, it doesn't care for its own life total either.


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93% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.58
Tokens Spirit 1/1 C
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