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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
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Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Thunder-Thrash Elder
Creature — Viashino Warrior
Devour 3 (As this enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. This creature enters the battlefield with three times that many +1/+1 counters on it.)

TheoryCrafter on
Lyzolda's Ritual
1 year ago
Have you considered Mayhem Devil? I think this card would be a big boon for your deck.
Also, if you're looking for sacrifice engines that are creatures, creatures with Devour are a great way to build big creatures. These include, but are not limited to, Caldera Hellion, Feaster of Fools, Preyseizer Dragon, and Thunder-Thrash Elder.
Also, since you have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, I think you can get away with removing a few Swamps to add in more lands you sacrifice for lands. These include, but are not limited to, Evolving Wilds, Fabled Passage, Jund Panorama and Maestros Theater.
If you choose to go this route, creatures with landfall would benefit from this. They include, but are not limited to, Bloodghast, Moraug, Fury of Akoum, Nesting Dragon, and Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith.
I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out Happy Hunting!
Kyle_Winter on
Mono Goblin Deck for Commander
4 years ago
First attempt at a deck or not, I'd say this is pretty solid! You have a good balance of cards as well as a decent mana base for the cost to play those cards.
Have you considered Empty the Warrens to add more goblins? It's a bit on the expensive side, but it adds more goblins..
What about Predator Dragon, Preyseizer Dragon, and Thunder-Thrash Elder? These guys are all like Voracious Dragon. Predator Dragon is especially cool considering it has haste! You could turn all your 1/1 goblins in to some real damage!
Finally, what about Fury of the Horde for an extra round of damage?
If you're interested, I recently made a Torbran, Thane of Red Fell deck called Torbran, Thane of Burns. It is also mono-red and it deals with multiplying the damage individual cards deal. Check it out! It may help you come up with more ideas as well.
Yesterday on Are 'as this enters' and …
5 years ago
A few questions here.
Mox Diamond has a replacement effect applying if it would enter the battlefield, ultimately allowing it to enter the battlefield. It enters the battlefield at the same time as it would if it didn't have a replacement effect.
So I'm drawing a parallel for instant and sorcery spells — effects which say to do something 'as you cast an instant or sorcery spell' ( Splicer's Skill ) or 'as you cast this spell' ( Anoint ). So these are also replacement effects, right? They take you casting the spell and replace it with you casting the spell + another effect? As I understand it, this makes sense because some cards ( Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder ) would need these effects to apply before triggers would go on the stack from casting their respective spells.
Are all 'as ~ enters the battlefield' effects also replacement effects? I know Clone is. Is Thunder-Thrash Elder ? Is Master Biomancer ?
Also, I regret waiting so long to ask this section of this question, but I discovered a related oddity while playing Magic: Arena about a month ago. We were playing one of the weird game modes allegedly related to the War of the Spark storyline, where each player starts the game with a Momir Vig, Simic Visionary Avatar emblem. There was a creature on each side of the battlefield, and I activated the emblem, getting a Clone creature (one of Mirror Image / Protean Raider / Spark Double ), and wasn't given the option to have the token enter as a copy of another creature.
I was looking up rulings, and on Prototype Portal on Gatherer (as imprinting a Phyrexian Metamorph would also result in creating a clone token), it mentions "Any “as [this permanent] enters the battlefield” or “[this permanent] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the exiled card will also work."
Is there a ruling that I'm not understanding here? Or do I understand correctly, but this must be a case of either there's an Arena oversight or I must be misremembering?
CommanderAdventures on
Kalaran Deck 1
6 years ago
Dragon Broodmother kann nicht dein Commander sein, Alternativen fuer ne Lifegain / Token / Devour Strategie waeren:
- Tana, the Bloodsower
- Ulasht, the Hate Seed
- Thromok the Insatiable (Skaliert exponentiell, mit Trample drauf kann der schnell Spiele beenden)
- Borborygmos
Empfehle ausserdem Karten die nix mit dem Lifegain / Token / Devour Theme zu tun haben (wie z.B. Flameblast Dragon, Radha, Heir to Keld etc.) zu replacen:
- Bloodspore Thrinax Must play in dem theme
- Dragonlair Spider
- Fresh Meat (Devourst 20 Tokens und bekommst 20 staerkere Tokens)
- Sylvan Offering
- Hellion Eruption (1/1 -> 4/4)
- Wolfbriar Elemental
- Chancellor of the Forge
- Hooded Hydra
- Release the Gremlins
- Hornet Nest (Denk dran wenn die nen 6 power mob blockt machtse auch 6 Tokens)
- Hornet Queen
- Stalking Vengeance
- Tempt with Vengeance
- Hellkite Hatchling
- Thunder-Thrash Elder
- Beacon of Creation
- Rampaging Baloths
- Sandwurm Convergence
- Parallel Lives kostet zwar bissl mehr aber lohnt sich hier
- Mitotic Slime 7 Bodies fr 5 Mana
- Fires of Yavimaya must play in Gruul
- Cultivate & Kodama's Reach sind Ramp staples in EDH
- Preyseizer Dragon
- Skullmulcher Brauchst bissl mehr Draw
- Growing Rites of Itlimoc Flip ist noch nice fuer Ramp
- Khalni Garden, Skarrg, the Rage Pits rein
- Yavimaya Hollow raus (Kostet 30-60 Euro) und lieber Kessig Wolf Run rein
- Contested Cliffs raus (Spielst zuwenig Beasts dazu) und Oran-Rief, the Vastwood rein um alle Tokens zu pumpen
- Mosswort Bridge wuerde gehen aber Kher Keep ist in der Strategie wahrscheinlich besser um excess mana gegen Token zu tauschen
- Fungal Reaches ist crap, bekommst genug Ramp durch Creatures und anderweitig
- Evolving Wilds & Terramorphic Expanse sind must pick in jedem multi-color deck, damit fixt man nicht nur Mana, sondern dnnt auch das Deck aus und erhht die Chance Karten die man braucht zu ziehen.
Sombrereo on
Beast Feast
7 years ago
Sweet idea, didn't know Thunder-Thrash Elder was a thing!
What do you think about Blisterpod? It gives you multiple bodies to Sacrifice and can even ramp you into your big finishers.
Skin Invasion Flip gives you another way to compensate on your creatures dying.
As a card draw engine, I can recommend Fecundity to keep the action going.
If you have the extra bucks, Blossoming Defense is a straight up better Ranger's Guile.
I would also cut a couple of the high cmc cards to make room for a playset of Lightning Bolts since they give you a way to interact with your opponent as well as giving you more aggressive draws. Given that you can afford them, a playset of Bolts can be used in almost any red deck in Modern, so they are definitely worth the money.
Happy brewing!
Landonius on
Exploding Tokens [Tremors]
7 years ago
Cybird13 Devour looks really cool in this deck. Especially the Modern version I'm working on which is more sacrificey. I did a quick Gatherer search and found Thunder-Thrash Elder. That card is going to tear it up. Thanks for the suggestion - let me know how it goes if you ever try it out.
MoGoose831 on
Do you even fling, bro? - first EDH deck
7 years ago
Thanks again bushido_man96!
Crusader of Odric and Thunder-Thrash Elder are both in here because of Entreat the Angels and will be leaving once I get a few more cards.
Expedite is only in here for the card draw and I agree it's super weak.
As for Brave the Elements, it's one of those cards I put in almost every white deck. It's saved my @$$ more times than I can count! But I can definitely see it not being as strong as other options, thanks!
I just saw False Prophet the other day. Creature + board wipe! It's awesome!
bushido_man96 on
Do you even fling, bro? - first EDH deck
7 years ago
I think of cards you could cut, I would include Expedite, Crusader of Odric (it doesn't look like you are going to be controlling enough creatures to really make that one matter), Thunder-Thrash Elder (you want to sac creatures to Brion), and Brave the Elements (its ok, but its a once-off that I think you could find better value for that slot). That would give you some room to narrow down your maybeboard.
For an interesting option for boardwipes, you could consider False Prophet.
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