Temur Runemark

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Temur Runemark

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature gets +2+2.

Enchanted creature has trample as long as you control a blue or red permanent.

FunkyMountains on $30 Yasova the Creature Thief

5 years ago

Sweet deck love the idea of keep or kill! Very impressed with the budget too! Jalira, Master Polymorphist seems like too much value for you to pass up and within budget I think. Primal Growth also seems like a good fit. Quest for Pure Flame although not a perfect fit double and sometimes quad dammage is always fun espescialy when your hitting your opponent with their creature who is twice as strong when on your side... seems like a dramatic betrayal. Temur Ascendancy also feels like a must have for this one! Life's Legacy or Momentous Fall also seem like good includes instead of the brainstorm or Temur Runemark .

I'm sure you can get a copy of Mimic Vat for 50 cents and it would be adding insult to injury having your opponents creature come back turn after turn to beat them up.

out of your budget but not too crazy I think Greater Good would be way better than Culling Dais .

FizzingCola on Dragons

7 years ago

Hey, I'm back again.

I'd remove Temur Runemark and add more Crucible of Fire since it gives greater benefit. Also better trample include - Rancor and Archetype of Aggression.

I'd remove the Sword of Light and Shadow and Domri Rade, again just to make space for copies of better key cards.

Add more removal, because it will save you while you set-up your army. Maybe change Flame Slash to Abrade to also remove artifacts, and weaker early game creatures. Add more Draconic Roar ;)

As for your Dragons, I think it's best you go for 4 Utvara Hellkite since I think you're going for the token gimmick with Parallel Lives. I would also add more Dragonmaster Outcast. Another suggestion for tokens would be Dragon Broodmother, for ya know, token making speed.

So you need creature space now huh? I would remove the other dragons, that don't fit quite well with the token gimmick. This includes: Dragonlord Atarka,Glorybringer,Mirrorwing Dragon,Moonveil Dragon,Rimescale Dragon, and Skyship Stalker.

I hope I didn't distance too far from your original mechanic in this deck, and I hope it wasn't too much to digest. If I had the cash, I too would play a dope dragon deck.

Pal00ka on Hydras

7 years ago

Magewright's Stone, Thousand-Year Elixir, Burst of Strength, Emerald Charm, Seeker of Skybreak, and Vitalize can untap Rosheen to make a hydra 2x as big or be used as combat tricks.

Hammer of Purphoros, Fervor, Fires of Yavimaya Ogre Battledriver, In the Web of War, and Mass Hysteria allow your hydras to attack the turn they drop so they can have immediate impact.

And so chump blocking isn't an issue, trample enablers like Nylea, God of the Hunt, Primal Rage, Temur Runemark, Rancor, Fists of Ironwood, Dragon Fangs, Cartouche of Strength, etc. are helpful.

For removal the fight mechanic like Prey Upon, Savage Punch, Ulvenwald Tracker, Unnatural Aggression, Mutant's Prey, Epic Confrontation, etc. could be fun and flavorful for hydras (at least in my head).

Hope something here helps!

clayperce on Inphyrexious (infect)

7 years ago

I love Infect, and it's always nice to see a budget build!

  • It's a total meta call of course, but I'd actually disagree with Oloro_Magic for most metas. There is SO much Removal and Hand Disruption in the format now, that I think you're about right on Creatures (I generally recommend at least 12 Infectors).
  • Along those lines, I recommend at least 10 sources of protection lately. Vines is awesome, but Blossoming Defense, Apostle's Blessing, Dispel, and Spell Pierce are all solid too. Of course, never mind if 3x Vines is working in your meta!
  • Rancor maybe, over Temur Runemark?

One more thing on Vines, that some folks don't realize: Because of the way it's worded, it's much better than Shroud or Hexproof. E.g., if you use it on an opponent's creature and then they can't target their own dude with spells (like pumps) nor abilities (like Equip).

Draw well!

ojmandias on Temur Badassery

8 years ago

I have a similar deck to this in my casual modern meta. I think you are kind of all over the place right now in your creature and spell selection. 4x of Savage Knuckleblade and Shaman of the Great Hunt is basically a must unless you want to go into an all in dragons deck. Right now you are kind of split between a temur zoo and temur dragons build which weakens both and makes the deck not as good.

Any way you go I would cut the Temur Runemark and replace it with Roar of Challenge Temur Battle Rage is also a very good card to have if you can reliably trigger ferocious.

Check out my deck

Exploiting the Ferocity of the modern Shaman

Casual ojmandias


alulien on Death from the undergrowth

8 years ago

Aside from Scrapskin Drake, Temur Runemark, and Thornwood Falls the deck is Standard legal. But regardless if this is intended for Standard or Modern: 5 creatures is nowhere near enough, and on the flipside 26 lands is too many. I'd look to run maybe 22 in a list like this that curves out at 3. Titanic Growth and Earthen Arms are going to be dead draws more often than not without a creature to target. I'd consider removing these "buffs" (Swell of Growth too) and add some more creatures. It appears you're trying to play a tempo game with some counters and cheap creatures, and that is certainly a viable strategy but it needs to be reworked here a bit.

Good luck!

jakeelephant006 on Uril, Ultimate Bench-Presser

8 years ago

Might not be great, but a thought: Reviving Melody. It provides recursion of that one enchantment and that one creature that you need. Like I said, probably not the best, but it could be very useful if you give it a chance. Also, I dunno if you've modded for this yet, but Vow of Wildness for Temur Runemark. Not only does the Vow give an extra +1/+1 for the same amount of mana, but it also breaks some of the usefulness of something like Insurrection or Mob Rule.