Faerie Artisans

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Faerie Artisans

Creature — Faerie Artificer


Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under an opponent's control, create a token that's a copy of that creature except it's an artifact in addition to its other types. Then exile all other tokens created with Faerie Artisans.

Crow_Umbra on Eda, Mother of the Lost

1 week ago

I love everyone's input and that we're all on similar trains of thought with where Eda is currently at.

I can see where you're coming from with your flavor intention for Eda, Tsukimi; I think I interpreted the "wayward" aspect of her name to be more like she takes in other players' "kids", and less about making your own. To make play patterns for everyone at the table kind interesting, I could see where she is like Faerie Artisans, but you may pay an Offspring type cost whenever someone else's creature enters. Less groan-y than Faerie Artisan to an extent, but everyone at the table will second guess if you're holding up mana to make a copy, or to play some other instant speed interaction.

Regardless, I think agree that your current design doesn't need anymore restrictions, and is great as is.

Crow_Umbra on Eda, Mother of the Lost

1 week ago

Another quick thought on the "Mother of the Wayward" flavor. If you wanted to change up the Life gain or Offspring aspect, maybe instead Eda makes temporary copies of other players' stuff, like Faerie Artisans? Maybe incorporate a timing/payment restriction kinda like Satya, Aetherflux Genius, minus the Energy, to determine if her wayward children stick around or not.

Idk, just trying to think of other angles & play space that could fit the flavor of Eda.

Crow_Umbra on Artifact creature token generator in …

5 months ago

I'd highly recommend Faerie Artisans. I've used it in a couple of token decks that utilized Blue (Adrix and Nev, & Brudiclad). It's pretty nifty to be able to "steal" opponents' creatures, especially those with ETB effects. Since you get a temporary copy of whatever gets played, it isn't as "feels bad" as outright stealing a creature.

I think the temporary nature of the copies also allows for some politicking along the lines of "If you have a creature with ETB removal, I can help you remove an additional target with my copy". Definitely a card that scales well to whatever the rest of the table is playing. Also all of the token copies are artifacts.

It's been reprinted recently, so it should be fairly budget now compared to a couple of years ago.

TitanWalls on Interaction between Faerie Artisans and …

5 months ago

As stated, can someone clarify: if i have both of those cards in play, when an opponent plays a creature card, do I create and keep two token copies of it? Or is it applied sequentially and the latter copy destroys the first due to the text rules of Faerie Artisans? If it's the latter case, it will it still apply two ETB effect for cards like Gala Greeters (also proc'd twice by Delney, Streetwise Lookout, right?

Mave on Faerie Artisans + Mirror of …

8 months ago

That makes sense and rvferse to all relevant rules for the interaction. This should help everyone who wants to know about turning sth into a temporal copy of Faerie Artisans. Thank you!

wallisface on Faerie Artisans + Mirror of …

9 months ago

Cards that reference their own name in rules text always only ever really mean “this card”, referring to itself.

So, for instance, the rules text on Faerie Artisans really reads: ”Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under an opponent's control, create a token that's a copy of that creature except it's an artifact in addition to its other types. Then exile all other tokens created with this card.”.

What this means from your questions:

  • you can’t flicker/bounce tokens and have them come back. This is always the case for all tokens, and has nothing to do with these interactions.

  • if you flicker/bounce Faerie Artisans, any existing tokens its created will be immune to being removed from any future effects by the bounced card.

  • if Mirror of the Forebears copies Faerie Artisans to make tokens, any previous tokens it made will be removed (regardless of what turn they were made).

  • same goes for Volrath, the Shapestealer, if it creates a token as Faerie Artisans, any previous tokens it’s made will be removed, regardless of what turn they were made, or what creature/effect Volrath was copying to make them

PolarisFluff on Marchy March and the Funky Bunch

1 year ago

And since I forgot to say it, Faerie Artisans absorbs an absolute ton of ETB effects before you're even stealing anything.

PolarisFluff on Marchy March and the Funky Bunch

1 year ago

scotchtapedsleeves Thank you for the reply!

Fell Stinger is cool, but they also just printed Triarch Praetorian! I guess I was worried that cards like this wouldn't have targets when they entered, but I don't have to sacrifice every creature that has a counter at once.

You're totally right about Blood Artist. I was thinking to myself, "Why the hell did I even add this?" lol. I kept pinging myself with it because I didn't want to be the highest life total.

Vengeful Ancestor was a pet card but it can totally go. Same with Gyruda, Doom of Depths. I wanted to try and make the deck different than most marchesa effects, but some of the cards just don't end up playing well.

Don't you diss Woe Strider! It costs a little more, sure. But it also makes a token itself so it functionally has scry 1 on etb attached, and it can escape from the yard with +1/+1 counters if it somehow gets dumped.

Faerie Artisans is unironically maybe one of the strongest cards in casual. The particular synergy in marchesa is that if you sacrifice it, you get to keep the last token that it just made even when it comes back, since it's a new object. It also draws much less hate than direct theft.

What's the point of Rakdos Cackler as sacrifice fodder if we're not running aristocrats effects?

Thran Vigil seems absolutely terrible. It gets you a single +1/+1 counter per round. Not even per turn. It only triggers on your turn, and only at most one counter on your turn.

Ravenous Chupacabra too expensive? What is cheaper and repeatable?

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