Moment of Craving

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Moment of Craving


Target creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn. You gain 2 life.

zapyourtumor on Amass Effect (Grixis Amass)

3 years ago

I would run Fatal Push over Moment of Craving , plus 1-2 Dreadbore s (or Bedevil ) to get rid of bigger creatures or problematic walkers.

Angrath, Captain of Chaos and Jace, Cunning Castaway don't seem that great, and even if you decide to keep them I don't think three copies of each is justified. Liliana, the Last Hope is both recursion and removal, plus her ultimate also synergizes if you ever fire it off.

Have you considered a playset of Thoughtseize ? You don't have a single turn one play in the entire deck, and I think this card would be a great way to gain information and disrupt their gameplan.

Drana, Liberator of Malakir might be a nice card to try out for more +1/+1 counters.

Also, your mana costs are pretty demanding so you should definitely cut some basics and add in more Blood Crypt , along with some Drowned Catacomb , and Steam Vents . Fabled Passage could also be used to trigger revolt on Push.

All in all these are the changes I would make:

Grubbernaut on Baby don't hurt me, no more...

3 years ago

Moment of Craving would probably be an upgrade over Sorin's Thirst .

mal099 on Mono Black Pauper because why not

4 years ago

It's a small difference, but Moment of Craving is better than Sorin's Thirst and Pharika's Cure.

Cat_With_Headphones on Super Jank Mono Black

4 years ago

Really good start to a midrange/aggro deck! My advice is trim down the cmc's (unless you can pull off spectacle costs often) and focus more on the aggressive valuetown nature of the deck's potential. I would suggest cutting Ransack the Lab for something like Sign in Blood , and moving Doom Blade to the potential sideboard in favor of Victim of Night . Maybe it's just my personal tastes, but Moment of Craving could even potentially be 2 copies of Duress to mess with your opponent which buys you time and protects your creatures, though it may or may not be the ideal move to include them. Your creature base is solid again especially if you can pull off cost reductions like spectacle on Blade Juggler , so I would focus on figuring out your removal and draw spells. Awesome job, keep it up!

Arkan_Dreamwalker on Captivated Audience

4 years ago

Well Colinmjoyce, first off naturally, I've been meaning to replace the Guildgates with the lifegain lands, as those are a straight upgrade, although they are less thematically pleasing. (Let me run and do that real quick. updates deck)

Honestly I am more interested in rotation than M20.

I have been looking through the M20 cards, but, while there are some great new tools, especially for the sideboard, I have not noticed anything pressingly good enough to switch in immediately, the deck is still nicely optimized as is. I have mostly decided to wait until rotation does happen, and then reexamine the deck as a whole. If we do not get Hero's Downfall or something similar in the next set, I don't know if the deck will be viable. It is already jank, but a very effective and finely tuned jank. There are so many planeswalkers right now that losing an instant-speed card that can either answer them or a creature may be too much to recover from. Detection Tower will perhaps be sorely missed as well, but what virtually the entirety of Mono-Blue Tempo rotating, as well as Carnage Tyrant ... it may not be needed. Duress being reprinted was very good. Memorial to War won't really be needed with Search for Azcanta  Flip and Legion's Landing  Flip rotating out. Dragonskull Summit will be missed, the new scry lands are slower and may make it harder to survive against mono-colored aggro. I have yet to see Lightning Strike reprinted, but that can easily be replaced with some cool new card, or even another Shock , really. The Immortal Sun , although not used often, was always real nice when it resolved and stayed, pretty much locking down the game, so it will be a shame to see it go. Perhaps there will be something suitable in the next set to replace it. Or we can just add Toll of the Invasion , more Angrath's Rampage s, or whatever. Even throwing in a Murder wouldn't hurt. For the moment, I'm good. The deck is still in a good place, and when rotation happens, most of the deck will stay in, from Lava Coil to Drill Bit to Theater of Horrors to Ritual of Soot . (And, especially with Adanto Vanguard rotating out, Moment of Craving can just be replaced with Sorin's Thirst , so even the sideboard is only losing two cards, Fountain of Renewal and The Immortal Sun . Although if Red Aggro goes more midrange after rotation, then I might not replace it with Sorin's Thirst , but rather with some sort of anti-Red card.)

Some good things will come with rotation as well, like Cleansing Nova rotating. Doesn't matter too much, what with Despark and Mortify still being a thing, but at least we will no longer lose Captive Audience , Theater of Horrors , Ill-Gotten Inheritance , and The Immortal Sun all in one go. (Nor will we have an Immortal Sun to lose, either.)

So yeah. M20 didn't really do much for us.

Rotation is likely to help more than hurt, but the exile and lifegain from Vraska's Contempt will be dearly missed.

ANounYouMissed on Is It Safe?

5 years ago

Snowlands aren't technically legal in standard.

But more to the actual deck:

It feels like you could mainboard some counterspells somewhere, since the deck reads like a control list--just a consideration. With Teferi, Time Raveler running around though you might want to avoid this unless you know you can keep him off the board.

Consider other options over Murder . What you run here is heavily dependent on what you want to deal with, something like Moment of Craving is good into aggressive decks which threaten to run you over. At the very least, Walk the Plank is one cheaper and hits everything relevant (assuming you don't have any avid merfolk players in your playgroup, standard merfolk aren't particularly popular from what I've seen). There's plenty of usable removal beyond what I've mentioned here, so explore your options!

I don't know that you have enough reason to run Discovery/Dispersal over something like Opt . If you find yourself casting dispersal enough, you could probably keep it in but I don't think seeing 1 extra card is worth dropping to sorcery speed and spending an extra mana.

Reminds me a lot of my first deck around the release of GRN! Hope whatever you settle on works out for you.

pesmerga87 on Orzhov Knight Competitive

5 years ago

I built a very similar deck on MTGO, and it's been playing great. However, mine is far more aggro with a focus around Ruin Raider , doing it's best Dark Confidant impression.

Midnight Reaper is cool and has the knight synergy, but honestly he doesn't provide enough card advantage. And, with more card advantage, I think you can get away with 22 lands. So, I'd move both the Midnight Reaper to the sideboard and drop the Orzhov Guildgate all together in exchange for 3 Ruin Raider

As for dealing with big creatures. The Eldest Reborn is just flat out too expensive, and Oath of Kaya doesn't kill big blockers. I'd drop them altogether. Then, I'd move your Mortify and Moment of Craving into the main, and put 4 Vraska's Contempt or other unconditional removal in the sideboard. But, ultimately there is going to come a time in an aggro deck like this where you have to attack into a bigger blocker to get 2 or 3 other creatures in for damage. As long as you can put more creatures into play than you're losing, and make them leave a blocker(s) up every turn, than you're winning the race. I'd probably be playing both Ruin Raider and Midnight Reaper against a deck like that.

Also, four copies of either Seraph of the Scales or Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord seems like too many, and Duress seems like an inefficient way snipe board wipes... I'd drop Duress and replace them with Unbreakable Formation to either board wipe protect or give you a late game push across the line... Then I'd take out 2 copies of both Seraph of the Scales and Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord and put in 4 copies of Dauntless Bodyguard in their place... Being able to drop 2 power on turn one is where you want to be, and the late game ability to protect a bigger threat against removal or a wipe can't be undervalued either.

All in all: lower your curve, get more card advantage, use more efficient spells, and focus on pushing damage through in a way that will win the race even if you lose some creatures in the process.

MurderForBrunch on Judith, Ravnican Blood Artist! Mardu Aristocrats

5 years ago

Hi KingTood!

It might not look like it, but Pitiless Pontiff is one of the best cards in this deck. It essentially can block anything and survive as long as you have another creature, and against Stompy it was pretty damn good (not so much now, as Stompy is almost out of the meta).

Also it is quite good against Esper Control. These days they are playing Cry of the Carnarium more and more, but they still play a decent ammount of Kaya's Wrath , and the Pontiff is super resilient against that. It also allows you to blank a great deal of their life gain such as Vraska's Contempt , Moment of Craving or Enter the God-Eternals by sacrificing the target.

On the other hand, I did consider adding another God-Eternal Bontu . I'm not so sure about the Tithe Taker , my experience with it is that it's removed as soon as possible and the taxation effect didn't matter much. Finally the Butcher is quite good, but the 2-drop in this deck is super packed, I'm not sure is worth over something like Footlight Fiend . I think it's great in a Rakdos Aggro/Aristocrats, but this deck tries to be grindier and with a better late-game plan.

Thanks for the comment, I will definitely consider another Bontu! That card has been at least great when I played with it! :D

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