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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Until end of turn, gain control of target creature and it gains haste. Untap and goad that creature. (Until your next turn, that creature attacks each combat if able and attacks a player other than you if able.)

thesilentpyro on Pervasive Footprints

2 years ago

Out: Besmirch

In: Nothing, there were 101 cards in the deck because I didn't finish cutting last time.

  • A wincon that relies on combat (even if it's pretty well guaranteed) that doesn't further the gameplan is a hard sell. If the goad is relevant at all it means you didn't go off hard enough.

Out: Dovescape

In: Dizzy Spell

  • Dovescape is a hilarious card that does win you the game, but six mana is too much when it doesn't immediately do something. Dizzy Spell for Nivmagus Elemental is often going to be better.
  • The one-mana slot has gotten very versatile, and a you can always just nab Kick in the Door to get things started if you don't need something specific like Crop Rotation or Nivmagus Elemental. It's also a targeted spell if you want to just trigger mentors or Storm-Kiln Artist.

Out: Feather, the Redeemed

In: Kick in the Door

  • Feather is cute, but slow and win-more; we should win the turn we're casting a bunch of spells and its three mana is better spent doing exactly that.
  • Kick does little bits of everything we want: gives treasures, makes tokens, and draws cards, with some random lifegain and scry thrown in. None of these effects are as efficient as the cards that are focused on them, but you're never sad to have Kick. Four creatures on the board is enough to complete Lost Mine of Phandelver for a little benefit, and at five you can work on Dungeon of the Mad Mage and accelerate the combo. When there's seven+ the card's gold.

Out: Gods Willing

In: Tamiyo's Safekeeping

  • Protection is not as good as indestructible when multiple Pongify/Beast Within-type cards are in the deck. I'm only leaving in Apostle's Blessing as the sole protection from color card because the colorless cost is more relevant than scry when we can already draw a million cards and having some ability to protect from targeted non-destroy removal is good. The hexproof from the blessing is very relevant to protect from opposing targeted removal of any kind, and the lifegain isn't irrelevant either.

Out: Leyline of Anticipation

In: Storm-Kiln Artist

  • Leyline is too expensive to not do anything itself and the concentration of instant-speed cards is just getting higher. Dizzy Spell for Crop Rotation for Emergence Zone is pretty similar if you are really worried about timing, and the Crop Rotation can be done at instant speed itself or held to fetch Gaea's Cradle when going off.
  • The rulings on Storm-Kiln Artist dictate that every copy makes another treasure. Four mana might actually make this win-more considering how many other bonkers mana generators there are, but it's really hard for me to resist how explosive this is. It's an easy way to burn someone out with Electrodominance, hitting more than one player with Regrowth and Eternal Witness.

Out: Mercy Killing

In: Startle

  • Using Mercy Killing as a radiated forced sacrifice is bad as we can't protect with indestructibility. Losing instant-speed multiple tokens is a hard sell, though, and it's amazing when Nivmagus Elemental or Flusterstorm are available. This might still make it back in if only to use as a regular removal spell that is also a token generator. You need things to have at least two power to net tokens, but there's accidental synergy with all the random power buffs in here. I've gotta think on it.
  • Startle is probably now the best targeted spell in the deck; it's instant speed tokens AND draw for two mana.

Out: Quasiduplicate

In: Croaking Counterpart

  • Croak is a targeted copy maker that gets opponents' creatures at three mana with flashback. Don't need to say anything else. It sucks that it doesn't hit its own tokens when you flash it back, but that won't come up much as the flashback isn't necessary so getting opponents' creatures up front is better than getting more of your own with a second cast. Hilariously, it doesn't hit Rapid Hybridization tokens.

Out: Reliquary Tower

In: Boseiju, Who Endures

  • I've never liked Reliquary. It was only in as a remnant from when the deck was slower and we were more likely to run out of mana. Now we should win on the same turn we draw a million cards, and the colorless mana can be relevant when the curve is so low.
  • Boseiju, Who Endures is an untapped colored source that is also uncounterable removal for problematic permanents. I don't anticipate ever taking it out.

Out: Rite of Replication

In: Mythos of Illuna

  • This should always have been Mythos. Having the option to hit the occasional doozy of a non-creature is pretty great, and while it's rare that you want it the removal is always an option. The kicker on Rite is and always was win-more that just makes the table groan.

Out: Swell of Growth

In: Sudden Breakthrough

  • Swell is a good card, but one treasure per creature is better than being limited to the number of lands you have. It's possible Scale the Heights is the right cut instead.

GolgariGlenRoss on Thraximundar the Unpronounceable

2 years ago
  • Added +1 Island, +1 Triskaidekaphile
  • -1 Ixidron, -1 Gigadrowse
  • Watch list: Besmirch

Staakman on What to do against Rakdos, …

2 years ago

what do you guys/girls think about adding Act of Treason, Besmirch, Hijack etc to force his commander to fight?

Necrosis24 on What to do against Rakdos, …

2 years ago

I love Zada, Hedron Grinder one of my first few decks I built because it was budget friendly but still packed a punch. The removal that is available to you because of zada is actually pretty fun you can gang up on a single target with all your creatures: Go for Blood, Soul's Fire, Arcbond,Commando Raid, Deadshot, Swift Kick.

Also like Ramble said you can use steal effects and sac your opponents creatures to cards like Goblin Bombardment or Barrage of Expendables or your classic Phyrexian Altar. The good thing about the steal cards are you can use them on your own creatures to untap your board or give haste while they also serve to steal.

A few I'd recommend although I personally don't use them:

  1. Kari Zev's Expertise: Free Cantrips for the price of one!
  2. Hijack: Artifacts why not
  3. Harness by Force: Average but with Battle Hymn it has potential to be a budget Insurrection
  4. Bond of Passion: Pricey but with six goblins on the battlefield its like you're casting six Shocks
  5. Besmirch: Goad is good
  6. Traitorous Greed: Can be used for ramp
  7. Malevolent Whispers: Pump your team or steal

Looking at your decklist we more or less have the same cards which isn't surprising Zada is a pretty linear build if you do goblin tribal, but if you break away there are a couple fun things you can do such as Chaos Warp your entire board. I would cut Dualcaster Mage and Reiterate as they don't do much for Zada because Zada already does what they do but for free. Also Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip is great.

legendofa on Adventures in the Forgotten Realms …

3 years ago

I'm going to complain a little more. I apologize.

Why are all the bards in Magic ? Yisan, the Wanderer Bard was kind of the trendsetter, and he's not especiallu D&D bard-ish. I can kind of forgive Elvish Bard and Joraga Bard since they're Elves.

Which of these describe traditional/stereotypical D&D bards?

Instinct driven, nature-centric, strong belief in destiny, physically powerful, focused on predator-prey interactions, minimalist

My answer is none. There is nothing about traditional D&D bards. They tend to fall into two broad categories, inspiring and manipulative. Inspiring would be -- Rally the Peasants , Outlaws' Merriment , Deafening Clarion , and Heartwarming Redemption are cards I would identify as showing this type of bard. Manipulative would be , with Beguiler of Wills , Besmirch , Role Reversal , and Captivating Crew as representative cards. Bards aren't nature characters. They can probably survive in the woods alone, but so can a paladin. Bards are , not .

Daedalus19876 on Purphoros, The Budget Blooded (Under $70)

3 years ago

Ooo, making suggestions for budget decks is always a fun time!

I'd recommend Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast for his -2, since you can exile a large creature you cheated out for a permanent copy of a LARGER creature! He's only $3 or so, as well. Besmirch is a great variant/improvement on Threaten, and currently Magus of the Moon is super cheap due to Time Spiral Remastered... Goblin Engineer could be a good way to fetch Sundial of the Infinite, perhaps?

Hope this helps! :)

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