Archangel of Strife

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Archangel of Strife

Creature — Angel


As Archangel of Strife enters the battlefield, each player chooses war or peace.

Creatures controlled by players who chose war get +3/+0.

Creatures controlled by players who chose peace get +0/+3.

DreadKhan on Swing Big Butts with Funny Names

1 year ago

Not sure if they're 'too slow' for how you play, but I really like land ramp cards, stuff like Myriad Landscape, Blighted Woodland, and if you have access to Forests and Plains Krosan Verge. Any of these offers some fixing, and Verge can actually find non-Basic lands, like Murmuring Bosk for example. These are truly impressive in a Sun Titan using deck. Archangel of Strife might fit in here, your deck has lots of 'butts matter' stuff, and the Archangel effectively buffs both your power and toughness, while boosting only 1 for each opponent. Not sure if you really need another tutor, but Eladamri's Call and Altar of Bone exist. If you want a so-so anthem there is Spidersilk Armor, and I generally think a deck like this should run 1 or more of Tragic Arrogance, Farewell, or Austere Command. They're clunky, but they also can clear out large numbers of other problematic permanents for you.

Neat deck idea, thanks for posting!

wallisface on Divine Rust

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • A bunch of your cards aren't modern-legal. They're all the one's highlighted in red, so Archangel of Strife, Exalted Angel, Noble Templar, Wizards of Thay, Decanter of Endless Water, Robe of the Archmagi, Sol Ring, Ascend from Avernus, Fountain of Cho, Seat of the Synod, Promise of Tomorrow, and Reverent Mantra.

  • You're playing a lot more cards than the 60 required. Any amount of cards over 60 reduces a decks consistency and generally makes it weaker - I'd suggest heavily on trying to cut back to 60 cards.

  • You're currently playing waaay too many cards as 1-ofs or 2-ofs. This is going to make your deck super inconsistent and clumsy to pilot. You should be aiming for the majority of your deck to be playsets (4-ofs) of cards. A good strategy for new deckbuilders is to pick 9 cards, and run playsets (4-ofs) of each of those (making 36 cards) alongside 24 lands (for a 60 card deck).

  • Your mana curve is waay too high. Most modern decks can't justify running more than 4 cards (1 playset) costing 4 mana, and seldom run anything costing more than this much mana. You've got a whopping 23 cards costing 4-or-more mana, which is far too much. Going from the above suggestion of picking 9 cards, the mana costs of those cards should look something like 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4.

TheVectornaut on Hot Women Card Collection

3 years ago

I actually made an entire deck around this concept that works surprisingly well. Steve Argyle is a particularly great resource for this topic. In addition to Liliana of the Veil and Chosen of Markov  Flip, he's also done Deadly Allure , Guul Draz Vampire , Naya Battlemage , and Night Revelers . Other notable artists are Jason Chan ( Deathpact Angel , Fires of Undeath , Kiora, Master of the Depths , Mayael the Anima , Maul Splicer , Treasured Find ) and Volkan Baga ( Elspeth, Knight-Errant , Korozda Gorgon , Stoic Angel , Student of Warfare ). I ended up going with vampires + knights and some other cards I included are Hero of Bladehold , Knight Exemplar , Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts , Elenda, the Dusk Rose , and possibly the most ridiculous piece of Magic art ever created: Soul Collector . Some cards that came close to making the cut are Angel of Despair , Bloodflow Connoisseur , Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief , Knight of Dusk , Magister of Worth , Avacyn, Angel of Hope , Vampire Hexmage , and Veteran Cavalier .

Other cards that I like (sorted by type) include Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch , Lyzolda, the Blood Witch , Kemba, Kha Regent , Sunspear Shikari , Elvish Champion , Gaea's Herald , Quirion Dryad , Nimbus Naiad , Dreamborn Muse , Mistral Singer , Shipwreck Singer , Siren of the Fanged Coast , Akroma, Angel of Wrath , Archangel of Strife , Basandra, Battle Seraph , Razia, Boros Archangel , and Ire Shaman . Looking at this list now, it's clear I've spent far too much time researching this subject.

KayneMarco on Build That Wall

5 years ago

I’ld consider any to all of these:

The ones that show up in your suggestions are the ones I would for sure make room for because they give a constant boost to toughness. And one that shuts down a lot of creatures.

Jho_on on Group Goad Unblockable Tribal

5 years ago

I think Archangel of Strife and Avatar of Slaughter would be good inclusions here, to quicken even more things up.

Kogarashi on Switching Power and Toughness with …

6 years ago

There's no state-based action involved here, only layers and continuous effects.

Archangel of Strife's effect applies in layer 7c, where effects that modify power and toughness go. This makes your creature 2/11.

Invert / Invent's P/T switching effect applies in layer 7e. Your creature becomes 11/2.

If you had chosen war instead, you would have an 8/5 creature because it would become a 5/8, then its power and toughness would be switched.

MESS1802 on Switching Power and Toughness with …

6 years ago

I have a 2/8 creature on the battlefield, then cast Archangel of Strife choosing peace, making it a 2/11. If after that I cast Invert / Invent to switch its power and toughness, does the creature become an 11/2, with the state based action immediately making it a 11/5, or does it just become an 8/5? Conversely, if I had chosen war, what would happen to the then 5/8 creature upon Invert / Invent resolving?

Let me know if clarification is needed. Thanks!

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