Relentless Raptor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Relentless Raptor

Creature — Dinosaur

Vigilance Relentless Raptor attacks or blocks each combat if able.

Kaymico on Jurassic Dreadnoughts (Naya dinosaur/ramp)

2 years ago

Heres a list of things that went through my mind looking at the deck. They are not recommended or necessary but should bee seen as different view on your deck. Who knows maybe you'll find something interesting.

Gishath, Sun's Avatar, Etali, Primal Storm and Ghalta, Primal Hunger feel very odd. Those cards only "win more" and dont contribute to the deck the way constructed is playing out. If u can stick Gishath, Sun's Avatar or Carnage Tyrant the game should be over in 2-3 turns anyways. Your damage trigger will best case reduce it to 2 turns consistently. Ghalta, Primal Hunter needs a lot of power already on the board which indicates you're winning already, making it a bit redundant. And Etali, Primal Storm is fun to play with but considering cards commonly played in pioneer wont do much in a duel.

Switch Shifting Ceratops with Zetalpa, Primal Dawn because Zetalpa is the stronger game 1 threat

I would also Remove Otepec Huntmaster and add some protection or land based ramp

if you only use half the amounts of Regisaur Alpha you could include Relentless Raptor if you want more early game

It also would'nt Hurt to include some early Sweepers like Crush the Weak or Cinderclasm against aggro decks

Some very good dinosaurs to consider:

Deathgorge Scavenger;Rampaging Ferocidon;Ripjaw Raptor;Runic Armasaur

mrweaselman on Stompy Boys

2 years ago

Budget based, 1x more Ghalta, Primal Hunger is pretty good.

Enrage works pretty well with dinosaurs. Marauding Raptor triggers Ranging Raptors, Silverclad Ferocidons and Raptor Hatchling. Running 2 of the larger ones and 4 of the smaller ones are pretty good, and they cost one less. Ripjaw Raptor is also decent, but more expensive.

Charging Monstrosaur, Relentless Raptor are only here bc they're dinosaurs. They don't really synergize that well with the rest of your deck. Sky Terror seems more of a sideboard card or replace in sb with flying defense. Either run Colossal Majesty or Sarkhan's Unsealing for 2-3, both seem kind of overkill and a bad late game draw. Huatli, Warrior Poet seems ok, but another dinosaur would probably be better. Or 2-3 Domri, Anarch of Bolas if you want a planeswalker. Signal the Clans can be taken out for more Cultivate and Commune with Dinosaurs.

The rest, just take what you find to be the best cards, generally 2-4 drops, and run 3-4, cut down the one ofs. More Lava Coils and general removal, Ram Through a personal favorite.

Let me know if you want me to comment on mana base after you make changes.

wallisface on dinosaurs v3

4 years ago

I feel like Drover of the Mighty might be more useful than Otepec Huntmaster as it helps you colour fix and doesn’t auto-die if Marauding Raptor is down.

Relentless Raptor feels weak and doesn’t synergize well, maybe worth ditching?

Imo you should be up to at least 23 lands

lagotripha on Borosaurs

5 years ago

As usual in red/white tribal brews, Mirror Entity and Taurean Mauler are good. Rampaging Ferocidon was banned in standard but is modern legal. Snubhorn Sentry is a lot simpler to turn on, and running an 'all 3 toughness' board means a single pump puts you out of bolt/anger range.

I'd look at more 'pump the team effects' like Legion's Initiative and try to top out with Huatli, Warrior Poet and Waves of Aggression .

Theres probably some colour matters/keyword shenanigans you can manage with Cerodon Yearling / Relentless Raptor / Sky Terror / Swiftblade Vindicator / Truefire Paladin , but that feels like a different deck.

drpeppercan on Dinosaurs

5 years ago

First thing that stands out is that your mana-curve isn't low enough to the ground. Modern is an extremely fast format and the majority of your threats are in the 4+ range for converted mana cost. Bringing in white will open up some early threats while also giving you some low cost removal.

  • Relentless Raptor - 2 cost for three power, sure it has to attack each combat but it also has vigilance which allows it to still be on defense while doing so.
  • Sky Terror - Flying 2/2 for 2 and menace to boot making it an effective attacker that will evade a large amount of creatures.
  • More Frilled Deathspitter ! - This guy is just fun, sure he's only a 3/2 for 3, but if he doesn't get through he at least shocks the opponent to the face.
  • Kinjalli's Sunwing - If you've got this in the mainboard of sideboard it's good either way, it definitely shines more against aggressive matches due to the tap ability, but having flying makes this thing a decent attacker.
  • More Rampaging Ferocidon - This is going to hurt opponents that want to swarm the board, but definitely something you sub out against control unless they are running life-gain to get out of your reach.
  • Wayward Swordtooth - Sure he can't attack until you get the city's blessing, but if you have 2-3 of these in your deck and are happy with just being able to drop the double land he'll serve you well.
  • Runic Armasaur - Love this guy. He's got a fat butt on him to stop from being bolted off the field and with the number of activated abilities in modern you'll have a full grip nearly all the time. Keep in mind that fetch lands will trigger this dude.
  • Regisaur Alpha - Having 2 of these on your higher curve is a nice boon. He brings 7 power and toughness as well as haste.
  • Carnage Tyrant - Control players, eat your heart out. Can't be countered, trample, hexproof. 2-3 of these on your top end will be your beaters.
  • Ghalta, Primal Hunger - 1-2 of this guy is all you need. He'll eat removal in some form most of the time, but if an opponent allows a 12/12 trampler to go unanswered, he'll hit HARD.

Some nice buffs:

  • Blossoming Defense - Protection in the form of hexproof as well as a +2/+2 buff at instant speed.
  • Groundswell - More often then not this is just a straight +4/+4 at instant speed.
  • Vines of Vastwood - This is what happens when you combine the above two cards into one.


Sideboard Usefulness:

Malikin on A Chance for Spice

5 years ago

Metallic_Purple: Okay, sweet! I wanted to ask you if you were enjoying running Sky Terror. I'm consider putting either that or Relentless Raptor in the sideboard of a Boros deck I'm working on and was wondering what you thought of the card.

Mahoot on Infinite Boros Dino Burn

5 years ago

After a lot of MTG Arena playtesting (and one FNM) The deck is not super consistent. at FNM the only combo I was able to win with was the Truefire Captain Star of Extinction combo, which was fun, but also felt kinda cheap (I'm not taking it out, though. I still like it)

I've managed to hit the Forerunner of the Empire, Raptor Hatchling, Make a Stand, and Truefire Captain combo a few times in Arena (it takes forever to go through the combo, especially if the opponent has a lot of life, haha).

There is something odd about the way the triggers stack in MTG Arena when you try to hit the Bellowing Aegisaur, Forerunner of the Empire, Raptor Hatchling, and Make a Stand combo. The Aegisaur's triggers go on the stack, but I guess the Hatchling taking damage and pooping out a dude and then the Forerunner pinging everything for one take priority over the Aegisaur's +1/+1 counter trigger. What this means is that your tokens never get the counters and therefor they die to the Forerunner's infinite pings. I suppose if I were to stop the combo (by choosing not to trigger the Forerunner's damage to everything) then the Hatchling would stop putting Dinos on the field and then all the Aegisaur's triggers would be allowed to resolve, loading up the Forerunner, Hatchling, and the two tokens that remain on the field with counters equal to the number of times you let the combo fire off. This is not ideal, but could be enough to close out a game, especially since the remaining tokens have trample

I found a few Reddit posts where folks said that the ability to order triggers is coming to MTG Arena, so I guess I have that to look forward to.

I'm currently testing with some lifegain strategies to try and keep up with quicker decks while I try to build my combos. Currently I am trying Healer's Hawk and Bishop's Soldier in place of the Sky Terror and Relentless Raptor, but I also like the idea of keeping the Relentless Raptor and throwing in the enchantment Squire's Devotion. I like the flow of Turn Two: Relentless Raptor, Turn Three: Squire's Devotion, Swing, gain four life. It puts the raptor out of Lightning Strike range, and would probably be able to square up nicely with most of what an opponent would have out by turn three.

I am also considering the Fountain of Renewal and Dawn of Hope combo to draw cards and churn out dudes, but I think I would be better off with early bodies on the field to keep me safe while assembling my combo.

Mahoot on Infinite Boros Dino Burn

5 years ago

Went 2 and 2 at FNM last night.

All the games I won were with with the Truefire Captain and Star of Extinction combo, except one where I laid down all of my Relentless Raptors early and got in underneath the opponent before she could do much of anything with her Gruul stompy deck. The other deck was an Izzet control/burn deck with a mill side plan. I just had to play around his counter spells and lay down the pieces while he was tapped out, or nearly tapped out.

The two I lost were against Simic Merfolk and this grody Esper Control deck. I actually did pretty ok against the control deck, getting the opponent down to around 3 health both games, but wasn't able to maintain pressure late game.

Merfolk was just too quick. After the match with Merfolk was over we played a couple more games for funsies while we waited for the round to end. I won both of them, so the first two were just kind of off, I guess.

I also built the deck on MTG Arena and it's about half and half there as well, though I have been able to hit at least one of the four card combos a few times and rely less on the two card "Win Target Game" combo.

This is the part of deck building where I struggle. How to fix the problems and tune it up.

It needs removal. I put some Justice Strikes in the sideboard. I'm considering Deafening Clarion though that would clear out my dudes same as theirs. Would be ok if I had dudes in hand to play, or a Firesong and Sunspeaker on the field (more on them later).

It also need a more solid turn three play. Treasure Map feels good on turn three cause I can play it with a mana up and start scrying on my opponent's turn right away, but having a good on-curve creature in the slot would probably be beneficial. Maybe something that can Mentor a Relentless Raptor?

Raptor Hatchling doesn't necessarily need four copies since Forerunner of the Empire tutors him up. He is a pretty ok 2 drop because it makes people think twice about blocking or swinging in because they don't want me to get a 3/3 out of the deal, but going down to two and opening up the other slots to removal or an on-curve creature would probably be better.

Firesong and Sunspeaker are kind of funny. They seem to get folks real nervous even though my deck just wants to use them to gain a butt load of life off a Star of Extinction. I'm not sure they fit in the deck, though if I run Deafening Clarion maybe it'd be ok. One-of is alright, though there's probably something better in the slot (probably not a 6 drop)

Maybe the deck needs to be an aggressive Boros build with the option to combo off. Primary plan to Boros your face off and maybe hit a dirty combo in the process?

Won't be able to go to another FNM for a few weeks. Got some work stuff coming up. I'll get some more games in on Arena and play around with some tweaks.

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