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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Messenger's Speed
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature has trample and haste.
XTwistedMetalX on Mighty Max
2 years ago
Pulled a Snow-Covered Plains and all 3 of the Messenger's Speed to add 4 Dark Ritual should lead to much faster deployment!
kamarupa on Shadowy Shadows
2 years ago
Spoils of the Vault is a dangerous card to play, but I'd use it to grab whatever you need to make a kill. So if you have, say, Messenger's Speed in your hand, use it grab a Death's Shadow and hopefully get the win. Or vice versa. If you exile too many though you'll kill yourself. When Death's Shadow was still pretty new, I was brewing decks for it that used Phyrexian Unlife and Melira, Sylvok Outcast to prevent myself from dying. Since then, we've gained Solemnity and Nine Lives, so it's even more possible now to create a safety net, but I don't see any way in this deck to easily add white or make room for that strategy.
RiotRunner789 on Knights Tournament
4 years ago
Your land count seems a bit low, especially since your average CMC is above 3. Your commander isn't the cheapest but does make equip costs cheap once she's out. You may want to consider bumping up to at least 33 lands and adding 1 or 2 more mana rocks such as Sol Ring.
You can probably cut some of your aura's. The ceiling on All That Glitters is high enough to stay but Angelic Gift, Gift of Orzhova, Lightning Talons, and Messenger's Speed could get the axe for, well, literal axes such as Bloodforged Battle-Axe. Your strengths with your commander are equipment and the bonus is your equipment survive creature board wipes unlike your auras. Plus, there are equipment that do the same thing as the aura's on your list.
Loxodon Warhammer could be an easy replacement for Butcher's Cleaver.
Colossus Hammer can be a powerhouse, more so if you give the creature trample. Also, it can gain flying just has to be after the hammer is equipped.
Crystal Slipper Free Haste enabler that can replace messenger's speed.
Embercleave An instant speed powerhouse.
Wings of Hubris Another way to give flying.
Knight of the Ebon Legion Just a good 1 drop knight.
I don't know your budget but most of the equipment I listed is still standard. Overall my recommendation is more lands and more equipment.
CJH123 on Uril, the Dollar Store Yeti ($50 Budget)
4 years ago
I'd focus on enchantment ramp (à la Wild Growth, Wolfwillow Haven, Overgrowth and Sheltered Aerie) over the artifact ramp and things like Rampant Growth. This could be supplemented with things like Arbor Elf, Voyaging Satyr and Blossom Dryad.
To my mind, if things like Ancestral Mask, Soul's Majesty and Rishkar's Expertise are working out, it's because you're already winning. I'd rather run things like Gryff's Boon, Messenger's Speed and Madcap Skills - I'd also work on reducing the overall CMC of your enchantments.
I'd switch Winds of Rath out for Gravitic Punch.
I'd also think about adding something else you can win with (if Uril becomes uncastable or is otherwise removed). Fleecemane Lion could carry a handful of aura's. Alternatively, Siona, Captain of the Pyleas + Shielded by Faith with Emblem of the Warmind or Fires of Yavimaya.
CJH123 on Uril, the Buttstalker
4 years ago
If you're running Shielded by Faith, I'd run Siona, Captain of the Pyleas too (for the combo).
If you're running Bear Umbra, I'd probably run Hellkite Charger too (for the combo).
I'd cut Brave the Sands, and AEther Web as they don't offer relevant evasion for Messenger's Speed, and Madcap Skills. I'd cut Runes of the Deus and Eldrazi Conscription as they're too expensive for Setessan Training and Angelic Gift.
I'd also consider replacing Three Dreams and Winds of Rath with Gravitic Punch and Chandra's Ignition.
The +1 of Garruk Wildspeaker (alongside all the Enchantresses) makes me think you should run more things like Trace of Abundance (rather than things like Darksteel Ingot), but they don't play well with Realm Razer.
Things like Escape Velocity, Talons of Wildwood and Gryff's Boon help you rebuild after a boardwipe.
djnewellmit on Re-growing Pummeler
5 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions clayperce. I haven't had a chance to play the deck, but I plan on hitting up a Pioneer event at my LGS this Wednesday.
- I 100% understand your pain with Rootbound Crag . I may consider dropping it as you did before I play on Wednesday. I'm playing a little riskier at 19 lands, but I'm hoping the Servant of the Conduit will help accelerate me.
- Maximize Velocity is there primarily for the haste. I just looked up some other similar 1-CMC options to give our buddy haste: Cartouche of Zeal (or it's clone, Hammerhand , Claim the Firstborn , Expedite , Fervent Strike , Messenger's Speed , and Samut's Sprint . I'll have to see how the format lines up with removal to re-evaluate if I need the hastiness. I am considering swapping in 1x Rhonas the Indomitable for 1x Maximize Velocity .
- I would have several Veil of Summer in the sideboard if I had them. Instead, I've added Heroic Intervention ($$, but I already own a playset) and Ranger's Guile , the poor sibling of Blossoming Defense for more spot-defense.
I'll let you know how the sideboard works out on Wednesday. Aethersphere Harvester is there to out-gun any burn-based decks. Rhythm of the Wild might also be a good option for me to replace the second Maximize Velocity in the main deck.
FYI, I will probably brew a UG version to see if those colors still hold some opportunities, maybe even bring in back to Temur. But with the price of Mana Confluence , the mana base may struggle to fit the requirements.
Klaive on Smolder
5 years ago
Made a few modifications today after testing it. I also couldn't find my Magma Jets, so once those are located Ral, Storm Conduit & Messenger's Speed will be replaced by Magma Jet . Mana base was decreased to 17 vs 21 and overall CMC is now under 2. Creatures changed slightly, as Lightning Stormkin was removed, and replaced by Stormchaser Mage . I also added Soul-Scar Mage as well.