This is a coin-flip deck with tutors, combos, and some chaos and pillow-fort cards. The goal was to make a deck which could handle good power levels and still have fun regardless of win or loss. It requires some pre-game talk due to Planar Chaos and frustrating combos, but this deck was built for LGS where we are assigned random tables during EDH night (Facing mean decks is common).

Here's my opening hands:

For wincons I have three ways of winning:

  • Hitting the opponent with Okaun, Eye of Chaos with cards that help him get through opponents or give him haste.

  • Winning the Krark's Thumb and Frenetic Efreet combos.

  • Winning with other combos that don't require the thumb or Okaun as backup plans.

Combo list and pseudo-combos:


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97% Casual
