Karplusan Minotaur

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Karplusan Minotaur

Creature — Minotaur Warrior

Cumulative upkeep—Flip a coin. (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)

Whenever you win a coin flip, Karplusan Minotaur deals 1 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

Whenever you lose a coin flip, Karplusan Minotaur deals 1 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle) of an opponent's choice.

lucksterluke16 on Flipping the Odds - A Coin Flip Story

3 years ago

I'm sure you probably looked up every coin flip card already but here are a few I don't see in your list in case you missed them:

  • Karplusan Minotaur - Cumulative upkeep means on each of your upkeeps its one extra flip (so 1 flip on the 1st upkeep, 2 flips on the 2nd, etc) so this can get you a ton of coin flips pretty easily.

  • Scoria Wurm - Not that exciting, but its a cheap threat that you could hopefully keep alive longer with Krark's Thumb

  • Mirror March - This can get out of hand really quickly, and there's basically no downside to losing flips

  • Yusri, Fortune's Flame - Designed to be a commander, but it's a solid card to include in the 99 as well

  • Goblin Traprunner - Tons of easy flips with no downsides

  • Squee's Revenge - Can be a huge card draw

  • Planar Chaos - This one can be a bit annoying and might only be good if you also have Krark's Thumb, but it lets you play more controlling

  • Krark, the Thumbless - Similar to Planar Chaos, use at your own risk

  • Frenetic Efreet and Frenetic Sliver - A single card that lets you flip as many coins as you want (you can activate the ability as many times as you want before you let any of the activations resolve, and then even if he dies you still flip all the coins)

  • Puppet's Verdict - A sweeper that let's you control what to kill if you can manipulate the flip

As for other cards that I think could fit the strategy of the deck, I would focus on ways to multiply your other effects (extra upkeep steps, copying your permanents, doubling your abilities, etc). Here's some ideas:

Other random things:

aeota on Lovisa Coldeyes, Dothraki Horde

4 years ago

Thinking of replacing Okaun, Eye of Chaos, Karplusan Minotaur with better offensive tribal creatures but not sure what to replace with. Okaun is fun but unreliable... and considering he only gets crazy 1/3rd of the time, opponents just hold their kill spells until it happens - netting them extra turns of safety. Karplusan doesn't work politically the way I was hoping.

LeonSpires on

4 years ago

Spell_Slam there's no such thing as too many Nehebs. Yeah I would like to add Neheb, the Eternal and Tahngarth, Talruum Hero to the deck when I can pick them up (they are not the cheapest foils out there). But that begs the question should I be running Aggravated Assault for the infinite combat potential with Neheb, the Eternal?

As far as cuts, I think I would want to cut Kragma Butcher and Pitiless Vizier as I feel like they are the weakest link in the deck. I would say some of the other discard Minotaur but I have a sort of self discard matters sub theme. I'm just hoping we get more cards like Faith of the Devoted and Glint-Horn Buccaneer down the road as well as better Minotaurs.

I saw Karplusan Minotaur when building the deck. He's really not for me. He feels too chaotic and I'm not a fan of letting opponents make decisions as most of the time I have found they are never in my favor. But that might be the cEDH player in me talking.

Citanul Flute in an interesting thought. I used to run it in cEDH Arcum Dagsson before the Paradox Engine banning, R.I.P. I'm not sure it works well here as there isn't a way to cheat it in and only tutors the Minotaurs to hand. Honestly I would rather run Diabolic Tutor if I felt I needed another tutor for the deck.

Thanks for taking a look at the deck and for the suggestions. I'm glad you like the concept, build, and the alters. The alters certainly took some time to do. But I think they were well worth the effort.

Spell_Slam on

4 years ago

Would it be too much Neheb to also have Neheb, the Eternal in there? It certainly is a cut above the others. Tahngarth, Talruum Hero also has decent stats for a minotaur and pretty good abilities.

If you're playing this in multiplayer, Karplusan Minotaur is a great political choice. No matter what the result of the coin is, you will be pretty likely to hit whatever you want to kill.

Citanul Flute could be a good way to tutor up some key minotaurs and is a great late game engine.

In terms of cuts, your discard-themed minotaurs seem like the first things to cut, other than maybe the javelineer. Something like Pitiless Vizier just doesn't seem to be good enough, even by minotaur standards.

Sweet deck! Nice alters! Good concept and building.

dbpunk on Dwarves and Taxes

5 years ago

I feel like you'd be better off with less pingers (tap for damage creatures) and more punishing triggered effects/etb effects on creatures.

Akoum Hellkite, Aria of Flame, Ash Zealot, Bomb Squad, Flameblade Angel (each time your dealt damage by any source with your commander on the ground, it deals 3 damage to that sources commander), Goblin Sharpshooter, Hellrider (same deal as Flameblade but attacking), Invader Parasite, Karplusan Minotaur, Leyline of Lightning, Mindsparker, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Repercussion (works even better since you control the source of damage), Satyr Firedancer (try it with damage based field wipes and you might just clear the table), Stalking Vengeance, Tephraderm, Mondronen Shaman  Flip, Tunnel Ignus, Warstorm Surge

tanman on RNG Rakdos

5 years ago

so seems like a fun deck but I think you should add more rng coin flipping I like the demon imp and devil subtheme but krark's other thumb actually doesn't seem to have a trigger in the deck but here are some cards that flip coins in those colors Aleatory Boompile Chance Encounter Chaotic Goo Chaotic Strike Creepy Doll Crooked Scales Desperate Gambit Fiery Gambit Fighting Chance Game of Chaos Goblin Archaeologist Goblin Bomb Goblin Kaboomist Karplusan Minotaur Mana Clash Planar Chaos Puppet's Verdict Risky Move those are the ones i found and i think you should run at least some of them

Gelectrode95 on Insert Coin To Play [Primer]

5 years ago

NoOneOfConsequence You are right, Karplusan Minotaur may not seem a great card, but it's the only one, other than my commanders and Chance Encounter , that cares about me winning coin flips, so it adds more value to all the other coin flipping cards in this deck. It makes me flip more coins thanks to the cumulative upkeep and the drawback of losing the flips is minimum. Sometimes there is no drawback, because I choose the opponent when I lose a flip, so I can play this card in a more political way. And when I win, I can always decide to direct the damages to the minotaur itself and destroy it If I'm going to risk too much with it in play.

That said, I'm surely missing some worthwhile coin flipping cards but I think the best ones are already in the "maybeboard" list, like Planar Chaos or Game of Chaos . I'm still struggling to find a room for them, but I think they are way better than Goblin Artisans . Maybe I can replace the minotaur with one of this two...

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