Scrib Nibblers

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scrib Nibblers

Creature — Rat

Tap: Exile the top card of target player's library. If it's a land card, you gain 1 life.

Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may untap Scrib Nibblers.

griffstick on infinite rats

1 year ago

29 lands is not gonna work. You'll need 34 lands at the least. Cut Blightbelly Rat, Carrion Rats, Gnat Miser, Gnawing Vermin, Phyrexian Battleflies, Rancid Rats, Ravenous Rats, Razortooth Rats, Scrib Nibblers, Vampire Bats, and Wave of Rats. Tomorrow we will discuss cards to add. But in the meantime add 5 to 7 lands.

Daveslab2022 on

4 years ago

I disagree only because Scrib Nibblers is the best card name. And I didn’t know it existed until now.

King_marchesa on

4 years ago

I would probably take out Scrib Nibblers also I would add Apprentice Wizard for eldrazi ramp and Fleet Swallower for mill.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Rattack

5 years ago

Before I suggest cuts, two cards that I think could be good in this deck are the new Chittering Witch and Ayara, First of Locthwain . The witch makes more rats, and she can use those rats for removal. Ayara provides card draw and can crush the table when paired with Thrumming Stone .

Also, I would up your Rat Colony count to 28-30.

O.K. now onto cuts:

First of all, I think this deck would be absolutely fine running 35-36 lands. You have a pretty low curve and aren't playing many extremely mana hungry cards.

Next I would cut all rats that don't provide enough value. For me that is Ichor Rats , Typhoid Rats , Burglar Rat , Locust Miser , and Scrib Nibblers .

Also, Metallic Mimic seems unneeded here since Rat Colony pumps itself. On that note you could cut a few of your anthem effects since the rats already pump themselves.

I hope some of those suggestions help! Good luck and +1 from me.

AlmightyTentacle on Grand Guignol: Judith - EDH

6 years ago

Hi, hellhole3927!

Thx you for your comment and upvote, mate.

Now for your suggestions:

I see point in combos you mentioned but personally I dont like "Mike and Tike" combination. Its biggest con is that Triskelion and Walking Ballista pretty useless cards without combo with "Mike".

Second combo on Buried Alive in my oppinion is even much worser cuz Palladium Myr , Pili-Pala , Scrib Nibblers in 99% of time will be dead draw cards.

I use Buried Alive in 90% of all time to put Bloodghast , Sidisi, Undead Vizier to graveyard and last card is depends from board situation. Often it is Gravecrawler to combo off. Sometimes it is Reassembling Skeleton if Contamination is on the board or Maralen of the Mornsong if Stranglehold is online.

I'm trying to use combo pieces which are useful themselves - inside or outside combo. And'll avoid cards wich are useless without combo. ( Maralen of the Mornsong - is exeption from that rule, but this deck still in test mode, maybe later I will part with her too.)

hellhole3927 on Grand Guignol: Judith - EDH

6 years ago

Love the deck, well then again every combo player loves a deck like this. A tip of advice, since you mentioned you are a "new" combo player: try to only use combos that will win you the game on the spot with 2 cards and occasionally 3 if you can get them very easily. The first mistake I see (nothing to feel bad about, every new combo player will make these) is that you packed your deck with too many combos/combo pieces rather than ways to find them.

Combos I would recommend:

1) Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion

2) Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Walking Ballista

3) Necrotic Ooze + Buried Alive (This one works by having Palladium Myr , Pili-Pala , and Scrib Nibblers in your graveyard.)

4) Necrotic Ooze + Buried Alive (This one works by having Palladium Myr , Pili-Pala , and Walking Ballista in your graveyard.)

BTW, there are an endless numbers of combos able to be used in all color combinations. These are just the first few that came to mind. Personally I would recommend using a deck that has blue in it for your first combo deck simply due to all of the Deadeye Navigator and Laboratory Maniac "combos".

Anyway, back to the combo's I listed...


1) Four combos rather than which is probably the maximum amount I would recommend adding to a deck, which will make it easier for you to protect your combos.

2) These four combos only take up 8 slots of you deck, leaving more room for Tutors.

3) While two sets of combos don't win on spot, they only take up 6 slots of the deck and each only need 7 mana making your deck much more consistent.

4) While the first combo was very mana hungry, black has many ways to simply double the amounts of mana it can gain. Therefore making this a very viable option being that it wins game son the spot and is extremely hard to interrupt since it can continue the combo in response to an opponent reacting to it.

5) Since the second combo is obviously the easiest to pull off (only 6 mana) it will be the first one you go for each game, making your game plan much better since your opponents will have to react to you playing cards rather than putting you in the position where you are reacting to hate cards first due to your very direct playstyle.

One last thing, I would recommend you add Doomsday as a 5 card tutor, all you have to do is look up "Doomsday Piles" online and I'm sure you'll understand why (also going into blue offers more options for that too).

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