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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Porphyry Nodes
At the beginning of your upkeep, destroy the creature with the least power. It can't be regenerated. If two or more creatures are tied for least power, you choose one of them.
When there are no creatures in play, sacrifice Porphyry Nodes.

Icbrgr on
Eriette of the Charmed Apple
1 year ago
Maze of Ith and Porphyry Nodes might also be solid.... maybe Deification with Gideon of the Trials and Serra the Benevolent, Worship... Luminarch Ascension?
nbarry223 on
Cash is King
2 years ago
Decent concept, I think the card counts/options are a bit off though.
First of all, how do you activate Slayers' Stronghold? You should run a Boros Garrison. Cut Thragtusk add Sun Titan. Elvish Reclaimer, Springbloom Druid, and Roiling Regrowth are good ramp options in addition to going harder on Harrow to feed Brought Back. You should also go harder on Flagstones of Trokair.
Urza's Saga also gets you to Amulet of Vigor and makes a decent Brought Back target. I'd also go a lot lighter on Oblivion Stone. Maybe run something like Porphyry Nodes if you are that scared of aggro, since all of your creatures you want to stick around will be large.
Simerix on
3 years ago
The deck is more of a life gain deck than it is a control deck. You have a lot of removal, but that's all that makes it controlling.
Highest recommended card: Vile Consumption. This card is brutal in this deck if you don't have too many creatures.
Hallowed Burial is a highly underrated board wipe.
Card suggestions: Sphere of Safety, Approach of the Second Sun, Aura of Silence, Austere Command, Cleansing Nova, Damn, Darksteel Mutation, Doomskar, Epicure of Blood, Erebos's Intervention, Ghostly Prison, Infernal Grasp, Liesa, Shroud of Dusk, Narset, Parter of Veils, Propaganda, Rest in Peace, Righteous Cause, Rule of Law, Telepathy, Time Wipe, Trespasser's Curse, Utter End, Venser's Journal, Witch of the Moors
Mean/weird cards that I would probably play: AEther Barrier, Archmage Ascension, Death Match, Lightmine Field, Meishin, the Mind Cage, Overburden, Porphyry Nodes, Spreading Plague, Tainted AEther, Portcullis, Magus of the Moat, Magus of the Tabernacle, Silent Arbiter, Serene Master
*Obviously play what you want
Oof_Magic on What’s your “dick move” moment?
3 years ago
As a Prison player, salt and ‘dick moves’ are a workplace hazard.
1) In response to a turn 1 Island into Aether Vial I played a Pithing Needle on Vial. That agitated the opponent but he scoffed and folded to a turn 3 Ghostly Prison. Game 2 went a bit longer but Sphere of Safety drew out a toss of the hands and a salty scoop. Not so much a story of a ‘dick move’ but lots of scoffing, eye-rolling, and shrugging.
2) Same deck going against Grishoalbrand. They went for a turn 1 Faithless Looting (back when it was legal). I saw enough to respond with a turn 1 Pithing Needle on Griselbrand. He stated that that ‘wasn’t how the deck wins’. Mkay. He managed to reanimate Griselbrand on turn 2 with Goryo's Vengeance. I responded with Runed Halo on Griseldaddy. I never got to find out how his deck wins. I’m my experience, whether it’s myself or my opponent, one player allows the other to dig their own grave. I don’t know whether he was trying to be condescending or throw me off my mental game but I had never had anyone give live commentary on my play.
3) Same deck against Bogles. I don’t want to dismiss this player but I wonder how locked into a solitaire mindset Bogles players find themselves in. I don’t recall the whole game as it had been years but I know I was 2-2 paired up against a 4-0 so perhaps this player thought they were sailing to an undefeated finish? They would be denied by what had to be the most interactive opponent they had on the night. They learned the hard way that Runed Halo and Porphyry Nodes in fact do not target. They stuck around long enough in game 1 to see a win-condition and then just folded game 2 after getting shut out by Sphere of Safety. They weren’t super salty but I had had a judge called over so many times in a game. I think they were just put out that a middling record stuck around long enough to knock them off an undefeated perch and likely top prize over a split. With a middling record, I got nothing but practice. Was that a ‘dick move’ on my part?
zapyourtumor on
Nayan Apocalypse **Primer**
3 years ago
+1 Porphyry Nodes one of my favorite white cards in the game
wallisface on
4 years ago
Some thoughts to help lower the curve:
a playset of Path to Exile will help you get survive early aggression.
you probably should run a playset of Ghostly Prison , as well as Porphyry Nodes .
A playset of Wall of Omens would also help you out a ton to draw through your deck while also blocking
Try finding some lower cmc angels. Recent sets have provided a few nice lower-costing options.
you want to be running at least 24-25 lands. And, if you’re stalling the game out for angels, while your angels can get away a bit more with being high cmc, your stall cards can’t (cause otherwise they’re not helping stall). Try avoid playing anything 4cmc or above that isn’t an angel.
Jackfrost23 on
4 years ago
That is a great removal spell (especially for the price), but I'm not sure I need more early game removal. I already have Path to Exile, Porphyry Nodes and Shatter the Sky for the midgame. On top of that Worship means I don't have to worry about combat damage. I think I should probably be more worried about fast combo. I was thinking of possibly adding Mana Tithe to help with that and prevent my gideons from opposing Path to Exile.
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