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King Macar Lv30 Deck (LVL UP EDH)

Commander / EDH



Artifact (1)

Creature (1)

This is a continuation of the level up edh idea, and my other two King Macar decks that I have made. Below is the same as my other decks.

Those commons are GOLD (LVL UP)

Commander / EDH turtle76336


This deck uses the idea from http://articles.edhrec.com/low-market-sliver-hivelord-ascension/ to have some fun with really weird but cool budget commander shenanigans.

Mono Green LVL 1

This is the first prototype of an idea for deckbuilding with your commander playgroup: LVL UP.

The idea is to create a commander deck made up only of commons at the start, then "earn" your way into more powerful cards by completing certain requirements for "Leveling up". The "unlock" process is up to the players' / playgroups' discretion, but I recommend it involving some mechanic of your commander so that the process is easier to complete and enjoyable at the same time.

An easy example of this LVL UP process is with Atraxa, Praetors' Voice. To increase your decks LVL, you must proliferate counters on your permanents. Let's say for every 5 counters you proliferate, your deck increases by one level. This criteria can also be adjusted as your deck increases in power too. When you've gotten to lvl 60 and have "unlocked" rares, it might take every 10 or 15 proliferation counters to increase by 1 lvl.

For this deck, I've gone with a simple commander dmg progression. The rules for this deck are as follows:

Gain 1 lvl for every 6 dmg done by King Macar, the Gold-Cursed to opponents.\ Gain 1 lvl for each gold you make Gain 1 lvl for every 10 life you gain Gain 2 lvls for every opponent defeated by King Macar, the Gold-Cursed.

LVL 1 = All Commons

LVL 10 = Uncommon Non-permanents

LVL 20 = Uncommon Permanents (Equipment still locked)

LVL 30 = Uncommon Equipment

LVL 40 = Rare Non-permanents

LVL 50 = Require physical deck and can no longer progress through online play.

(This is for ensuring that the deck is bought in order to be played at LGS's. I have done a lot of online play because of being abroad from my playgroup and when testing decks out before buying the cards.)

LVL 60 = Rare Permanents (Rare Lands are still locked)

LVL 70 = Rare Lands

LVL 80 = Mythics

LVL 100 = Buy custom playmat of Commander and individual deck box


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91% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Rares

41 - 0 Uncommons

33 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.74
Tokens Enchantment Zombie 1/1 B, Gold, Servo 1/1 C
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