Wild Cantor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wild Cantor

Creature — Human Druid

( can be paid for with either or .)

Sacrifice this: Add one mana of any colour.

multimedia on Exploding Kobolds

4 months ago

Hey, interesting deck.

Consider adding green? By adding green you get Glimpse of Nature, Noxious Revival, Elvish Spirit Guide. Glimpse and Revival go well together to keep casting Glimpse. Guide provides a green mana source without needing a land that can make green. Green also has Assault Formation, not needing an anthem effect to increase Kobolds power since only toughness matters. With 4x Glimpse you would only need 1x Formation as well as some kind of haste for all your creatures source such as Burst of Speed that you cast after casting all your Kobolds for the turn. With 4x Glimpse, 1x Grapeshot is all you need.

Stomping Ground, Karplusan Forest, Copperline Gorge can be dual lands that could replace Mountains? Lotus Petal and/or Wild Cantor, replacing some Mountains gives you a mana source of any color while also counting towards storm. The problems with Impact Tremors and Purphoros, God of the Forge are they need to be on the battlefield before you start casting Kobolds. In theory Tremors/Purphoros seem good, but in gameplay they seem slow, too inconsistent hit or miss.

Consider this package for upgrades?

Good luck with your deck.

HelixSnapHelix on Aragorn Lucky Charms

9 months ago

Hey Tic12, thanks for looking over the deck and giving suggestions!

I did consider a few of those hybrid colored creatures, but decided to go a different direction with instants/sorceries instead of creature based.

I didn't know about Wild Cantor! That's super solid, I'll add that in somehow. Clout I actually replaced with Shield because I wanted to be able to target Aragorn at times and didn't want to restrict my fight effects or like Boros Charm's double strike etc.

Azoth2099 on

1 year ago


Hey dude! Gonna try to keep this brief and not go down a brewing rabbit hole lol.

Have you considered extra combat phases? Your Commander's strategy obviously hinges upon you being able to attack with it, so doing it multiple times a turn is the way to go imho.

Although I wouldn't go overboard with it, there are a few worth thinking over such as Aggravated Assault, Combat Celebrant, Breath of Fury (extra good if you're running creatures that want to be sacrificed on your way to drawing cards via your Commander, Cathodion for example), Seize the Day, Savage Beating & World at War.

Creatures that sacrifice themselves could also be great, stuff like Ball Lightning, Groundbreaker & Lightning Skelemental can do a lot of damage. Blood Pet, Goldhound, Reckless Barbarian, Generator Servant, Tinder Wall, Wild Cantor & Basal Thrull draw and ramp you at the same time, which is pretty neat. Eldrazi token generators like Sifter of Skulls, From Beyond & Awakening Zone can help you keep that engine running in longer games. Haywire Mite, Caustic Caterpillar &Cankerbloom draw, control the board and replace their presence on your own board for a great rate.

There are a few value pieces worth thinking about as well, like, Pitiless Plunderer & Korvold, Fae-Cursed King.

Lastly, you need a lot more mana dorks, my guy. As many as possible.

Sorry for being so long-winded! Cheers!

Alessolito on The Cure

1 year ago

Also, you could try Wild Cantor instead of the Deathrite Shaman, in case you need a black mana but only have one Elvish Spirit Guide left

Balaam__ on Tails from the Crypt

1 year ago

Thanks for posting, legendofa. Chamber Sentry is here mostly to make sure we have fuel to throw at the combo engine. I was leery just 4x Wild Cantor may not be enough, like if they’re buried at the bottom of the deck or something. I do really like Crashing Drawbridge though. I’m going to add that to the maybeboard—I’m not sure it’s worth removing Suppression Field for, but then again I could always kill my own Enchantment with Nature's Claim

Last_Laugh on

2 years ago

There's a few spots here where you've opted for non-creature effects over creatures serving the same functions.

Ramp: Beastcaller Savant is very similar to a morph creature thanks to haste and paying for his own 1 mana to recast in combos. Wild Cantor is a turn 2 Animar option. I'd suggest dropping your artifact/sorcery ramp for more 2 drop creatures (and Birds of Paradise). Cloud of Faeries and Peregrine Drake are both ramp and combo pieces here.

Bounce Enablers: Equilibrium and Deadeye Navigator both work great here. If your playgroup will let you proxy just ONE card... make it Cloudstone Curio.

Card Draw: Tishana, Voice of Thunder will draw a bunch of cards. Prime Speaker Zegana used to be go-to draw for Animar once upon a time.

Combo: Weird Harvest and Ancestral Statue will enable a combo with Purphoros. It'd need 3 counters on Animar, , and Harvest in hand. Harvest for to look up Purph/Statue, play statue for , then play Ancestral Statue targeting itself with it's own etb over and over.

My list isn't budget friendly, but it should still help. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Animar, Gaea's Hemorrhoid ⫷PRIMER⫸

wallisface on Rate my deck please

2 years ago

Yeah, chucking this into and actual deck will help with readability. Though at least what you’ve done here is still readable enough that I can provide some notes:

Overall looks like a fun & strong deck though, just feels like it needs a bunch of playtesting to help harden it.

JacobAGrossman on Glittering Company

2 years ago

The only color combining I could possibly do is on the hybrids, with things like Manamorphose, Wild Cantor, and Burning-Tree Emissary, which seem rather arbitrary

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