Dense Foliage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dense Foliage


Creatures can't be the targets of spells.

Profet93 on Ursa Major *PRIMER*

3 months ago

NV_1980 +1 my good sir, I love reading your descriptions. It's evident that you spend a lot of time and love for each of your decks. I have some thoughts....

Return to Nature > naturalize - Strict upgrade

Elemental Bond > Garruk Packleader - Costs less and is an enchantment so it's much less likely to be removed and it's easier to cast

Nissa's Pilgrimage > Cultivate/Kodama - Strict upgrade

Primeval Bounty - First mode is the best, second is decent, third is not impactful. It has a high CMC and doesn't do much the turn it comes in. What has your experience been with it? Perhaps swapping it with something below could help....

Momentous Fall - Useful in response to removal. Sacrificing is additional cost to cast so watch out for the blue player. Alternatively, it's cousin, Life's Legacy might be worth considering. Return of the Wildspeaker also can act as draw or an overrun.

Green Sun's Zenith - While you do already run finale, some additional tutoring redundancy can't hurt.

Garruk, Primal Hunter - It's a soul's majesty that can make tokens to defend itself. Also adds devotion.

Dense Foliage - Not an entirely serious suggestion but worth mentioning, you usually target your creatures with abilities, not spells. Depends on the meta for sure. Could be useful to make someone burn a removal spell.

Greater Goodfoil - Best recommendation for your deck. Draws cards + virtual card advantage, acts as a sac outlet to prevent exile and theft (which apparently is a thing given your homeward path) and can be used in response to removal.

Shaman of Forgotten Ways - Nice little guy, not entirely serious but worth noting. It's ramp and an alt wincon.

Castle Garenbrig - Simple ramp

Boseiju, Who Endures - Removal in land form

Mirrorpool - Not a serious suggestion given your lack of nonbasics (which I think you can add some more). Imagine copying rishkar's, shamanic, beast within, etc.... not to mention any of your big dudes.

Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip - Land when you need it, creature when you don't!

NV_1980 on The Spirit of Commander

1 year ago

Some ideas:

  • Dense Foliage: a hug option. If you aim for everyone's monsters (including) yours to die in glorious combat, it wouldn't do if someone could off them with spells.
  • Dictate of Karametra: more hug. Everyone has plenty of mana to cast their big creatures.
  • Fecundity: aaaaand more hug. Ensures that the death of any creature results in more opportunities to cast other big creatures.
  • Heartbeat of Spring: more mana for everyone!
  • Ghalta, Primal Hunger: seems to make sense in a green BC-deck.
  • Soul of the Harvest: such great draw in a deck featuring this many creatures. And a nice beat-stick to boot.
  • Vigor: opposing creatures can't hurt your creatures anymore; they can only strengthen them!
  • Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus: ensures the strength/toughness of your BC's beat those of the opponents' BC's.

Have fun with the brew!

Icaruskid on Xenabro

1 year ago

All gas, no brakes! You even run Shaman of Forgotten Ways and Escape to the Wilds. Great choices! Looks like a fun deck to play to satisfy that big power creature craving.

Only card for your maybe board might be Dense Foliage.

TheOfficialCreator on Gishath's Jurassic Park

2 years ago

Insist, Spellbreaker Behemoth, Savage Summoning, Prowling Serpopard, Vexing Shusher, and Allosaurus Shepherd are all options to stop your creatures from being countered if that's a threat you're concerned about.

As far as stopping your creatures from being destroyed, Asceticism, Dense Foliage, and Heroic Intervention are good.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Pre-Y2K Panic Button

2 years ago

legendofa, those are GREAT suggestions! I don't necessarily need my enchantments to stick around, so I like having solutions if someone else is playing an enchantment strategy. I've been thinking the second Dense Foliage is unnecessary, so I'll drop it in favour of Tranquil Domain. I like Tranquil Domain slightly better than Multani's Decree partly because it's cheaper to cast, but mostly because it mentions 'global' enchantments and that takes me right back to the good old days :)

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Warweaver's Chant

3 years ago

Worchatz: Thanks for the comment and the upvote, I really appreciate that. Regarding your suggestions, here's what I think:

Shamanic Revelation is great, I'll try to get it for the deck. Spiteful Visions is awesome, but I'll find another slot than that of Sapling. Her indestructibility is just too important here. Dense Foliage is interesting, but I don't get why it's that great here. Semi-shroud is cool, but I like my spot removal, and not being able to use it feels bad. Druids' Repository is super-cool, definitely going in. I decided against Grim Hireling. It's a fine card, but too fragile for the deck. I'm unsure about Heartless Summoning. The mana discount is great, but shrinking my creatures seems counterproductive here.

Lots of things to think about, thank you very much for the input.

Oldbear on Ruric TharrrrRRRRRRHHHHHH!

3 years ago

I've never seen Nullstone Gargoyle, that casting cost is high but you're right it would be cool in this deck. Heartless Hidetsugu is a great idea thank you! Dense Foliage could be good, it's kind of like a pared-back Asceticism. I will consider it. Detritivore, man what a wordy card, is another I'd not seen before. It would be really good if I was playing in a more competitive meta we're all kind of newer players so there aren't many lands people are running that really need to be taken care of (except Field of the Dead).


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