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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Rile deals 1 damage to target creature you control. That creature gains trample until end of turn.

Draw a card.

lhetrick13 on Dinosaurs Tribal

2 years ago

This deck looks like it plays very similar to my dino tribal (Spared No Expense!!!) in the main theme is to trigger the Enrage ability of the many dinosaurs. Main difference is yours focuses on pumping the dinos with +1/+1 counters with either Bellowing Aegisaur or their own ability and then multiplying the effect with Hardened Scales.

The main thing I would suggest is this deck needs some speed...Your average creature cost is roughly 3.5 CMC and you are only running 20 lands. You do have 3xOtepec Huntmaster to lower the cost of those dinos but generally, I feel like you are consistently going to be hurting for land to cast dinosaurs if you do not start with or draw Siegehorn Ceratops or Otepec Huntmaster.

You are also running a lot of great instants/sorceries/enchantments for your theme but I think you are going to have to sacrifice some of those to make room for some extra lands and maybe even some more cards to lower the cost of the dinos. Right now, it just seems like the deck will take until like turn 4-5 to start hitting a stride and you do not have any interactions besides Savage Stomp or some spells that deal a targeted 1 damage or a general 1 damage to really slow down an opponent.

I love the idea of the deck as a you can make Siegehorn Ceratops a monster on turn 3 with a Rile followed by a Savage Stomp when Hardened Scales is in play but that is an ideal hand...I am trying to make suggestions for when you do not get that hand.

A card you might consider instead of Gut Shot would be Marrow Shards. Both share the no cost ability and instant speed but Marrow Shards can be used for defense or a mass enrage trigger when your dinos attack. The loss is you can not hit a player for 1 damage any longer...pros and cons.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Spared No Expense!!!

2 years ago

Hey lhetrick13! I'm not the best source for ideas since my favourite dinosaur is Dromosaur and it isn't even modern legal :)

But a lack of good suggestions hasn't stopped me before! I'd definitely run the Ghalta, Primal Hunger you have in the maybeboard, since it would be pretty cheap once you've got a few other dinos out. I also like Deathmist Raptor for the lower end of the curve if you run multiples, since they can get each other back from the graveyard.

On the jankier end I really like Polyraptor, which would pair nicely with the Riles you've got in there. It would really shine with relpeatable pingers so it might require too much reworking to fit nicely with what you've already got.

Anyway, I hope that helps!

LeechBoy on Dinosaurs go wild!

3 years ago

Hey wallisface First of all, thanks for your suggestions. Let me explain some of my decisions:

1.The lack of white in this deck is just a personal decision I made. We already had a dinosaur deck with white in our MTG-group. On top of that, I wanted to build a different dinosaur deck than so many others out there. So it´s just a personal choice.

  1. It´s pretty funny what´s the standard level of decks is in different play-groups. I had Ripjaw Raptor and Ranging Raptors in this deck at first. But they seemed to go against the strength of the deck. In our casual games, the deck was fast and overwhelming. (obviously this depends on the speed of the other decks in the group) That´s why I put them away and made some substitutes.

  2. On top of that, I really like Rile and Drover of the Mighty. Will definetly put them in this deck.

  3. I will think about the other dinosaurs and see what I am doing with em

wallisface on Dinosaurs go wild!

3 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • i’m surprised Ripjaw Raptor isn’t in the deck, as it’s one of the best dinos out there, especially backed-up by cards that can let it fight. Similarly, Ranging Raptors is better than most of the other dinos you’re currently running.

  • you should defo be running the full playset of Savage Stomp.

  • your mana curve is waaay too high. Look to run some lower-cmc cards.

  • you’re currently running what i would consider to be a bunch of “trash dinos”. I’d suggest removing the following: Snapping Sailback, Thrash of Raptors, Raging Swordtooth, Cherished Hatchling, Crested Herdcaller. I’d also consider Raging Regisaur pretty “meh”.

  • other cards to consider adding are Drover of the Mighty and Rile, though you’ll get your biggest upgrade by adding a third colour to the deck (white) - there are loads of strong dino effects in that third colour.

RiotRunner789 on Feather - Low to the Ground

3 years ago

Well the deck is finished (except updating the mana base but I find that part fairly easy). Thanks for the comments. They definitely helped me make the last few cuts.

On Path to Exile: hadn't thought of it as a self ramp piece but there are few creatures in the deck and only one creature-token producer. Good idea that I'll keep in mind if I swap something out in the future.

On Ancestral Anger: It isn't a strong card and a sorcery but there aren't a ton of instant speed red cantrips (same reason to keep Panic). I ended up cutting Rile instead because it is strictly worse. It will be swapped out once they print a new one mana red cantrip.

On the counters: Mana Tithe was the weakest option of them all. I like the possibility of a big play where an overloaded Cyclonic Rift is countered but admit this would be few and far in between. Red Elemental Blast and Pyroblast, while being inflexible against non-blue, are rarely a miss in my meta. Plus, the added utility of being able to blow it up or counter is useful.

zapyourtumor on Fire blood

3 years ago

Neat concept! Pyrohemia is a super cool card.

I think you could maybe lean a bit more into the prison theme here. Some cards like Manamorphose and Fling seem more like filler. Deflecting Palm also doesn't really do much here, since it will only redirect one instance of Pyrohemia. The next cards to cut, if you do need to cut more, would probably be Rile and maybe a land.

To replace these cards I would probably go up to a 3rd Pyrohemia. Some classic prison cards are Ensnaring Bridge and Blood Moon, which are unfortunately pretty expensive but do a lot of work. Maindeck Blood Moon especially looks very strong here, even if you can only get a hold of 2 copies. Some other cards like Fury could probably be good here to pitch extra copies of Pyrohemia, but its unfortunately quite expensive as well and I would definitely prioritize getting Moons over this.

Blasphemous Act is a very strong card, but also pretty conditional. I think including a a few smaller wipes like Slagstorm would be a good idea (maybe 2?). Chandra, Torch of Defiance is a very strong walker that isn't too expensive, and you could include 2 or so copies here. Walkers seem good since they aren't hit by Pyrohemia.

Monored Prison frequently plays rituals like Desperate Ritual (and used to play Simian Spirit Guide rip monke) to ramp faster into their 3 drop prison pieces. It could help you drop an earlier Pyrohemia, although it wont let you drop a turn 2 3-drop into a turn 3 pyrohemia.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on Feather - Righteous Strike

3 years ago

With Feather, you need to lean one way or the other, pump or burn. Cards like Firebrand Archer won't do much of anything in a deck that wins by Commander damage, whereas the pump is best replaced in a burn deck. This deck leans more toward pump, so I'll suggest cards for that.

Ajani's Presence is strictly better than some of the protection spells in here. Inquisitor's Flail is a repeatable way to double Feather's damage, it also stacks with both double strike and Unleash Fury. Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar turns a one=person kill into a full win. Blacksmith's Skill is just about the best protection spell you could ever want. Sejiri Shelter  Flip is a relevant MDFC. Intimidation Bolt can save you games. Impact Resonance can help you deal with problems too, and speaking of removal, you need some boardwipes. Austere Command is a very flexible sweeper, Blasphemous Act is a quality cheap one that you can frequently protect your own stuff from, and Slaughter the Strong is also cheap and mostly doesn't affect you. If you're running Sunforger, you really need to run Magnetic Theft to fetch on the first activation. It's a very effective combo. And then Storm-Kiln Artist is just a must in every Feather deck. It turns your engine from good to game-ending in seconds. Show of Confidence is also a game-ender, pairs very well with the storm aspect of the deck and the counters are permanent and it's hard to counter.

Generally higher-quality spells to have that are in my deck include Infuriate, Light of Hope, Stave Off, and Rile (it may be a sorcery, but trample is very relevant).

If you find your stuff is getting countered, or you need to use spells but Feather can't stay out, recursion like Dreadhorde Arcanist, Mavinda, Students' Advocate, and Past in Flames might be worth looking into.

In general, remove two-cost spells if possible, remove burn, and think about what color your mana production is. In my experience, most of the spells you want to cast multiple times are white, so red-mana production is less valuable. And Remote Farm will backfire very quickly without a way to increase its counters or blink it. There are a few other cards in here that just aren't quite good enough if you need advice on more things to take out.

If your playgroup starts to adapt, like mine did, and runs cards that don't care about your protection like Sakashima's Will, Out of Time, Extinction Event, etc., think about Eerie Interlude. It's three mana and one-time protection, but it can get you out of a rough spot that no other card can.

Dual-lands are very important in my experience. Consider Alpine Meadow, Command Tower (a must in every EDH deck), Stone Quarry, Thriving Heath, Thriving Bluff, and Wind-Scarred Crag.

king-saproling on Forest fire

3 years ago

Assault Suit could be fun here. It allows you to keep the dragon spirit that it is attached to. The haste is nice as well.

You might like these too: Where Ancients Tread, Dragon Tempest, Rite of Passage, Skullclamp, Elemental Bond, Garruk's Packleader, Kavu Lair, Rile

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