Legion's End

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Legion's End


Exile target creature an opponent controls with converted mana cost 2 or less and all other creatures that player controls with the same name as that creature. Then that player reveals their hand and exiles all cards with that name from their hand and graveyard.

KongMing on Tergrid, the God of Salt

8 months ago

How about Legion's End and/or Sever the Bloodline, to deal with token swarms?

EvilCookie on

1 year ago

Vampire of the Dire Moon -> Vampire Nighthawk or Murderous Rider are budged replacements. Even a Graveyard Trespasser  Flip fit's in for the value.

Legion's End & Go Blank are good sideboard options.

Apollo_Paladin on Budget-ish legacy elves

2 years ago

I should probably also specify that my only complaint with Gelatinous Genesis in an infinite mana deck is that, without Haste, you still leave yourself vulnerable to any multitude of Boardwipe effects (which are just so common now it's silly almost) plus stuff like Legion's End, Declaration in Stone, and spells along that line as well.

The only reason Helix Pinnacle makes the cut for me despite not winning that SAME turn is that it has Shroud making it almost impossible to do anything about. This method also allows you to save any attackers for blocking until your Turn comes back around, and stops anything like Settle the Wreckage from hampering your win plans. I've found boardwipe (or specific creaturewipe) cards to be the main vulnerability with my elf build, so structuring your strategy to have "outs" for these should the need arise is what really ramped up the reliability of winning game after game for me. If your opponent can just toss 1 card from a Sideboard into their build and shut you down, then it's not reliable (at least to my standards) in most cases.

Elves have so many different ways that they can win, that it makes sense to build a deck up with multiple win conditions to provide you with options. There's just too many "good" Elf selections available for there to be one "End All - Be All" build. The best you can hope for is to include some curveballs for the deck's most common major threats.


I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on $25 MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction

3 years ago

If the budget is ok with it I would go with a 3-3 split of mystic and llanowar because of removal like Maelstrom Pulse and Legion's End

Ryan689 on Nightmare (Final Draft)

3 years ago

This is what I have so far: Ancestral Vision, Death's Shadow, Infinite Obliteration, Legion's End, Echo Circlet, Cerulean Drake, and Sword of Body and Mind. I need help finding more spells that can increase the power of this deck.

Tzefick on Wither to Dust

3 years ago

Black doesn't get exile this cheap, even with downside. If you would give it to them, the color would take over some of White's main strengths. The downside is mostly negligible based on the format.

In Commander you have 40 life to take from, so if the opponent gets to achieve a high power creature where this is your only removal choice, you're in trouble. But in 99% of cases, it just costs you a small amount of life, which black happily does in so many other aspects of the color.

In Standard you'll only target stuff that doesn't cost you too much - but the alternative is often to take the combat damage to the face. If the meta is dominated by big power creatures, you run destroy removal, and possibly this as SB if WotC decides to make a stronger Bronzehide Lion.

In Eternal formats you SB it against creatures where the cost is negligible or where it disrupts your opponent's combo.

Also... Tragic Slip exists and that is how Black usually does removal that bypass indestructible, but it is conditional when it's this cheap.

Black is usually tied at 4 CMC for unconditional exile removal, as seen in Eat to Extinction, Gild, Deadly Rollick. The last one having a conditional situation where it's free, specifically for Commander.

Black does get lower CMC exile, but they are conditional on the target: Epic Downfall Legion's End or Grotesque Demise. Or Infernal Reckoning.

White is and should be the king of cheap flexible exile, or it loses one of its few strengths.

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