Hyper control. Looking to combo off for the win in a few ways.

Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake or Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron to generate infinite mana. Use this plus an X draw spell like Blue Sun's Zenith to draw your deck and win the game by playing Thassa's Oracle. You can also gain control of all your opponent's stuff by rebinding Deadeye with Agent of Treachery after making infinite mana.

Archaeomancer + Ghostly Flicker + Peregrine Drake will generate infinite if both the Archaeomancer and the drake are on the field when you ghostly flicker.

Panharmonicon + Peregrine Drake + Venser, Shaper Savant will also secure you infinite mana if you have 10 available to you.

Archaeomancer + Conjurer's Closet + Temporal Manipulation will get you infinite turns.


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91% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.11
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C
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