

A haunted fog known as the Nebelgast shrouds the cities along Nephalia's coast...


Supreme Phantom and Empyrean Eagle for lords.

Spell Queller for exiling early-game spells from the stack on a flash/flyer.

Mausoleum Wanderer for a one-drop that can turn into a Spell Pierce of sorts later.

Spectral Sailor for a one-drop flash/flyer with late-game card draw if needed.

Rattlechains for protection against targeted removal that also gives other Spirits flash.

Selfless Spirit for wrath/removal protection.

Shacklegeist for tapping down creatures.

Cemetery Illuminator for mainboard graveyard hate.

Watcher of the Spheres isn't a Spirit, but it makes Spirits cheaper and gets buffed by them entering as well as Empyrean Eagle's Lord effect.

Other Spells

Lofty Denial for a counterspell that works with all creatures in the deck.


Portable Hole for additional removal.

Declaration in Stone for additional creature removal.

Mystical Dispute for a counterspell against blue decks.

Disdainful Stroke for a counterspell against bigger spells.

Rest in Peace for graveyard hate.

Deafening Silence for hate against spell-heavy decks (Prowess, Phoenix, etc).



Skyclave Apparition for removal on a Spirit.

Remorseful Cleric for additional/mainboard graveyard hate.

Hanged Executioner for an extra body and an exile effect if needed.

Spirit of the Labyrinth for shutting off card advantage.

Eidolon of Rhetoric for shutting down decks casting multiple spells per turn.

Brazen Borrower for a non-Spirit, but a flash/flyer with a bounce effect that is also buffed by Eagle.

Hushbringer for stopping EtB effects (Siege Rhino, etc).

Siren Stormtamer for a one-drop with flying that gets buffed by Empyrean Eagle and can protect a Queller.

Deputy of Detention for a Detention Sphere on a stick (can also crew Copter).


Devout Decree for additional removal against red/black creatures/planeswalkers.

Settle the Wreckage for instant-speed mass removal.

Isolate for permanent removal (Arboreal Grazer/Prowess creatures).

Beckon Apparition for a Spirit token, also some graveyard hate.

Rally of Wings for synergy with Shacklegeist, also works as an alpha strike or surprise block.

Spell Pierce for a cheap tempo counterspell (protecting obsessed creatures or countering opposing planeswalkers on curve).

Annul for a counterspell against enchantments/artifacts.

Unsummon for bouncing opponents threats or bouncing Spirits for protection (also permanently exiling things with Spell Queller).

Disenchant for artfact/enchantment removal.

Dovin's Veto for an uncounterable Negate.

Negate for an additional counterspell.

Unsubstantiate for a Remand-like spell that can also bounce creatures in play.

Essence Flux for protecting Spirits/replaying Rattlechains and bringing them back bigger.

Blessed Alliance for a combat trick or lifegain.


Sky Tether for psuedo-removal.

Curious Obsession for card advantage.

Detention Sphere for additional removal.


Pithing Needle for shutting down Planeswalkers/other activated abilities.

Grafdigger's Cage for graveyard/library (CoCo) hate on turn 1.

Damping Sphere for shutting down Lotus Field and decks that cast multiple spells in a turn.


Mutavault for a Spirit on a land.

Banned, but not forgotten...

Smuggler's Copter for card advantage and an attacker/blocker that can be crewed by every creature in the deck and also gets buffed by Empyrean Eagle.


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Revision 61 See all

(1 year ago)

-1 Lofty Denial main
+2 Mutavault main
+1 Wedding Announcement  Flip side
Date added 5 years
Last updated 1 year
Exclude colors BRG

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 11 Rares

14 - 4 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.87
Tokens Human 1/1 W, Illusion */* U
Folders 3 - Pioneer, Azorious W/U Pioneer
Ignored suggestions
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