Ravenous Gigantotherium

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ravenous Gigantotherium

Creature — Beast

Devour 3 (As this enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. This creature enters the battlefield with three times that many +1/+1 counters on it.)

When Ravenous Gigantotherium enters the battlefield, it deals X damage divided as you choose among up to X target creatures, where X is its power. Each of those creatures deals damage equal to its power to Ravenous Gigantotherium.

Poly_raptor on I am rubber, you are glue

1 year ago

This looks very interesting now, I think moving into the bant shard to gain access to tokens looks a very fun idea. What are your thoughts on Ravenous Gigantotherium? If you have a lot of tokens you could devour a few and then maybe 1 shot somebody out of nowhere?

ThatWeirdPerson on It's Just a Flesh Wound ($100 Meren)

2 years ago

Well Coretapper and Magistrate's Scepter is a win con, I didn't want to focus on it because there are many other ways to win by bringing back Avenger of Zendikar once or twice, or sacrificing a ton of stuff to Carrion Feeder, Defiant Salvager, Fallen Angel and Ravenous Gigantotherium. Kessig Cagebreakers and Titan Hunter can rack up damage quite quick too. For this reason I don't think the excessive amount of mana rocks are necessary but some of the tors you included I may work on implementing such as Final Parting because it gets me both Coretapper and Magistrate's Scepter and Wishclaw Talisman because it has a chance to to that. Maybe some of the others if I find cards to replace

IHATENAMES on Mazirek's Nut Sac

3 years ago

Looking back. For synergy focused on squirrels and such Bankrupt in Blood Chatter of the SquirrelsCurse of the CabalRavenous Gigantotherium are where I would look for cuts. Plenty of good options for replacements. Happy brewing.

Gidgetimer on Rules about doubling damage, specifically …

3 years ago

When the creature deals damage the number that is dealt is twice the unmodified damage. It does not change when or how that damage is dealt.

Combat damage from a creature without first strike will be dealt during the normal combat damage step.

Combat damage from a creature with first strike will be dealt in the first strike combat damage step.

Combat damage from a creature with doublestrike will be dealt in both and each will be doubled.

Damage from a creature with infect will still cause -1/-1 counters or poison counters, the number of counters will be doubled.

The ruling you found referring to trample is stating that when assigning damage the game will not "look ahead" to see the modified damage. If you attack with a Goliath Beetle and it is blocked by a Grizzly Bears you must assign at least 2 damage before trampling any over. It doesn't matter that a single point would be lethal after the doubling.

The same damage assignment logic applies to multiple blockers and other things that distribute damage like the Ravenous Gigantotherium used as an example in the next ruling. In all cases the unmodified damage is assigned and then the damage is doubled when dealt.

Strangelove on Vorinclex - High Power

4 years ago

+1 my dude! @your reddit post,

More lands imo. Also more big ramp... seems like Vorinclex is a big target for removal, so ramping up to 15+ mana a turn seems like the way to go.

I think the biggest problem is that you're splitting themes and trying to jam infect. A lot of seemingly powerful cards don't have synergy with the rest of the deck. Only ~12 cards directly create +1/+1 counters. So (eg.) Hardened Scales really does nothing.

...Cut incidental Infect:

-1Viridian Corrupter, -1Spinebiter

-1Phyrexian Swarmlord... I love this card but, even when you're all in on infect it isn't that good...

(I think the other infect cards with 5+ power as soft, 2-card combos with your commmander are viable).

...Cut fatties with no evasion:

-1Renata, Called to the Hunt... if you're interested in playing "go-wide + pump" this could be good, but not better than Bloodspore Thrinax

-1Rampaging Baloths... incidental 4/4s aren't worthwhile

-1Crowned Ceratok... +1Champion of Lambholt

-1Ulvenwald Hydra... no synergy

-1Primordial Hydra... +1Managorger Hydra

When choosing cards ask yourself: (1) Does it work with my commander? (2) Does it work with my theme? (3) Is it strong enough with no synergy to play 1v3? (eg. Rampant Growth, Sylvan Library, etc.)

Happy brewing!

Strangelove on Storm Fury

4 years ago

+1 Mizuki_Minami!

+1 Crop Rotation... its cheap now! (I also think you should def play +1 Harrow)

+1 Impact Resonance... chunk.

+? Overblaze... more chunk.

+? Cerebral Vortex... maybe?

...more evasion!!!

+1 Lazotep Plating... this is so good!

+1 Sheltering Word... this is gonna gain you like 20+ life

+1 Simic Charm... yes plz

Refuse / Cooperate...

Insidious Will...

...Idk if you wanted to do this or not (it seems like you avoided Increasing Vengeance, etc.)... Idk if you feel like you need them, but just a heads up...

-1 Fling... because the sacrifice is a cost you can't throw Kalamax twice T.T

-1 Ravenous Gigantotherium... so fat... ur tokens step 2 so this is step 3... slow!

-3 Electrostatic Field/Guttersnipe/Murmuring Mystic... idk if I like these... you're not playing for pure storm and these don't trigger off copies.

-1 Hunting Pack... so fat... so slow? Also doesn't trigger off copies.

multimedia on Lightning-Butt Strikes Back!

4 years ago

Hey, my advice is choose one of Passage/Grounds/Lighthouse and cut the other two because lots of only colorless land sources can be problematic with Kalamax. Wolf Run/Settlement/Encampment are colorless sources and have much better interaction with Kalamax then other colorless lands.

In my opinion Passage is better than Grounds and Lighthouse, but I'm partial to attacking with Kalamax which Passage helps with. In my version I cut Passage for Reliquary Tower because I have lots more spells that can draw a lot of cards with Kalamax and I would rather keep those cards in hand than discard them. A reason to cut Passage is because you already have Wolf Run and it's an overall better land for repeatable evasion for Kalamax.

I presume you're playing Grounds because you're consistently against opponent graveyard strategies? If not then it could be cut since you don't have other Deserts and other than Encampment it's not worth including other Deserts. Lighthouse also doesn't seem worth it as a repeatable draw source since you can get better draw from many other sources.

Some changes to consider with cards in the maybeboard:

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