Gruesome Discovery

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gruesome Discovery


Target player discards two cards.

Morbid — If a creature died this turn, instead that player reveals his or her hand, you choose two cards from it, then that player discards those cards.

Chutney_Shining on Top of the Deck To Ya

3 years ago

Hello stranger, whom I have never met! Awesome concept! Some ideas that come to mind for refining this:

I think your mana curve is super high compared to the number of lands you're running. Since mono-black doesn't access to a lot of ramp, I'd suggest switching out some of your higher costs sorceries, such as Gruesome Discovery , with something like Duress . Similarly, I think that life gain cards like Increasing Ambition are too high costed, and don't really support your overall strategy. I'd suggest replacing with things like Raven's Crime , which you can retrace, or Dying Wail which offer better timing and utility.

Similarly, I think Headhunter and Hypnotic Specter probably have better synergies than your rogues. I really like [card:Black Cat], but think we could do more to trigger it on our terms. Carrion Feeder could be a cool addition, as could Legion Vanguard or Malevolent Noble .

Fiend Artisan is spendy, but would be such a powerful tutor and likely game ender in this build. Hell's Caretaker and Golgari Guildmage are significantly less powerful, but still allow you to exploit repeated triggers of your cats and Sangromancers. If you preferr an enchantment approach, Malevolent Awakening also works well.

I would definitely suggest upping the number of Painful Quandary , and definitely increasing the number of lands you're running to 20-22. I also think 4-8 removal spells, such as Murder , Doom Blade , or Poison the Cup would help respond to enemy threats and interruptions. I'd reduce the number of sorceries to make room - the looping creature threats have more of a long term board presence.

If budget weren't a consideration, a couple of copies of either Massacre Wurm or Sheoldred, Whispering One would make great finishers.

I hope this helps!

Darth_Savage on Feed the Funnel

7 years ago

Hi Grimblade,

Cool looking deck, though your inspiration from Seth's deck basically assumed the best thing to do with the Funnel was donate it via Harmless Offering or maybe at a push some weird Bazaar Trader / Liquimetal Coating deck...

You want to use it's discount so maybe Myr Servitor / Kuldotha Rebirth to give you some extra fuel... Maybe Tragic Slip / Brimstone Volley as targeted removal and Gruesome Discovery could be brutal, since Morbid is easy in this deck, that might be the keyword to look for...

Anyway, that a few random musings from me...

Snap157 on Vampire Buff Deck

7 years ago

Ookie dokee. Before I begin, it's gonna sound like I'm ripping apart your deck and taking the wheel, but with some adjustments this deck can really kick some serious ass. First of all, this is not standard legal, so you might wanna swap the format to modern or casual :)

Lightning Prowess does not help you here, as vamps grow bigger after combat damage. I know it helps with Blinding Blade but honestly that is too slow for a fast paced tribe like vamps. Mark of the Vampire is certainly on flavor here, but honestly with your vamps getting bigger, you'll want to replace those with Gruesome Deformity to help you vamps deal damage and get bigger.

Vampire Nocturnus only really works with mono black vamps, and Stromkirk Patrol is also pretty slow. With decks like this, the mana limit should really only be 4 or at absolute max 5 if the card is absolutly needed. Diabolic Tutor is also a good card, but due to the casting cost I would really only limit yourself to 2 copies max, or cutting it all together.

If we take those cards out, we are left with (I think) 16 slots. As I mentioned earlier, Gruesome Deformity is a cheap way to let your vamps get bigger and deal damage, so I would include 3. Rakish Heir is a nightmare to deal with, especially in multiples so I would throw in 4. Lightning Bolt is a staple for any deck playing red, so I'd throw in 3. That leaves us with 6 spots left, and as a replacement buff, I would put in a playset of Curse of Stalked Prey and 2 Markov Blademaster. So, in the end, you would end up cutting:

and adding:

I think these replacements will lead to smoother gameplay and more wins on your part. As with any deck, lands like Bloodstained Mire, Dragonskull Summit and Blood Crypt are not needed but certainly help, and removal like Terminate or Dreadbore is usually an upgrade to Doom Blade, however in most decks you'll do fine without making these changes. Always glad to meet another vamp player, and I hope this helps!

PS feel free to check out my vamp deck, Just for Shits n' Giggles

MollyMab on Nath of the Gilt-Leaf

7 years ago

Heritage Druid, Elvish Archdruid, Birchlore Rangers, Priest of Titania, Joraga Treespeaker let you turn your tokens into mana etc.

Nature's Lore, Assassinate, Bone Splinters, Death Stroke, Despise, Distress, Explore, Gruesome Discovery, Journey of Discovery, Mind Rot, Appetite for the Unnatural, Doom Blade, Druid's Deliverance, Gilt-Leaf Ambush, Naturalize, Seedling Charm, Spring Cleaning, Strength in Numbers, Vitalize, Prowess of the Fair, Wayfarer's Bauble, Deadbridge Shaman, Silhana Starfletcher can all be cut in my opinion. These cards are all low impact or just a bit eh, compared to what you can do.

Unnerve should be Syphon Mind.

Nullmage Shepherd lets to turn a swarm of tokens into repeatable removal.

If you want to go in hard on tokens, you also have Primal Vigor as another token doubler, Second Harvest as a single use doubler, Sylvan Offering as a massive token producer/political card you can take advantage of especially. Voice of the Woods turns tokens into yet more tokens.

Damnable Pact is a good draw x spell, which can be political, or can be used to burn someone to death. Weird Harvest is an interesting political option, that can let you win on the spot with enough ramp.

JamesRuben on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

8 years ago

Gruesome Discovery has always been a common, but the site says it's an uncommon.

JamesRuben on Bug Report: Gruesome Discovery Rarity

8 years ago

Gruesome Discovery has only appeared at common, but the cube service (and deck sorting) believes it is uncommon.

ColdBrewer on Boggart Avalanche

8 years ago

Here are some black cards that remove cards from your opponents hand that are not too shabby: Addle , Coercion , Mind Twist , Gruesome Discovery , Mind Slash , Persecute , Pulse of the Dross , and everyone's favorite Hymn to Tourach. If you were thinking about throwing any 'evil-black' discard stuff in there.

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