Confront the Unknown

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Confront the Unknown


Investigate, then target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each Clue you control. (To investigate, put a colourless Clue artifact token onto the battlefield with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.")

lagotripha on Big Fish (Merfolk Combo)

3 years ago

Its definitely worth going to 6 payoff spells in some way - Entrance is a classic choice for that - I'd be swapping the gut shot as it is otherwise an almost completely dead card.

It does put more pressure on your mana base for green mana - right now your mana base can only sort of support the splash, but with more green cards coming mainboard you will need more ready access to it, especially with the double green cost. Filter lands or 1-off green mana generation should probably happen before the swap.

The big upside to shape anew is that it doesn't rely upon having a leviathan in hand, as it'll hit it anywhere in your deck, meaning it needs the same kind of 2 card setup.

Hard evidence might not be ideal, but I could see a package with some combination of Ongoing Investigation/Gilded Goose/Confront the Unknown/Lonis, Cryptozoologist putting in work. The two mana card draw is really useful even when its not being a payoff, as it lets you play more merfolk without losing reach to combo cards.

Ongoing investigation works pretty good just alongside the merfolk to keep the deck going.

GrimlockVIII on

3 years ago

Wait yo I know it might not be consistent with your game plan, but Confront the Unknown can make your creatures crazy stupid big out of nowhere if you have enough clues to go around.

TheVectornaut on Red/Green Starter

3 years ago

This is truly a mishmash, but out of all your creatures the ones that jump out at me are the disproportionately high number of spiders. Spider tribal could be an interesting direction to move the deck in, although switching to Golgari or at least Jund would probably be necessary. Black gives you access to graveyard interaction that benefits cards like Hatchery Spider while also having a fair number of good spider cards. Some modern options for such a deck are Arasta of the Endless Web, Graverobber Spider, Ishkanah, Grafwidow, Nyx Weaver, Rotwidow Pack, Chainweb Aracnir, Twin-Silk Spider, Spider Spawning, Blex, Vexing Pest  Flip, Renowned Weaver, Metallic Mimic, Adaptive Automaton, Obelisk of Urd, and Coat of Arms.

If you are more interested in staying red, one option is to focus on your combat tricks with cards that like being targeted. Silverfur Partisan and Zada, Hedron Grinder are a great pair for such a deck. Cheap buffs with bonus effects like Confront the Unknown and Expedite work well in such a shell, as do cards that care about having many creatures like Might of the Masses.

TheVectornaut on Revised RG wolves

3 years ago

Sorry I'm a little late responding, but I didn't see you had created an entirely new version yesterday. As a follow-up to my prior suggestions, it looks much stronger without so many vanilla creatures. I will say that I'd probably have kept the Young Wolf . Having creatures to curve out with is pretty important, even in slower midrange decks. Young Wolf specifically is also much better than it first appears and can often be treated as a sticky creature that's a 1/1 and 2/2 bundled together. The games where you can play T1 wolf, T2 wolf, T3 Partisan are much better than the games where you play nothing on turn 1 (except maybe a Bolt) and then only have 2 wolves to target on T4+. If I had to swap something for it... I'd maybe pick Lone Wolf . Its effect is functionally similar to the cheaper Wandering Wolf and both cards have gotten weaker with the removal of Wolfir Silverheart and Might of Oaks . Or, you could move the Asceticism to the sideboard depending on how much creature hate you're expecting to run into. If you need earlier defenses in the main, I'd look into Blossoming Defense and Vines of Vastwood . As for adding more targeted combat tricks, the first card I'd cut would definitely be Moonlight Hunt since unlike a more standard Prey Upon fight spell, it doesn't actually target any of your own wolves. In the absence of Partisan, the Hunt is probably better. But, I'd say the potential to generate an overwhelming number of tokens shifts the delta in the favor of multitarget spells. Technically, you could also run Zada, Hedron Grinder to go crazy with Might of the Masses , Confront the Unknown , Temur Battle Rage , etc., but I assume that you don't want any goblins polluting your tribal purity.

BRG24 on Goblins Are An Elves Best Friend

4 years ago

Wirex thanks for the suggestions. I definitely feel that a big game ending spell is necessary, and Banefire looks like it would do really well in that slot. Sudden Spinnerets very nearly made the cut here, but it just seemed to be the weakest of the untap effects, especially since Marwyn, the Nurturer is ideally wanting buffs to her power as well here. Confront the Unknown was also considered, but since you need to then pay to draw cards off them, I preferred Return of the Wildspeaker as our big draw engine, since one of our elves will normally be quite big. However, the big pump it gives could be interesting with Marwyn, so I might give it another look. Thanks again for all your great help with the deck.

Wirex on Goblins Are An Elves Best Friend

4 years ago

Hey thanks for leaving your Link on my list, I think you've got an awesome spin here, and the recursive loop between Marwyn and the other creatures means you could produce an insane amount of mana. Might be worth throwing in a Banefire or two to get a quick kill. With a board full of dorks and a few untaps, you could get to an unavoidable banefire win pretty easily.

A few other things I found while looking at the suggestions you left me:

Enter the Unknown You can either let all your boys get buffed up from the non-land part of exploring, or you can mix a draw in there to dig for some lands. either way you can do a lot with that many explores.

Confront the Unknown If you have several things on the board you can make a LOT of clues. Crack them with the mana from your dorks, draw a bunch of cards, and then untap everyone again. V spicy

Sudden Spinnerets is another good 1 drop untap that you can sideboard in against a heavy flying deck.

I really like your take on it. A little less aggro, and a little more combo. Very cool.

-Arcanity- on Pioneering the Mirrorwing [PRIMER]

4 years ago


Hi, and I appreciate the vote!

Now, onto your points:

Season of Growth is the most powerful card in this deck and one should not play less than four. Have one copy on the battlefield, and it feels like you're playing a completely different game. Have two and you'll never run out of cards in hand. And drawing out has never been a problem. We have SIXTY card in our deck. Besides, Song of Freyalise just doesn't do much since we don't have a lot of early-drop creatures. If you feel like you need ramp, then play a one-drop mana dork or Sylvan Caryatid.

While having another two-drop is beneficial for our curve, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip is just underpowered. It is a literal BEAR with an ability that costs three mana to activate and does not impact the board and does not synergize with the rest of our deck (we only have 15 creatures so the ability is gonna whiff more often than not). Krenko is great with all our pump spells and will take over the game if ignored. I n fact, due to our above-mentioned threat-lightness, we need each of our threats to be able to win the game on its own of ignored. Ask: if I see this card across the table, will I kill it on sight?

Heroic Intervention is very narrow in application and is in here for one reason: sweeper protection. Four of it is way too much. With the way this deck plays, you're really mana-tight and holding up two to cast intervention is quite unrealistic in creature matchups, as spectacular as it would be if it actually happened. Anger of the Gods obviously kills all our tokens, as well as every non-dragon creature in our deck, but with the way our deck plays out, we simply can't race aggro decks, so we have to play it. Just don't play any creatures on the first three turns, sweep the board, and deploy our creatures after. Our most powerful creatures don't come down until turn three anyway, and if I had anger in hand, I'd hold any Dreadhorde Arcanists.

As for Enter the Unknown, it's interesting. The ramp is less useful than it looks, since the earliest we can actually cast it is turn three, after a Dreadhorde Arcanist on turn two (and we're a 23 land deck, so the chances of having an extra land to drop is ). However, the filtering it provides may make it worthwhile in matchups that go longer. The problem I see is that it suffers from the Confront the Unknown problem - minimal board impact.

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