Sundering Stroke

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sundering Stroke


Sundering Stroke deals 7 damage divided as you choose among one, two, or three target creatures, players or planeswalkers. If at least seven red mana was spent to cast this spell, instead Sundering Stroke deals 7 damage to each of those permanents and/or players.

TempestArmor on War Profiteering

3 years ago

Looking REALLY good so far! If you're looking for mana sinks, consider Soul of Shandalar or Sundering Stroke . What about Howl of the Horde or Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion ? Would Syr Carah, the Bold , Molten Psyche , or Past in Flames fix your card draw problem? Leyline Tyrant looks like it would do WORK in this deck if you don't mind the cost.

EgyptianSpaceGamer on Kara, Lord of Thundervale

4 years ago

Great enthusiasm with mixing Faithless Looting and Sundering Stroke type effects on a cheap creature. That said, it may need a little nerfing on mana cost or "bolt cost". Just one mana more, in my opinion, on the total cmc would balance it out. One of the reasons faithless got the banhammer was because of the power of turn one discard. Love the creativity, keep it up!

Suns_Champion on OH LORD JESUS IT'S A FIRE! | Neheb EDH | PRIMER

4 years ago

R1nzl3r thanks for the suggestions! If I have time to look at your list I will, but most of my suggestions would come from this anyway. I've considered Chandra, Acolyte of Flame. She seems like a decent card but not really worth it for me.

Yarok hey thanks! Yeah I agree with everything Driemer84 and R1nzl3r said about all those cards. I will comment on two:

  • Viashino Heretic is neato but just slow for what this deck wants.
  • Angrath's Marauders looks like it would be good, but think about Neheb. Gameplay with Neheb is split into two timezones: BEFORE his trigger on your turn, and AFTER his trigger on your turn. Nothing else matters. So for each card, you have to determine if it's a BEFORE or AFTER card or if it's flexible. Angrath's Marauders is certainly not a before card because of the mana cost, so it has to be an after card. But what does it do after Neheb has been triggered? Nothing, I have to wait a turn, instead of doing any of these things that I want to be doing AFTER: drawing cards, dealing damage, protecting Neheb, drawing cards. Anyway, I've found this to be a helpful way of evaluating cards for Neheb.

Let's take another example. Sundering Stroke is it good BEFORE? Sorta, but only if I have 7 mountains, otherwise it's only okay. Is it good AFTER? Yeah sorta, it can deal 7 to 3 targets, but 7 damage isn't really enough to finish players off, So I'd rather have something that doesn't cap the damage like Rolling Earthquake. Hopefully all that makes sense. When you play a deck long enough you really think too hard about all this haha!

multimedia on Niv mizzet my problem

5 years ago

Hey, good budget version of Niv.

Ophidian Eye is another combo enchantment to enchant Niv with. Consider cutting Curse of the Bloody Tome for Eye? With the difficult color casting cost of Niv and the less than ideal color fixing in the manabase consider Chromatic Lantern? To stay within the budget consider cutting That Which Was Taken for Lantern?

To help with color fixing in the manabase there's some budget lands to consider adding. Sulfur Falls, Shivan Reef, Wandering Fumarole, Ash Barrens, Grixis Panorama. These lands can help game play a lot more than $9 Caged Sun can. To stay within budget consider cutting Sun for these lands?

Evolve is not a very good mechanic in Commander because you want to consistently cast an Evolve creature early game to evolve as you cast other creatures. Consistently you're not going to have an Evolve creature to cast early and playing one mid/late game is not doing much. Evolve is a mechanic that benefits much with having 4x of same creatures in a deck which is not Commander. Consider cutting some creatures for a few more draw spells? Brainstorm, Opt, Frantic Search, Faithless Looting are budget good draw spells. Consider cutting Cloudfin Raptor, Simic Fluxmage, Petrahydrox, Ral's Staticaster for these draw spells?

Izzet colors at a budget are at a disadvantage for tutors, but there's some good cards that can copy an opponents tutor when cast letting you also tutor. Expansion / Explosion, Reverberate, Dualcaster Mage. These spells could also copy your own spell when you cast it. Consider cutting Wave of Indifference, Sundering Stroke and Reckless Air Strike for these copy spells? Talisman of Creativity and Izzet Signet are good budget two drop mana rocks. They could replace Heraldic Banner and Spinning Wheel.

In Commander you have access to good budget counterspells that don't have a restriction: Counterspell, Wizard's Retort, Arcane Denial. These counterspells could replace Scatter Arc, No Escape, Mystical Dispute.

I offer more advice. Good luck with your deck.

Suns_Champion on

5 years ago

Hey man, this is a really tight list! My suggestions are going to seem half-hearted, because there isn't a lot I would change here. All the key pieces I was looking for are already here. Well done.

I really like Torbran as a pressure and efficient boardwipe commander, so I'm glad to see both of those elements here.

Here's some cards to consider:

Immolation Shaman is another pressure card you're missing.

Satyr Firedancer is some cool tech with direct burn spells, plus the +2 damage from Torbran stacks!

Flamebreak , Slagstorm , Steam Blast are all good sweeper options to consider.

Shadowspear from the upcoming set might be awesome in here. You can target stuff and they lose indestructible. Huge.

Drakuseth, Maw of Flames is a great finisher, with Torbran he's actually dealing 9, 6, 5, and 5.

Let's talk about card advantage. If you add ANY of the cards I suggest, please let it be these.

Cavalier of Flame is a good self wheel/later damage, as well as Khorvath's Fury . Reforge the Soul is just a solid wheel and budget Wheel of Fortune. These plus the wheels/looting you already have go great with Glint-Horn Buccaneer , who's also solid on his own. Humble Defector is my second favorite magic card, and is a great political card or just combos with Homeward Path , which you already have. Tome of Legends has been finding it's way into most of my decks with low cost commanders, if you attack with Torbran you should consider it. Ignite the Future is basically Red's harmonize, and I suggest it for any red deck without blue. And since you're in one color, Endless Atlas is a solid draw engine. Finally, Light Up the Stage is an okayish little draw spell you might consider.

Here's some cards I'm not convinced by and you might consider cutting for my other suggestions.

Chandra, Awakened Inferno Emblems don't have a color, so Torbran doesn't affect then. Yeah she can wipe the board, but you can more easily do that for 1 mana instead of 6.

Electrodominance under-preformed in Neheb.

Volcanic Offering

Risk Factor / Browbeat can go for some of the better, reliable draw options.

Sundering Stroke I think is too expensive for what it does. It's hard to get 7 red without Neheb out.

By Force unless you really have to deal with artifacts every game. Add draw to get to the other removal you have faster.

Price of Glory under-preformed in Neheb, people just hold up mana rocks.

Urabrask the Hidden Haste at 5cmc is way too late. Replace with Cavalier if you really think you need it, or anything else.

Thran Dynamo this deck is hungry for red mana. I'd suggest finding a mana rock that gives red. Arcane signet maybe?

Magebane Armor is cool, but most of your sweepers don't kill your important creatures.

That's all I got for cuts, again. tight list man. Love it.

TwinStags on The Pie Raker's Army

5 years ago

I know it’s utterly ridiculous cmc, but thoughts on Sundering Stroke ?

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