Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ruric Thar, the Unbowed

Legendary Creature — Ogre Warrior

Vigilance, reach

Ruric Thar, the Unbowed attacks each turn if able.

Whenever a player casts a noncreature spell, Ruric Thar deals 6 damage to that player.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Gatstaf Ravagers
Branded Howler
Hinterland Scourge
One of the Pack
Timber Shredder

Kazierts on How Good is Atalan Jackal?

1 month ago

Here's actually something I disagree with wallisface. I don't think Wood Elves is much worse than Cultivate nor is marginally better than Atalan Jackal.

If we're talking about raw ramp, then yes, Cultivate is better because it can also set up future ramp such as Explore and Growth Spiral, but Wood Elves can get nonbasic lands such as Indatha Triome. I'm not saying it's an auto-include if you have nonbasic forest, but it's something I'd consider.

About Atalan Jackal, just look at its EDHrec page. You'll see roughly 4 types of commanders that play it.

These aren't the only commanders that run this card, but the ones that play it the most. They don't run Atalan Jackal because it's good, but because it actually synergises with the overall strategy. It doesn't enable the strategy, it is part of the strategy.

RockIV on Gruul commander deck: mana ramp …

3 months ago

hi everyone, latley i been playing commander with my friends every weekend. i been using my gruul commander deck, that i build recently. im having a lot of fun and getting very good results, but im thinking that i can optimize my mana ramp.

So i want to know what do you guys think.

thats the deck : Clans Savagery :Beasts ,giants and dragons!

in this moment im using cards like Goblin Anarchomancer, Nightshade Dryad, Sylvan Caryatid, Zhur-Taa Druid, as my mana dorks, i also have Somberwald Sage that is a little more expensive in mana, but give me 3.

i also use cards like Farhaven Elf and Sylvan Ranger as my mana tutors among others.

i have also spells like Rampant Growth, Cultivate and Explosive Vegetation to help me.

my doubt came because i have cards like Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic and many others that are 1 mana, mana dorks, but i didnt add them to the deck. and also mana dorks and tutor that are more mana expensive like Wood Elves or Ondu Giant that didnt make it to the deck (i also have alot of gruul mana rocks, but i didnt add them because of my commanders hability)

i didnt want to add more mana tutoring spells like Migration Path, because my commander Ruric Thar, the Unbowed will punish me if i have more non creature spells.

i think that, i may optimize my mana ramp if i add the Llanowar Elves like creatures ,but i feel that i will make the mana ramp slower, if i take out cards like Cultivate, Thirsting Roots and Explosive Vegetation even if they arent creatures (because they take mana out of my deck and i will have less chance to draw mana). I also think that the 3 mana or 4 mana tutoring options that i have will make the deck slower.

what do you guys think? thnks everyone for reading :)

Gleeock on I LOVE CHAOS

1 year ago

DrukenReaps that is a playstyle (which I love) that only certain people win with, takes a very different look at tempo & life totals as a resource. Very midrangy (which I also love). It is really fun to force players to make different decisions than they normally would because you have been chiseling at life totals on a non-lifegain control deck for example.

If you build it the non-cEDH/combo way Atla Palani, Nest Tender is chaotic in a fun way. Atla with Tobasco Sauce plays with high variance. Ruric Thar, the Unbowed is one of my favorite egg-hatches, which probably fits the bill for this topic.

Polymorphing probably fits this bill too, you can build however much variance you want then Reality Scramble tokens.

Fun variance cards: Oath of Druids is a staple for me, you can make the game very lopsided against a miserly opponent with this. Creative Technique is powerful but has variance, Protection Racket is amazing in a fun Timmy deck that doesn't care that much if you lose a card here and there. None of those really stall things, they just keep the foot on the gas. I know there are more that I will think up.

ImNora on Creatures that do Damage Over …

1 year ago

No specific colors or anything. It's for my The Prismatic Bridge  Flip deck so all five colors are available. It's looking like a lot of the cards with these types of effects are low cost though so cheating out creatures might be overkill. I may have to consider other commanders if there aren't very many high CMC, hard hitters like Ruric Thar, the Unbowed...

ImNora on Creatures that do Damage Over …

1 year ago

Okay so, I'm building an alternate roster of creatures for my deck that cheats out high cost creatures. I want it to have creatures that do Damage over turns, or on spell casting, etc (like Ruric Thar, the Unbowed, Kaervek the Merciless, Magmatic Force). Any recommendations for similar indirect-damage creatures would be greatly appreciated!


plakjekaas on What is Gruul to you?

1 year ago

My current favourite commander deck is a Gruul deck that doesn't feel Gruul at all, it does dive into the punishing side of the color pie. Klothys, Bringing Destiny is a Gruul Enchantress deck that's exceptionally great at punishing greedy mana bases, both with lots of pain for using nonbasic lands, and plenty cheap artifact hate to remove rocks and treasures. The: "Why are you hitting yourself"-vibes are amazing, and the only reason Ruric Thar, the Unbowed is not in there, is because it plays 45 noncreature spells itself '^^

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