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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
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Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Living Inferno
Creature — Elemental
Tap: Living Inferno deals damage equal to its power divided as you choose among any number of target creatures. Each of those creatures deals damage equal to its power to Living Inferno.

Tzefick on None
4 years ago
I agree that the +1 should not have Fight attached OR it should be a minus ability.
The -4 is incredibly weak. Compare it to Garruk, Caller of Beasts who reveals top 5 and puts ALL creatures revealed into your hand. And that's a +1 ability... He is also 6 CMC but this one is 3 colors against Garruk's green.
What if you turned the two abilities around?
Different take Show
Teal_Fox on
Do you even fling, bro? - first EDH deck
7 years ago
At the very least, I would try to find room for Thousand-Year Elixir as that pseudo-Haste can be very key to ensuring you get value from your commander ASAP. Not to mention untap triggers are pretty great, so Magewright's Stone can also be a pretty powerful inclusion. And the ability to untap your general cranks up the value of cards such as Molten Primordial exponentially.
And let's not forget that Scuttling Doom Engine is just downright hilarious in this kind of deck. I'm also not sure why you would run Expedite over Hammer of Purphoros, as the latter is static and can even give you more fling targets should you start to draw into excess land. And speaking of land, Command Tower>>>>>>>Rupture Spire
As for things to cut, War Elemental, Invincible Hymn, Living Inferno, Akroma, Angel of Wrath, Sunblast Angel, and Astral Cornucopia seem to be really slow cards for what they do, while cards like Stonehorn Dignitary, Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran, Bull Cerodon, Dragon Hatchling, Reroute, Wing Shards, and Desperate Ritual just look too low impact/situational to keep.
Anyway, those are just my impressions on the deck. It looks really fun and I hope you find my suggestions helpful.
MoGoose831 on
Do you even fling, bro? - first EDH deck
7 years ago
Thanks for the recommendations Deathstroke2791 I really appreciate it. My creature list is a bit random because I built the deck with what I had on hand.
My group's meta is a lot of aggro so things like Flameblast Dragon and Living Inferno are huge help as they can be pretty versatile but I guess at the same time they are in the higher end of the cmc spectrum. Thunder-Thrash Elder is another one that's in here because of Entreat the Angels and once that goes so will the elder.
Combustible Gearhulk is awesome. I definitely need more card draw and this fits perfectly. Solemn Simulacrum is one of those edh staples I haven't gotten yet. This is my first commander deck so I'm still building my edh collection. I absolutely love Flameshadow Conjuring it's cheap and looks like it can be a game changer!
Pieguy396 on
7 years ago
Hey there! This looks like a great start to an Elemental deck; I have just a few suggestions:
- While expensive on the wallet, a shock/fetch manabase would make your mana much smoother. If you don't want to go that route, I recommend lands like City of Brass and Mana Confluence over Vivid lands, as coming into play tapped is a real drawback. Cascading Cataracts will definitely need testing, but my instinct is that it isn't great.
- If you want to go the "ramp into giant elementals" route, which I recommend, I'd get rid of Torrent Elemental, Reveillark, Descendants' Path, and Doomgape, and instead add more Liege of the Tangle, Nova Chaser, and Omnath, Locus of Rage. Living Inferno, Living Hive, and Walker of the Grove are also all good options.
- Since Elementals are already pretty solidly a Red tribe, Lightning Bolt would probably be better than Path to Exile, to avoid overstretching an already thin 5-color manabase.
Hope this helped! I really like this deck, and might "borrow" it for my own uses. I've been trying to brew an Elementals deck for a while, and this looks like the most promising start I've seen!
VincentVonVeltschmerz on
Tribal Elemental
7 years ago
Cool elementals to consider: Ashling, the Extinguisher, Avenger of Zendikar, Brighthearth Banneret, Cloudthresher, Consuming Bonfire, Crater Elemental, Deepfire Elemental, Doomgape, Fertilid, Flamekin Harbinger, Flickerwisp, Grave Sifter, Grinning Ignus, Incandescent Soulstoke, Living Inferno (yes it's over costed I still like it), Mulldrifter!!! Nevermaker, Roil Elemental, Slithermuse, Soul of the Harvest, Thornling, Tyrant of Discord, Vigor (expensive but quite good), Whisperwood Elemental, Wilderness Elemental
Fathinar on
Playing the Lottery
8 years ago
I would consider adding more creatures maybe bring the creature count to somewhere between 30-35 i know they are all big beefies with high cast costs. But I feel like with the ramp you have it cant hurt. plus the idea is to have good things for mayael to dig for. I would start with Armada Wurm and maybe Craterhoof Behemoth Aegis Angel. something like Arborback Stomper will help get some life for free if you need it. Avatar of Slaughter for the game ending hit. Boldwyr Heavyweights because you should have the biggest creatures at the table and its a 2 for 1. Bringer of the Green Dawn/Bringer of the Red Dawn because reasons Council Guardian Deathcoil Wurm doesnt mind being blocked lol. Dragonlair Spider is great for blocking and creature racing. Enlisted Wurm though im not sure how cascade works with mayael. Garruk's Horde just seems natural in here as does Gladehart Cavalry. Living Inferno fight clubs all by its self as does Nessian Wilds Ravager. um Panglacial Wurm because i dare you to cast it from your library. i will scoop right then. Primeval Protector will be almost free even if its in your hand. Scourge of the Throne i mean your deck loves attacking why not do it again? Siege Behemoth,Tornado Elemental,wolfpack and Thorn Elemental because we want to just do straight damage to people. Stalking Vengeance will make people think twice about clearing the board. Tyrant of Discord sounds awesome. Vagrant Plowbeasts u know why. Vigordoesnt have time for anybodys shit. Windbrisk Raptor id like to see some lifelink in this deck because it has the potential to pump out assloads of damage per turn. there were a ton of creatures i omitted which had cycling and in hindsight they may be good but im sure you can do a search for them but if you ever find your hand flooded with creatures it might be a good out. also one last thing since i love this card Blade of Selves I didnt price anything out because I didnt feel like it since you could buy any of these one at a time and slowly build the deck into something that you wanted.
TheMuffinMTG on
Brave the Element...als
8 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion, Kjartan! However, I think I'll pass on the Living Inferno. Even with the Soulstoke, it's a little slow for Modern. Considering that Soulstoke is a big removal target, I can't reliably have it at all times. Thanks though!
Kjartan on
Brave the Element...als
8 years ago
Since you have both Incandescent Soulstoke and Flamekin Harbinger, you could run a 1 of Living Inferno to disrupt creature based comboes, set up alphas, or just get in front in a game with a locked board-state.
- it just flat out wins with Temur Battle Rage (without dying to Lightning Bolt/Searing Blaze like Nova Chaser.)