Spreading Rot

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spreading Rot


Destroy target land. Its controller loses 2 life.

zachz on Scorched Jund

3 months ago

Spreading Rot seems mana expensive. Maybe Poison the Well or Drain the Well or Pooling Venom?

multimedia on Tariel wrecker of holes

2 years ago

Hey, you haven't really made a complete deck yet to begin optimizing? Since there's only 14 lands here and you have to know that's not enough lands for a Commander deck?

There's some good ideas here, such as stealing opponent's creatures, attacking with them and then sacing them, but you want more sac outlets for this strategy. Making opponents discard cards is good, but giving an opponent the choice of what card to discard can be problematic for Tariel since opponent is not going to discard a creature. There's some reanimation and lots of recursion here which is good in these colors, but there's few enablers to get your creatures into your graveyard.

Some causal budget deck building advice to get started.

To start add 36 lands, they can be all basic lands to begin, can change some to dual lands later. Have 36 lands so you fill all the spots that are needed for lands and to clearly see how many cards have to be cut for lands. The double faced cards represented as lands here are all terrible cards for the mana cost. Cut them all and replace them with basic lands?

To add more lands next cut all the Pacifism removal? This type of creature removal doesn't interact with Tariel, Reckoner of Souls because it doesn't kill opponent's creature putting it into opponent's graveyard. If you want to utilize Tariel's ability then your opponent's creatures have to be put into graveyards, not exiled or stuck on the battlefield unable to attack or block.

The next cards to cut to add more lands are the high mana cost creatures who don't do enough for Tariel, Reckoner of Souls. Tariel is the high mana cost spell you want to cast more than the rest, the other spells played should have some interaction with him or interact with opponent's creature in some way such as In Garruk's Wake. Keep Wake, cut the rest?

Cards to cut last are some that just aren't doing enough for the mana cost and don't have any interaction with Tariel, Reckoner of Souls or the other strategies being played.

All these cuts make enough spots for 36 lands. When you have enough lands then you can begin to optimize the rest of your deck. Good luck.

HeartOfGold on

6 years ago

Traditionally, Land Destruction is more control based. This looks like red aggro with land hate thrown in. Meh. That being said I would make this more of a control deck, Field of Ruin needs to be added in for sure. That can blow out dual lands, Ixalan lands, and Memorials. Memorial to War needs to be slotted in as well. This will slow things down but isn't too painful if you only put in a couple. From there you would have to add in more colors. Green for Creeping Mold, black for Spreading Rot, and white for Fall of the Thran. Lots of options for control and win cons just depends what way you want to go. I've been running a R/B control deck that does well due to all the burn and CC that's out there. It would be interesting to go Mardu and use all of the white control cards. Lots of life gain there to make Star of Extinction a more viable win con.

Darth_Savage on tricolor bolas

6 years ago

Hi Prinsk

I'm guessing this deck is built around the cards you have?

The best way to build decks and buy cards is purchasing singles, rather than boosters. This has always been the case until the recent Challenger decks (https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/challenger-decks-lists-2018-02-23) were released. If this deck is built around the cards you have then it's a Casual deck, not really a Modern one. Modern is a competitive format, often aggressively so with decks optimised to win from turn four...

Modern's larger card pool (11764 cards) means the efficiency of the cards can be optimised, you can choose the most cost effective card from the pool, for example you have Shock rather than Lightning Bolt or Spreading Rot instead of Rain of Tears or Stone Rain. Another factor is consistency, you have a lot of single cards in this deck and aren't running 4x of anything, this means the variance in your games is going to be very noticeable.

The question is, what is it you want to do with your deck?

Try to think about a single theme and once you answer that, you can then hone it to use 4x of the most efficient cards that help your win condition. I hope this is of help, good luck and have fun brewing your deck.

youlucky on Is stax possible in standard?

6 years ago

dusterGGG while i'm searching card which can be good inclusion i've found some land-destroy card, so maybe make GBR deck with Creeping Mold, Demolish, Spreading Rot and Violent Impact?

PerfektJade on Vampire's

6 years ago

I'd suggest removing:- 2x Anointed Deacon: cost is too high for what it does - 1x Blight Keeper: ability cost is too high for standard - 4x Encampment Keeper: again, too high - 1x Lurking Chupacabra: not enough exploring for it to benefit - 1x Queen's Bay Soldier: much better creatures you could get for 2 drop - 1x Boneyard Parley: CMC too high, effect not that great - 1x Spreading Rot: land destruction isn't necessary - 1x Cobbled Wings: won't need this with vampires - 2x Dusk Legion Dreadnought: 5 drop vigilance, does nothing else - 2x Prying Blade: won't need the mana - 1x Raiders' Wake: will be taken out too quickly to be useful

So, this leaves you with 15 open spots. I'm assuming you want to stay in the XLN block? For additions, I'd suggest looking at cards like Adanto Vanguard, Bishop's Soldier, Gifted Aetherborn (not XLN but a great card), Sanctum Seeker, Vicious Conquistador, Yahenni, Undying Partisan, Bloodcrazed Paladin and Duskborne Skymarcher.

For removal, try things like Duress, Fatal Push, Walk the Plank, anything low cost but preemptive or quick.

Free creatures with lifelink? Always great. Try Queen's Commission and Call to the Feast. Legion's Landing also helps pump out tokens AND can give you , so feel free to add a second one.

There are a lot of options for your deck, especially if you're not staying in XLN specifically. Try some of the ones I listed above and see how it runs for you. You may be able to remove 1-2 lands after working on your creatures, which are very heavy. Aim for closer to 20. As a general rule of thumb for Standard, 5 CMC is high for any card, so keep that in mind when picking out cards. You can have one or two around 5 CMC but they have to be worth it.

Hope this helps!

razelfark on Burninate

7 years ago

I would prioritize Lightning Strike over Shock. The extra damage for the mana helps kills more important targets in the format.

Cards you will likely want to cut from your deck include: Fling, Open Fire, Fireforger's Puzzleknot, Renegade Tactics, Spreading Rot , Dhund Operative, Embraal Gear-Smasher, Spireside Infiltrator, Welder Automaton.

If you want to make use of any of the cut cards let me know and I will try to see about suggesting some card options to help it stay in deck. The reason I suggest the removal of these cards are that most are not synergizing that well with what you say you want your deck to do (ex:Dhund Operative not enough artifacts to run) or are cards that are weaker then other card options (ex: Open Fire < Lightning Strike).

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