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1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Dormant Sliver
Creature — Sliver
All Sliver creatures have defender.
All Slivers have "When this permanent enters the battlefield, draw a card."

Mortlocke on
Commander Sliver Deck
3 weeks ago
Okay Twinships, lets start with the most important thing you must know about Slivers - and repeat after me: "Slivers are a sometimes food.". While they are amazing, and the more show up the more ridiculous the boardstate - you don't need all of them. There are times when you absolutely need room for other things like interaction, engines, you know...an actual deck. First things first - Who is your commander? To designate a Commander for the list on TappedOut you need to tag the card with CMDR when editing your deck list. Depending on the Commander, choices and recommendations will vary.
As of now, your deck has no engines, interaction, or resiliency - all of which are needed as you seem to be suffering from the classic Sliver problem of poor table politics. So, lets start looking at some card recommendations:
- Lurking Predators: You need an engine, and this is as good as any. It also plays into table politics as it disincentivizes other decks from popping off at best, at worst it gets your opponents focusing on it instead of your creatures.
Intruder Alarm: You need an engine, this one in particular is one of the usual suspects for slivers that help close out games. When Heart Sliver (or any other haste enabler) and Manaweft Sliver (or any other dork) are on the field you can at worst play your whole hand, and at best play your whole deck and close the game on the same turn. Just make sure you only play this when you can effectively end the game as it is an effect that benefits your opponents as well.
Worldly Tutor: You need tutors.
- Sylvan Tutor: You need tutors.
- Demonic Tutor: You need tutors.
- Grim Tutor: You need tutors.
- Guardian Project: You need card draw.
- Dormant Sliver: This is an optional card draw suggestion as you need a reliable sac outlet to remove the Defender ability from your Sliver
- Counterspell: You need interaction.
- Mana Drain: You need interaction.
- Strix Serenade: You need interaction.
- Swan Song: You need interaction.
- Kindred Dominance: You need mass removal to slow down faster players.
- Blasphemous Act: You need mass removal to slow down faster players. This also combos very well with Spiteful Sliver as well.
- Cyclonic Rift: You need mass removal to slow down faster players and have answers.
- Consider the Talisman cycle: Talisman of Curiosity, Talisman of Dominance etc. You need more rocks and means of fixing your manabase.
- Kodama's Reach: The Sister to Cultivate - you need as many options as possible to fix your manabase in this deck as you are running all 5 colors. 5 Color decks tend to run slow and inefficient if you don't invest heavily in the manabase and/or in many different options for color fixing. On that same note, consider Skyshroud Claim as it is also very similar in nature as long as you have lands with multiple subtypes e.g. Stomping Ground
or Breeding Pool
which are both Forests but also are other land types. Also on that note - get shocklands. All of them. If you can also afford it get the Kahns of Tarkir/Onslaught/Zendikar Fetchlands as well. An okay cheaper substitute for the previously mentioned would be the Mirage Fetchlands - but they're an incomplete cycle. Sorry for the tangent here.
Now, these are just a start to some suggestions and ideas for your deck. But we can't get started until you designate your commander. Then we can start cutting to make room. Are there any pet cards or ideas you have? Please share.
AThiccNacho on
A sliver of gold
10 months ago
Any particular reason Homing Sliver isn't there? Being able to slivercycle is quite nice. You can search for overlord, manaweft or even crib swap (it doesn't specify creature, only sliver CARD).
I think it homogenizes the gameplay a bit, but can be much needed if you're locked into a position with no immediate answers.
Dormant Sliver is also pretty nice but you won't be able to attack, but if you get gemhide/manaweft out, you can start populating the board while drawing cards, then sacrifice them with Basal Sliver, Cautery Sliver (not idea since it costs ) or Necrotic Sliver. Might not be ideal with morophon as your commander as it's easier to tutor with Overlord.
Overall, classic sliver deck!
zegmoth on
Sliver DADA
11 months ago
coucou j'adore ton deck ! J'ajouterai bien un Descendants' Path, Commander's Sphere, les temples et thriving. Temple of the False God je suis pas fan dans 5C.
Des bisous de charente, 16000
Attention ! Dormant Sliver tu vas pas rire ;)
Goyfs-R-Us on
All Hail The Overlord
1 year ago
DoctorMunchiesPHD Crypt Sliver winds up being more mana efficient in board states without Training Grounds. Love Brood Sliver always have always will. Frenetic Sliver is more a last resort removal protection and more often then not is a blue card to pitch for Force of Will or used to get Dormant Sliver off the board if I need to attack to finish someone. Don't really need mana reduction from Herald's Horn and it winds up not discounting a number of important Slivers in the deck. I'm not the biggest fan of the tutors that put the card on the top of the deck and not in hand, Worldly Tutor was the closest to making the deck among your suggestions but I chose Vampiric Tutor over it, due to the greater versatility and not having to reveal the card.
Goyfs-R-Us on
All Hail The Overlord
1 year ago
Profet93 Deflecting Swat While a fine card is a bit narrow for my taste in pseudo counters as it doesn't stop non target spells/abilities. Rhystic Study and Mystic Remora as well as additional draw effects aren't really necessary for the deck in my opinion as the Commander can tutor for whatever combo pieces or answers you need. The high creature count is necessary to feed cards like Descendants' Path, Faces of the Past, Intruder Alarm, Mana Echoes, Patriarch's Bidding, Dormant Sliver, Gemhide Sliver and Manaweft Sliver. While you can win through an overwhelming board state, the main goal of the deck is to usually win through infinite combos which can be searched out by Sliver Overlord.
LetterLeach on
The Death of the Swarm - [EDH]
1 year ago
Hello, i have some recommendations, specifically with the use of Encore in mind
Dormant Sliver- when encored it becomes a draw Y Times y cards were y is the number of opponents, in a 4 player game thats a four mana draw 9, and then each encore thereafter also draws nine, and sure you need a sac outlet to do combat that turn after you draw but your hand will never be fuller
Leeching Sliver + Thorncaster Sliver both deal great damage on declare attacks, with thorncaster able to clear away specific blockers before they can be declared, if only there were a card to quickly generate a lot of bodies for slivers... oh how about Irregular Cohort? although you will need a haste enabler for the tokens that the etb makes
Moritte of the Frost also lets you copy your 3 best permanents (importantly the legend rule is disabled for slivers you control so keep it in mind in play)
also Ward Sliver getting an encore can give you prot from half the color wheel :)
Licecolony on What is Your Opinion of …
1 year ago
If I can't proxy my King Suleiman and Sliver Overlord and Morophon, the Boundless for my Anti Tribal-Tribal Tribal deck then I wouldn't have and Anti Tribal-Tribal Tribal deck.
Anti Tribal-Tribal Tribal
Truth is, it's a bad deck. It does cool stuff, but it's not cEDH by any means. If playing original dual lands makes it a bit better, it lets me play more cards like Floating-Dream Zubera and Dormant Sliver. I don't see how that could be bad or mean I lack creativity.
Budget does not breed creativity. It makes it difficult to express creativity.
MagicMarc on
5color Sliver
2 years ago
It is nice to see you making changes in a good direction with the deck!
Regarding your land; I would suggest spreading out your basics. You have a lot of plains but only a singleton or so in the other colors. Even it out as best you can since you are playing a 5 color deck. If anything, I would go higher on forests than any other basic because your mana slivers are green and your spells to get more land are green.
About the cards you added to the deck; I would drop Dormant Sliver, Metallic Sliver and The Locust God and add in Brood Sliver, Toxin Sliver, and Kindred Summons. Dormant Sliver is a trap. The card draw sounds awesome but when you play it you take away the one thing that slivers do best, Attack! You should never be on the defensive with a tuned sliver deck. Your opponents need to be. Metallic Sliver is a contradiction of Sliver Tribal. It is a vanilla sliver that adds no new ability to the tribe. It should never be in any Sliver deck. About the The Locust God. I understand how good this card is, but this is a Sliver deck and not a token Izzet deck. Save that for a different deck. Drop it for Galerider Sliver, Diffusion Sliver, or Venom Sliver. Seriously speaking, giving Slivers flying or death touch will just win games and you won't miss The Locust God.
About making more room in the deck; You have a lot of spells for a tribal creature deck and there is a little room to shave. I would suggest removing Aphetto Dredging, Bala Ged Recovery Flip, and Chain Reaction. Aphetto Dredging just does not do enough in this deck. To begin with, you need to have played and lost three Slivers to see its total benefit. So if you arent losing Slivers or did not play any good ones, this card is dead in your hand in many games. I would try to get a copy of Haunting Voyage instead. Casting this can flip a game in your favor. It is the same with Bala Ged Recovery Flip. No one Sliver is important enough to get back by itself so unless a card gets them all back or puts them into play then it is just sub-par. You already have a bunch of removal, maybe even too much so I would cut Chain Reaction. It is not one-sided and does not have any extra benefit. Replace all three of these with more slivers. Especially from the list I already suggested.
You need to focus on what the deck is. It's all about Slivers. Any card in your deck that is not a Sliver should already have it's value questioned by you. So it has to do something great to win games or help you win games to stay in the deck. Anything else can be cut for more Slivers.
Most of your other cards are good support, removal or counters. I think you could still shave a few more cards but I would wait to see after you make adjustments and play the deck for a while before cutting anything else. Once you have more Slivers in the deck and in play during games you should see a big change in it's performance.
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