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Charge Across the Araba
Instant — Arcane
Sweep - Return any number of Plains you control to their owner's hand. Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn for each Plains returned this way.

im_just_a_lamp_bro on
Angel's Exalted (Pauper Angel Tribal)
2 years ago
I'm currently building this deck myself and I noticed that Charge Across the Araba could make a great finisher in the late game, what do you think?
legendofa on Worst Mechanics
2 years ago
Depending on the flavor of "worst" you're looking for:
A lot of people tend to misinterpret Regenerate, which is probably why it got removed. Drudge Skeletons
I think Cipher and Soulshift had potential, they just didn't get any good cards, topping out at "decent" or "usable in the right deck." Trait Doctoring, Kami of Lunacy
Sweep has only four cards, and all of them are pretty weak, and not worth the cost of returning lands to your hand. Charge Across the Araba
Radiance, the original Boros mechanic in Ravnica, is awkward to use offensively and underwhelming defensively, leaving it without any good use. It has a focus on mono-color that was out of place in its home set and undesirable in any current Constructed format. Wojek Embermage
rb701 on
Mono White Humans
3 years ago
if you want to stay tribal, you could trade Mirran Crusader for Auriok Champion. keeps in the human type, has good protection, and has life support which is always nice. i would consider putting in Leonin Sun Standard for a group-boost in case someone plays something like Anger of the Gods, that way (if you have the mana) you can save a bunch of the creatures. Charge Across the Araba has a similar effect, but it's a one-shot with a HUGE risk that is minimal in the reward (3 out of 5 colors have a "fog" spell or effect available, and are used frequently competitively)
AoE_Freak on
White Token EDH Brimaz, Snow Soldier
4 years ago
Have you considered the card Charge Across the Araba? It seems like a nice instant speed way to finish a game in a token deck, and you don't need to return the plains until it resolves, so it getting countered isn't just a loss.
Firstmiracle on
OKetra Human Zombo alliance
5 years ago
Ok Niko, Quick Breakdown of what you've got here.
I notice several themes integrated into the deck. You should probably only focus on one theme, and if a secondary theme crops up take advantage of it's synergies. Right now I'm seeing:
Tokens Populate Soldiers Lifegain Creature Count Matters Enchantments Matter
Next we look at targeted removal:
Wanderer's Strike - Just one removal spell is too few. What happens if someone plays a dank artifact or enchantment? Do you just die to it?
Next we'll look at boardwipes:
Hour of Revelation - Some heavy restrictions here. Do you really want to wait for your boardwipe to become discounted? This is also too few board wipes. What happens if the creatures are indestructible? Or if Someone plays around Hour of Rev?
Next we'll look at ramp:
Smothering Tithe - Excellent choice, and a real over-performing option as well.
Ashnod's Altar - Excellent way to make use of your tokens and small costed buddies.
Everflowing Chalice - Aight, not my first pick, but it's aight.
Sol Ring - Duh
This is a pretty good ramp package, but I think we could upgrade it.
Next we'll break down your card draw options:
Mentor of the Meek - Decent in this deck. Sure the tokens you want to make the most of don't work out, and a few cards you play can turn this on. I like him, lets optimize creatures around him to make him better.
Skullclamp - Ayup!
Two cards that draw for you is a good start, lets add in some more.
Alright, let's cut everything that isn't a creature, that doesn't make tokens on its own, that isn't removal, card draw, boardwipes, or ramp, that doesn't have synergy with your commander.
Ajani's Welcome - A great card, but definitely reserve it for a build where you abuse your life totals more so than make creatures.
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit - Most of your creatures are tokens.
Angel of Glory's Rise - Anti-synergies with your commander, and the tokens it creates.
Angel of Renewal - We can find a card that does something better.
Angelic Accord - We want to make angel tokens, but we're not here to gain life.
Angelic Chorus - While this looks good, it generally equates to 4-5 life a turn. Not bad, but not amazing for the investment in this deck.
Angelic Exaltation - Boy do I have mixed feelings on this card, suffice it to say, if you have no creatures, this card sucks. You might have no creatures when you draw this card. That would suck.
Elite Inquisitor - A good card, but we can do better.
Fiendslayer Paladin - A good card, but we can do better.
Forebear's Blade - There's a little synergy here, but to be honest you want a huge discount from this, and you're not likely to get a consistent discount.
Gleam of Authority - Odd counter strategy tossed in. I assume because of Cathars' Crusade which can win the game without gleam of authority.
Glorious Anthem - A great spell for a tempo based weeny deck. This is a cast based token deck.
Harvest Hand Flip- A good card, but we can do better.
Illusionist's Bracers - I think I understand why you included this, but it doesn't work with Oketra. Oketra's ability is triggered not activated. You probably were thinking of Strionic Resonator
Lena, Selfless Champion - You have so many more token creatures than non-token ones, and your zombie tokens don't benefit from her selflessness at all.
Martyr's Bond - This has potential in a deck that sacrifices it's stuff to maintain board control. I don' think this is a bad card, it just isn't a good enough fit.
Power Conduit -Here's that counter theme again.
Preeminent Captain - Soldier theme.
Sigil of the Empty Throne - Enchantment theme
Squad Captain -Creature count matters theme.
Standing Troops - A good card, but we can do better.
Sunblade Angel - A good card, but we can do better.
Umbral Mantle - I may have missed what this was for.
Veteran's Armaments - Soldier theme again.
Wanderer's Strike - A good card, but we can do better.
Now, I am well aware that this is a lot of cards. Let's shore up your deck, maybe by analyzing your win conditions.
God-Eternal Oketra + Creature Spells = Profit
God-Eternal Oketra + Cathars' Crusade + Creature Spells = Board pump
Token Makers + Divine Visitation = Profit
Expendable Tokens + Ashnod's Altar = Profit
So you win by smacking with a bunch of medium sized tokens, most of the time. This means you need to do three things, Play creatures, Draw Creature spells, and protect your creatures.
Let's start by adding in some badass creatures that fit in your deck well.
Loyal Sentry - One mana has never been spent so well. In the late game it makes a token, in the early game it swings for damage, in the mid game it blocks and destroys pesky creatures.
Knight of the White Orchid - A bear with first strike that ramps you. Pretty good.
Oreskos Explorer - I would never play this in a non-mono-white deck. This does however let you catch up if you are late on land draws, and is at worst a bear to block with.
Benalish Marshal - Glorious Anthem
Boreas Charger - Ramp bud, ramp in mono-white whenever possible. Helps that you could make a zombie, or sac it to skullclamp.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos - I heard you wanted more cats? Can I convince you to play more cats?
Leonin Warleader - This was a card in your maybeboard, its really good.
Oketra the True - This is a fairly good card. Big blocker, or a token generator if you're doing poorly. I often hold her in hand to dump and rebuild after a board wipe.
Ranger of Eos - Only a few cards in your deck that this can retrieve, but a refill alongside making a zombie is an incredibly reserved play that could prevent you from over committing to the board.
Crested Sunmare - Don't get confused. This card cares if you gain life, but not how much. You have plenty of life gain left in the deck to justify making an army of 5/5 indestructible horses.
Geist-Honored Monk - Build a board, save for right after board wipes, or to pull ahead and force one. This is at worst a 3/3 with Vigilance, and two 1/1's with flying for 5 mana. Most often, this will be a 5/5 with vigilance, two 1/1's with flying and a 4/4 with vigilance for 5 mana.
Sun Titan - Sun Titan is Sun Titan. No mono-white deck could be ashamed to run it.
Angel of Serenity - This card is heavily underrated. It is removal, with the possibility to come back, but its also an easy way to sneak in a lethal attack while generating some board presence.
Good on creatures now? Awesome, let's look at Instants.
Swords to Plowshares - Remove that creature.
Generous Gift - Remove that Permanent. Oh and make a creature smaller than my Zombie tokens.
Disenchant - Get that Artifact or Enchantment off my battlefield and in your graveyard.
Rootborn Defenses - Yeah, this.
Unbreakable Formation - This can win games, or prevent the loss of games.
Return to Dust - Fuck these two things in particular, or just one if it's that bad.
Charge Across the Araba - Talk about stupid unpredictable win-cons for a mid-range token deck. This is one.
That about wraps up Instants, now Sorceries.
Divine Reckoning - Protects your general, but still clears the board.
Hallowed Burial - For those mf'ers that don't die.
Austere Command - A very utility board wipe.
Lastly add in a Land Tax
buraddo79 on
7 years ago
Yeah, I'm not trying to be as oppressive as Iona, Shield of Emeria, and I'm not dealing with a lot of counter spells in my meta to need Cavern of Souls. Metallic Mimic, however is one I missed. That could be good. The ramp/discount suit you described is good, and maybe I should add some. I took out Gift of Estates, and Pearl Medallion because I wasn't too worried about needing ramp due to low CMC. I do have Endless Horizons, Oath of Lieges, Solemn Simulacrum, Caged Sun. Maybe Pearl Medallion would be good. I guess I'm trying to keep as many clerics in as possible to benefit from their various abilities. But like you said this is a passive deck, so an explosive finisher is something I'm looking for. Charge Across the Araba, Aetherflux Reservoir,Reverse the Sands, and the Karma Stern Judge combo are some example of what I mean, since I'm not likely to win by beat down until I get Coat of Arms on board.
aves01 on
Oyobi, the Coolest Spirit in the Multiverse
9 years ago
Famicomania, Door of Destinies draws a lot of hate--and it's easily destroyed. While Charge Across the Araba is vulnerable to counterspells, it isn't so easily killed. If you look at our strategy section, you'll see why we don't want things hated on in the early game--we don't have a very strong early game.
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