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One Thousand Lashes
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature can't attack or block and its activated abilities can't be activated.
At the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted creature's controller, that player loses 1 life.

ghostfire86 on
Liesa leeches
4 years ago
For starters, remove
Think about adding in
Gravecrawler, Phyrexian Altar, Mutavault to abuse Hidden Stockpile
griffstick on Need help finding cards to …
4 years ago
Control Magic, Chamber of Manipulation, Parasitic Impetus, Abduction, Confiscate, corrupted conscious, Dream Leash, incase in ice, Enslave, Faith Unbroken, In Bolas's Clutches, Infinite Reflection, Lay Claim, Leaden Fists, Mind Control, Persuasion, Prison Term, Spectral Grasp, Spirit Away, take posession, Treachery, Vow of Duty, Vow of Flight, Vow of Lightning, vow of malace, Vow of Wildness, Weight of Conscience, Winter's Rest, Yavimaya's Embrace, Arrest, Bonds of Faith, Bound by Moonsilver, Bound in Silence, Cage of Hands, Cagemail, Captured by the Consulate, Caught in the Brights, Cessation, Choking Restraints, Crystallization, Demonic Torment, Desert's Hold, Dreadful Apathy, Faith's Fetters, Forced Worship, Hobble, Ice Cage, Kirtar's Desire, Krasis Incubation, Lawmage's Binding, Luminous Bonds, One Thousand Lashes, Pacifism, Pillory of the Sleepless, Recumbent Bliss, Revoke Privileges, Capture Sphere, Castaway's Despair, Charmed Sleep, Claustrophobia, Encrust, Malfunction, Mystic Restraints, Numbing Dose, Shackles, Sleep Paralysis, Stasis Cell, Unquenchable Thirst, Waterknot, Martial Impetus, Predatory Impetus, Psychic Impetus, shinny impetus, Darksteel Mutation, Deep Freeze, Frogify, Ichthyomorphosis, Imprisoned in the Moon, Kasmina's Transmutation, kenrith's transmutation, Lignify, One with the Stars, Reprobation, Song of the Dryads
and that's just auras
Blobby_Bobby on
Kambal - First Approach to Commander
4 years ago
That is a very good question, what to cut. I don't want to micromanage anything but here are cards I feel are "weak" with what you have going (also, keep Dash Hopes if your play group hates it, it must be good ;))
Out (?): Conclave Tribunal
Dictate of Erebos (I know, it's an amazing card, but without creature support it isn't actually doing anything for you. This is a soft cut, it's always going to put a little work in just like Butcher of Malakir)
Maybe replace Prison Realm with One Thousand Lashes and/or Faith's Fetters
I LOVE Subversion but is it really putting in enough UMPH for 5 CMC? I really like Righteous Cause but that's just me. Hissing Miasma is pretty cool too, no life gain but it's cheaper and deters attacks.
Consecrate / Consume (hope formatting works here) is a 4 cmc kind of squanky force sacrifice of the most dangerous (most powerful) creature of an opponent. I don't like it. You have a huge removal suite and this seems like a good cut. You have Orzhov, you are the removal king and you can Murder or Return to Dust
Consecrate / Consume is too situational to be useful in your go-to 100
Revival / Revenge is sexy, keep it. But look at what cards actually make it mean something. Serra Avatar Evra, Halcyon Witness Sunbond etc. Play around with it, but in my experience, it is rare for doubling your life total to more impactful than gaining 3 instances of life gain. (but look at Wall of Reverence
Cut Dismember for more "UMPH" (kill conditions) Cut Make a Stand for more "UMPH" (kill conditions) Cut Nightmare's Thirst It is too situational for you. We can find better removal. Find room for more "UMPH" (kill conditions) Cut Rootborn Defenses we're going to add some creatures who love life gain after this section
OK, stick with me on this one: Liliana, Dreadhorde General draws cards for dead creatures, right? But... you don't have creatures (really) in your deck... Not saying cut her, but she would and will be happier in a sacrifice black deck (Maybe a Sheoldred, Whispering One deck, I think you could do it). If you need to make cuts I'm saying she isn't doing much for you here but letting you draw sometimes.
We're not abusing Athreos, God of Passage but he's too awesome to cut. If he isn't pulling his weight in this deck you can ship me the card, I'll give you my address. ;)
Mentioned Butcher of Malakir before: awesome card as deterrence but it shines when you have a lot of token to sacrifice for value. not an immediate cut, but if you include Sheoldred, Whispering One and Dictate of Erebos you might want want to add some sacrifice/recursion to capitalize. Making your sacrifices give you advantage and hurt your enemies is the coolest thing black can do.
Cut Piper of the Swarm replace with Vampire Cutthroat or Vampire Nighthawk or Call to the Feast or really anything. Piper isn't helping your mechanics. Replace with Sunscorch Regent because that guy beefs up fast and hard.
In (?)
Dusk is a great wipe and the dual nature of the card gives utility.
This is your call. I'd recommend Sunscorch Regent as a win-con.
Serra Avatar is great with life gain, especially if you add Rogue's Passage
Just look for ways to make that life gain work for you: Bloodbond Vampire Bloodthirsty Aerialist Ajani's Pridemate
Rebuff the Wicked is a fantastic counterspell, works with you control aspect. If it were me I'd add more card draw and Approach of the Second Sun and aim for that. Easier win con than Revel in Riches in my experience (have mardu deck based on treasure, removal and alternate win cons and Approach of the Second Sun is much easier and more reliable than Revel in Riches.
I don't know what else to say. You make your own Kambal deck. Just know you need some "UMPH" to take down your opponents beyond some life gain and drain. I love the build, but you need to 'seal the deal' as it were.
DemonDragonJ on Infernal Majesty
6 years ago
Funkydiscogod, Boza, both of those cards are good, but they do not reward their owner for sacrificing a creature (by causing their opponents to lose life) nor punish them for failing to do so (by making them lose life).
Also, the original card did not cause the creature to tap if its controller failed to sacrifice a creature, so I do not wish for mine to do so, either, because that would make the creature useless, in addition causing loss of life.
Furthermore, the long wording for the triggered ability was also used on One Thousand Lashes, so I am not the first player to use it.
PonchoLibre on
Lifegain LOLZ
6 years ago
If you want to inch towards a more drain and gain over several turns here are a few ideas you might want to consider
Stab Wound, Pillory of the Sleepless, One Thousand Lashes, Visions of Brutality, Agent of Masks, and Sinister Possession
If you want to proceed along a more lifegain based creature buff type thing then you might want to consider
Fiendslayer Paladin, Authority of the Consuls, Fumigate, Blind Obedience, and Ajani's Pridemate
G_Austin on
Oloro's lifegain. #53
7 years ago
Our decks are kinda similar? Some cards I found useful:Karlov of the Ghost CouncilWhip of ErebosOne Thousand LashesOrzhov KeyruneI wouldn't do Blood Baron of Vizkopa. Does better in Orzhov than in Esper decks.
UseForgottenAncient on
Ah, Curses!
7 years ago
Pillory of the Sleepless is STRICTLY better than One Thousand Lashes, and like 5 cents more. Also, manabase could use work (though I know the money pains).
NoSoyYucateco on
[EDH] Obzedat Bubble Defense V3
7 years ago
This is a big improvement, but I did some playtests and I almost always start missing land drops after turn 3 or 4, unless I get Land Tax or Weathered Wayfarer. In one particularly frustrating game, I had Solemn Simulacrum in hand, but was unable to get above 3 mana by turn 6, so he never saw play. In another game, I had the same scenario with Gilded Lotus.
These are some cards I think you could cut to speed things up, either by replacing them with lands and rocks, or with more efficient cards.
Debtors' Knell: It costs so much, and does nothing until your next turn (making it wide open for removal.) It's also your most expensive card, yet it isn't central to your winning strategy. In my experience, this card is only good if you can cheat it onto the battlefield. At 7 mana, I'd much rather have Rise of the Dark Realms for two more and just call it a day.
One Thousand Lashes: I'd rather pay half as much for Darksteel Mutation.
Spiritual Asylum: Orzhov is resilient to spot removal anyway. Lightning Greaves for your most important pieces.
Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath: I don't see how any of his abilities are super relevant. In most cases, the net result of casting him is that you get a vanilla 5/5 flyer for 5 mana. That's not great.
Liliana Vess: 5 mana for a tutor that puts something on top of your library. You can do better. With so few creatures, you shouldn't expect any planeswalkers to last more than one go around the table, so they need to be able to do big things the same turn you play them, like Sorin Markov.
Athreos, God of Passage: You don't have many creatures. The ones you do are pretty much all bombs, so your opponents will just pay to keep them in your yard. I can see him maybe draining for 6 life in a game, which is okay, but it's not spectacular.
Spelltithe Enforcer: He's not bad, but he isn't worth 5 mana in my book. Personally, since you're going for pillow fort, I'd much rather have Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker.
Norn's Annex: This card can buy you some time, but it's the weakest pillow fort card you have.
I highly recommend going up to at least 37 lands and 6 rocks. As it stands here, you will rarely be able to play more than one spell per turn with this curve, which is important when you want to set up two-piece combos like Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood.
Also, you have very little draw here. I'm counting Phyrexian Arena, Greed, and Erebos, God of the Dead, and that's it. You have great ways of tutoring out Necropotence. I would recommend adding that. If you can keep your hand full, you won't need to replicate your efforts with so many copies of cards that have similar effects.
Lastly, I would recommend adding Expedition Map to help you set up Urborg/Coffers.