Mental Discipline

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mental Discipline


(1)(Blue), Discard a card: Draw a card.

Gattison on Almost Broke The Format, Until …

3 years ago

What about instead of the Drannith Bros. you used something like Cunning Survivor and a " rummage " effect?

  1. something like Faithless Salvaging , Epiphany Storm
  2. or make use of creatures that rummage on ETB like Fissure Wizard (fun card name to say lol)
  3. or Flux
  4. Krovikan Sorcerer 's second ability looks kinda promising
  5. Mental Discipline is not a creature, but would need lots of mana. Oona's Grace would also be repeatable once it hits your graveyard, but it's still mana-hungry.
  6. Also note that if your use Brainstorm you could set up your draw, allowing you to use all the blue spells that draw THEN discard like Zephyr Scribe

That's all I could think of so far. Does that help inspire anybody, or am I reaching like usual? Maybe cram it all together and with all that draw you're bound to get Cunning Survivor in a reasonable amount of time?

MtG-Crash on [PDH] Tatyova Combo

4 years ago


I think even Mental Discipline would be a better choice than Petals, because at least one of your tutors can find it. I mean, it doesnt change that much though, because it is the same tutor that could find you Ghostly Flicker, which draws you cards too, but in case Flicker is gone... You could at least go for Discipline. Discipline is also the better card outside of the combo.

I'd argue it is Whispers >>> Discipline > Displace >> Petals.

Lhurgyof on The Sagas of Muldrotha and her Mediocre-Friends

4 years ago

How do you feel about Destiny Spinner ? I feel like it would help protect some of your big plays. I think Sphinx of the Second Sun might be cool in here too if you think you could fit it. Another draw and untap is useful, plus you'd trigger your sagas twice a turn. The only downside I can see are cumulative upkeep cards like Elephant Grass and Mystic Remora .

I'd replace Mental Discipline with Compulsion . Compulsion is a straight upgrade in that it costs less and it can sac itself for a card too.

Getting into more expensive stuff, I feel like Squandered Resources would allow for some absolute bomb plays in here. City of Solitude and the much more affordable Dosan the Falling Leaf would protect you quite well, considering you only run two instants I don't think they would hold you back much at all.

As far as cuts go, I would look at Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted , Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage , and Arlinn, Voice of the Pack look/feel weak to me. I don't think they offer much to the deck and while Arlinn does make tokens it feels kind of meh compared to other walkers like Vraska.

Medomai's Prophecy seems pretty weak to me as well, maybe you have different experiences than I do but it feels really weak compared to other sagas. Having to name your next play could be risky too depending on what you have for options in your hand.

+1 from me, really cool take on Muldrotha!

Flooremoji on Pauper deck building challenges?

5 years ago

Who cares? All that matters is if you have fun! :)

On a side note, please show me your Mental Discipline deck-- I haven't been able to finish one yet.

jpsuchecki on Reanimator Toolbox Combo

6 years ago

4nTi0cH_Gh0sT actually looking up Gifts is how I ended up on the page. I was trying to figure out if it was banned or not.

But don't worry about it. Like with all magic you are constantly refining your process. My Muldrotha deck is still in the prototype stages. Ambassador Laquatus, Magus of the Jar, and Solemn Simulacrum could all work well here too. I've been tempted to try Fraying Sanity on myself too. I'm not sure if it would work or if it would get out of control.

Also in most EDH games you can expect a few board wipes. Besides a few force sacrifices, you don't have much. Plague Wind, Crux of Fate, Nevinyrral's Disk, and/or In Garruk's Wake. There are more, those are just some suggestions. There is a page that list all boardwipes here on tappedout.

Also consider things like Mental Discipline or Journey to Eternity.

DrukenReaps on Trying to think of some …

6 years ago

Two sets of cards for you. This first set is exactly what you asked for:

Azure Mage, Diviner's Wand, Prophet of Distortion, Sphinx of Magosi, Treasure Trove

This set is almost what you asked for and can work depending on what exactly you are doing:

Book of Rass, Carnage Altar, Compulsion, Mesmeric Trance, Mental Discipline, Skyscribing