
Enchantment (1)

Originally, a Rule-0 deck with Evershrike as the Commander, it lacked a consistent win-con so I made the deck EDH-legal.

Evershrike + Spirit Loop is the inspiration behind this deck. Together Evershrike becomes a 4-mana "Can not be countered, can be cast from the graveyard." Flash, Flying, Lifelink, 4/4. In 60-card it was a persistent wall and body that I wished to translate over to EDH. Cards like Brave the Sands // High Ground along with Dredging Claw // Sai of the Shinobi // Stormrider Rig along with Rune of Mortality // Rune of Sustenance // Knighthood are all to give the alt-commander more bite.

Pillowfort to stall out a win with Flying-Deathtouch creature + First Strike equipment. If the opponent's creatures also have First Strike use Commander Eesha, Dawn Elemental, Phyrexian Vindicator, and/or Seraph of the Sword for more stall.

I'm only using cheap CMC auras I can use to enchant my lands and myself as these targets are harder for my opponents to remove than on creatures.

Efficient Draw Engines:

(1) Bloodghast + Skullclamp

(2) Land Tax + Scroll Rackfoil

(3) Ratchet, Field Medic   + Implement of Improvement

(4) Underworld Connections + Verrak, Warped Sengir

Win-Condition: Eriette of the Charmed Apple

Alt-Win-Con: Henrika, Infernal Seer   + Brave the Sands

This deck is brand new, and I ran out of room to fit removal. Once I acquire the deck, all cards that fall below expectations in casual games will subsequently be scrapped for removal.


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91% Casual


Date added 1 month
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.28
Tokens Copy Clone, Soldier 1/1 W
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